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    • 1、湖南省部分学校2022-2023学年高三一轮复习联考(四)英语试题学校:姓名:班级:考号:一、阅读理解If you love talking about vacations as much as you love going on vacation,then this cardgame Destination Anywhere from TableTopics is for you.There arent any rulesif s just you,your friend,and 135 cards printed withconversation starters that all relate to travel.The questions are open enough.They mightinspire you to share the funniest stories from your previous travels.uWhat do you alwaysforget when youre packing fbr a trip?may,fbr example,remin

      2、d you of the time when youforgot to bring your tent on a week-long hike.And“Do you prefer making tours or seeingsites on your own?”is practically begging your sister to talk about the time she got lost on aself-guided tour through the Tuscan countryside and was rescued by a kindly old sheepherder.The game is recommended to ages 12 and up,and you can get it on Amazon for$25.If the Destination Anywhere version doesnt sit well with you,there are plenty of otherTableTopics versions to choose from.Th

      3、e“Geek Pop!”edition($22)could encourage a livelydebate.Not Your Moms Dinner Party“edition($25)will keep your guests entertained withquestions like“Have you ever been accompanied by security?The“Family”edition($25)isa great way to get silent kids to come out of their shells a little.Would you rather know howto fly a plane,drive a race car,or rock climb?pretty much guarantees an answer that isnt“Yes”No”,or“Good”.You can browse all the TableTopics card set on Amazon.1、What do we know about the game

      4、 Destination Anywhere?A.It is only suitable for adults to play.B.It requires players to follow certain rules.C.It prompts people to start talking about travel.D.It is the cheapest of all the TableTopics card games.2、Which of the following edition can help introverted children to talk more?A.FamilyB.Geek Pop!B.C.Destination AnywhereD.Not Your Moms Dinner Party3、Whafs the purpose of the text?A.To show how to play the card games.B.To give suggestions on holding parties.C.To encourage people to go o

      5、n vacation.D.To recommend the TableTopics card set.The waste management park at Water Beach in Cambridge-shire handles 400,000 tons ofrecycling every year.Fran Hawes is standing on the edge of a mountain of dry recycling.She says,Some thinkifs a discouraging thing,but for me personally,it is a huge responsibility.Fran,who startedto do the job at the age of 26,takes her job very seriously.am that annoying person at aparty who will get everyones recycling and make sure everything goes in the right

      6、 bin,“sheadmits.Thats my job.Thats my mission.Thats what I need to do.It allows me to find myleadership style.”Bin loader Richard Hughes and his colleagues clock on at the waste service garage in Peterborough at 6:30 and are out emptying bins within half an hour.Richard works four 12-hourdays and admits the pay and the condition are not greatbut there are three days off whichhe can spare to his partner and children.His colleague Crystal Teal has been working as a binloader for two and a half mon

      7、ths.I didnt feel my last job gave me self-worth and generalhappiness,so I decided to change and do something completely different,“she says.Idecided to be a binman.It doesnt bother me that men are mainly doing it,“Crystal adds.Itcan be smelly some days,but go home and have a shower,youll be all right.”“When householders put the wrong material in the recycling bins,it makes me feel angrythat they are just putting it out there.Were doing our job to serve them.We are providingservice to take their

      8、rubbish away and they cant do their part to put the right things in,“saidRichard.“Any problem has a solutiontherefore Im not afraid of a pile of waste,“Fran says.Toany normal person,this might be intimidating(令人生畏的).Its a challenge.But this will begone by Monday moming.4、Why does Fran Hawes make others annoyed at a party?A.She asks everyone to be responsible for their jobs.B.She still performs her task of waste sorting.C.She hosts the party in a leadership way.D.She might be smelly at parties.5、

      9、Why did Crystal choose to be a bin loader?A.She needed a well-paid job.B.She preferred the three-day-off holiday.C.Its meaningfiil for her to do the job.D.All the colleagues were friendly to her.6、What made Richard sometimes angry?A.People didnt take out their rubbish.B.People threw away rubbish everywhere.C.People didnt sort their rubbish out rightly.D.People picked out useful things from the bins.7、Which of the following can best describe Fran?A.Honest and determined.B.Humorous and confident.C

      10、.Sensitive and talented.D.Responsible and optimistic.The State of the Worlds Birds-report from conservation group Bird Life is the latestcritical survey that highlight the scale of the current biodiversity crisis.It says,more than halfthe worlds bird species are in decline,as human activities including agriculture andexpansion into habitats continue to wreak havoc on bird populations.“We have already lost over 160 bird species in the last 500 years,and the rate of extinctionis accelerating,said


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