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    • 1、摘要房地产营销深受宏观经济环境的影响。国家的宏观调控对房地产市场的一系列高压政策使得房地产市场的形势日趋严峻。另一方面,随着房地产业需求的不断增长,购房者对营销服务质量和效率的要求也日益提高,传统的房地产市场营销方式已不能满足人们日益多元化、个性化的需求。因此,对创新的营销模式的研究,也已成为房地产企业在严酷的国家政策中求生存,求发展的必要途径。本文尝试探讨中国房地产公关营销模式,大体通过以下几个部分展开。第一部分:简单介绍选题的缘起、研究的意义及研究的目标、内容和方法;第二部分:基于房地产公关营销模式的文献研究及相关理论研究,对房地产公关营销模式的理论研究现状与不足进行阐述;第三部分,基于我国房地产公关营销发展演进的几个主要阶段,研究我国房地产公关营销在实践中存在的不足;第四部分:基于关系理论与营销战略理论,从战略核心层面、营销战略层面、战略运营层面进行“中国房地产公关营销模式”的设计与解读;第五部分:以三大成功的中国房地产公关营销案例为原型,提出“全产业链”房地产公关营销模式、“高端跨界”房地产公关营销模式和“企业家代言”房地产公关营销模式,以现实案例验证第四章的“中国房地产公关营

      2、销模式”;第六部分,结论与展望,本章对全文进行了概括性的阐述。本文基于创新的思想理念,遵循理论分析和实践应用相结合的原则, 运用公共关系学、市场营销学等多学科理论和方法进行跨学科研究。论文尝试提出的“房地产公关营销模式”对巩固和强化房地产企业与社会各方面的公共关系,如政府关系、融资机构的关系、猎头公司的关系、媒体的关系,及客户关系等,促进房地产营销理论与实践的创新结合,具备重要的理论价值及现实指导意义。关键词房地产 公共关系 营销 策略 模式iiAbstractReal estate marketing is deeply affected by the macroeconomic environment. Withthe introduction of “eight real estate market regulation measures” and bylaws of realestate “house purchase restrictions” in numerous cities, real estate market situationbecomes more sever

      3、e. On the other hand, with the growing demand of the real estateindustry, requirements of the buyers on the quality and efficiency of marketing servicesare also increasing. The traditional real estate marketing approaches have failed to meetthe increasingly diversified and personalized needs. Therefore, for the real estateenterprises, how to avoid risks under the national macro-control policies, and how toinnovate their marketing modes have become the focus of corporation.This paper attempts to

      4、explore the PR marketing mode of Chinese real estate,expanding generally from the following parts. The first part: simply introduce the topic,significance of research and objective, content and approaches of research; the secondpart: elaborate on theoretical research status and deficiency of PR marketing mode of realestate on the basis of literature study and related theoretical research of PR marketingmode of real estate; the third part: research the deficiencies of real estate PR marketingexis

      5、ting in the practice based on several major phases of Chinese real estate PRmarketing development evolution; the fourth part: conduct design and interpretation of“PR marketing mode of Chinese real estate” in aspects of strategic core, marketingstrategy and strategic operations grounding on relational theory and theory of marketingstrategy; the fifth part: taking three major successful Chinese real estate PR marketingcases as examples, put forward “whole industry chain” real estate PR marketing m

      6、ode,“high-end cross-border” real estate PR marketing mode and “entrepreneurs endorsement”real estate PR marketing mode. Verify the “Chinese real estate PR marketing mode” inChapter IV by the real cases; the sixth part: conclusion and perspective, this chapter isrecapitulative presentation of the whole text.This paper conducts interdisciplinary research on the basis of innovative concept,iiifollowing the principle of combination of theoretical analysis and practical application,utilizing the theo

      7、ries and methods of public relations, marketing and other disciplines.This paper attempts to propose “real estate PR marketing mode” which has significanttheoretical value and realistic guiding significance for consolidating and strengtheningpublic relations with corporate parties, especially the customers, as well as promoting theinnovative development of real estate marketing.KeywordReal estate; public relations; marketing; strategy; mode目录中文摘要 . iAbstract . ii第一章 绪论 . 11.1 选题背景. 11.2 研究的理论意义与

      8、实践价值. 21.3 研究的目标、内容与方法. 2第二章 房地产公关营销模式的理论研究现状 . 42.1 公关营销的概念辨析. 42.2 房地产公关营销模式的研究现状及不足之处 . 62.2.1 房地产公关营销模式的研究现状 . 62.2.2 房地产公关营销模式研究的不足之处. 102.3 房地产公共关系营销模式的相关理论. 112.3.1 “营销战略”相关理论 . 112.3.2 “关系营销”相关理论 . 15第三章 房地产公关营销在实践中的发展现状 . 173.1 我国房地产公关营销发展演进的几个主要阶段 . 173.1.1 基于“以产定销”的房地产公关营销阶段. 173.1.2 基于“产品销售”的房地产公关营销阶段 . 183.1.3 基于“产品营销”的房地产公关营销阶段 . 193.1.4 基于“概念营销”的房地产公关营销阶段. 203.1.5 基于“事件营销”的房地产公关营销阶段. 213.1.6 基于“整合营销”的房地产公关营销阶段 . 233.1.7 基于“社会关系营销”的房地产公关营销阶段 . 253.1.8 数字营销时代的房地产公关营销变局 . 263.2 我国房地产公关营


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