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    • 1、国际市场营销期末考试的题型及分值如下:(1)单项选择题(15题*1分=15分)(2)判断题(15题*1分=15分)(3)名词解释(5题*4分=20分)(4)简答题(5题*6分=30分)(5)案例分析(2题*10分=20分)Chapter 8 Developing a Global Vision Through Marketing Research名解:1. Marketing researchThe systematic gathering, recording, and analyzing of data to provide information useful to marketing decision making. 2. Secondary dataData collected already by some other agency, such as government statistics, NGO statistics, etc.3. Primary dataData collected specifically for the particular research

      2、 project.4. Expert opinionThe key in using expert opinion to help in forecasting demand is triangulation, that is comparing estimates produce by different sources.5. Parallel translationIt is used to overcome the inaccurate translation, in which more than two translators are used for the back translation; results are compared, differences discussed, and the most appropriate translation selected.6. Back translationA questionnaire is translated from a language to another, a second party translates

      3、 it back into the original, and the two original language versions are compared.简答:1. Discuss the problems of gathering secondary data in foreign markets.Availability of data 资料的可获得性The quantity and quality of marketing-related data is not available in many countries.Even in some countries, substantial data collection has been initiated (开始收集) only recently.Reliability of data 资料的可靠性Official statistics(官方数据) are sometimes too optimistic(乐观的),reflecting national pride rather than reality, while t

      4、ax structures(税收制度) and fear of the tax collector often adversely affect data.Comparability of data 资料的可比性In some countries, data can be many years out of date or have been collected on an infrequent schedule.Though some countries are now gathering reliable data, there are no historical data to compare with the current information.2. What are some problems created by language and the ability to comprehend the questions in collecting primary data? How can a foreign marketer overcome these difficu

      5、lties? P195在收集原始资料时,由于语言和理解能力带来的困难有那些?外国营销人员如何克服这些困难?Difficultiesl Ability to communicate opinions 表达观点的能力l Sampling in field survey 实地调查中的抽样l Language and comprehension 语言与理解l Willingness to respond. 回答的意愿Ways to overcome the problemsThe researcher must possess a high degree of cultural understanding of the market in which research is being conducted. 研究人员应对所研究市场的文化有相当的理解。A creative talent for adapting research methods is necessary. 必须有修正研究结果的创造性能力3. Problems in international marketing research

      6、l Stem from differences among countriesl Range from inability or unwillingness of respondents to communicate their opinions l Inadequacies in questionnaire translation4. The scope of international marketing research? Why is international marketing research generally broader in scope than domestic marketing research?l Economic and demographicl Cultural, sociological and political climatel Overview of market conditionsl Summary of technological environmentl Competitive situationl Because a country

      7、s political stability, cultural attributes and geographic characteristics are some of the kinds of information not ordinarily gathered by the domestic marketing research department, but they are required for a sound assessment of a foreign market.5. The process of international research?l Define the research problem and establish the research objectives.l Determine the sources of information to fulfill the research objectivesl Consider the costs and benefits of the research effortl Gather the re

      8、levant data from secondary or primary sources, or bothl Analyze, interpret and summarize the resultsl Effectively communicate the results to decision makersChapter 9 Global marketing management: Planning and Organization名解1. Tactical planning The process of taking the strategic plan and breaking it down into specific, short term actions and plans.( or pertains to specific actions and to the allocation of resources used to implement strategic planning goals in specific markets )2. Corporate plann

      9、ing 公司计划Corporate planning is essentially long term, incorporating generalized goals for the enterprises as a whole.公司计划是长远的,包含整合公司的总目标。3. Strategic planningl An organizations process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy, including its capital and people. l Various business analysis techniques can be used in strategic planning, including SWOT analysis, GE/McKinsey portfolio analysis, COPE analysis, PEST analysis, STEER analysis, and EPISTEL.(or it is conducted by the highest levels of management and deals with products, capital, research and the long-and short-term goals of the company.)4. Licensing 许可证协议l A means of establishing a foothold in foreign markets without large capital outlays是一种不需要大量资金支出就可以在国外建立一个立足点的办法。l A favorite str


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