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    • 1、天津大学21秋大学英语复习考核试题库答案参考1. When I was ill, my roommate went to _ a doctor.A、mineralB、shadowC、juiceD、fetch参考答案:D2. -Is that seat taken? -_A、Please dont worry.B、I dont think so.C、Why not?D、Its very nice.参考答案:B3. -Would you like some wine? -Yes. Just _.A、littleB、very littleC、little bitD、a little bit参考答案:D4. _ the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Saturday.A.In spite ofB.Because ofC.But forD.As for参考答案:C5. What is the train _ to Birmingham?A.feeB.tipC.fareD.cost参考答案:C6. I feel

      2、tired already. I may need a _ very soon.A.restB.handC.pathD.meal参考答案:A7. Therefore, she judges she can&39;t count on him to do the right thing or honor his ( ) to others.A.commitmentB.embankmentC.preachedD.glared参考答案:A8. The little valley beneath the ivy-covered hills became _ with white shirts.A.dotB.dottedC.dottingD.dots参考答案:B9. Passer-by: _? Local resident: Yes, there&39;s one near the end of the street. It&39;s behind the church.A.hello, sir. Wheres the bus stationB.Excuse me, sir. How can I

      3、 find the way to the police stationC.Excuse me. Is there a parking lot anywhere around hereD.Which building is the Department of Immigration, please参考答案:C10. -Jessica: I got home very late last night. I hope I didn&39;t disturb you. -Landlady: _.A.No. I heard a lot of noiseB.Yes, I didnt hear any noiseC.Yes, I didnt hear youD.No, I didnt hear a thing参考答案:D11. I like that new watch very much, but I cant _ it.A.affordB.offerC.spendD.cost参考答案:A12. -Salesman: Good morning. Planning to buy a new car

      4、today? -Customer: _. -Salesman: What kind of car are you looking for? -Customer: Something that has enough room for my family.A.Im just looking everywhereB.Im just looking aroundC.Im just looking here and thereD.Im just looking all the cars参考答案:B13. discard means to get rid of something because it is useless.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B14. They are very _ to encourage more people to work with them.A.encouragedB.gladC.keenD.easy参考答案:C15. Pre-sequences are a fundamental unit of conversational structure.( )A.

      5、错误B.正确参考答案:A16. A textbook is an official document that authoritatively determines the content and principles of teaching and learning.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A17. A word is a minimal distinctive linguistic unit.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A18. _ is no reason for dismissing her.A.Because she was a few minutes lateB.Owing to a few minutes lateC.The fact that she was a few minutes lateD.Being a few minutes late参考答案:C19. Martin stood _ his shirt by the window.A.withB.atC.inD.at参考答案:C20. Fred turned his head, trying to

      6、 _ breathing in the smoke.A.refuseB.avoidC.objectD.expect参考答案:B21. He asked _ we need some more rice.A、whatB、weatherC、whetherD、that参考答案:C22. Sandwich is a common noun originating from the fourth Earl of Sandwich, who put his food between two slices of bread so that he could eat while gambling.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B23. infotech (为下列单词选择相对应的构词法)A.ConversionB.BackformationC.BlendingD.Compounding参考答案:C24. In the past few years, we _ great progress in IT industry.A、achieveB、have achievedC、are achievingD、a

      7、chieved参考答案:B25. -Would you like to go to the concert with us this evening? -_A.No, I already have plans.B.Id love to, but Im busy tonight.C.No, I really dont like being with you.D.Im ill, so I shouldnt go out.参考答案:B26. -How is your brother these days? -He hasn&39;t been too well recently. -_. What&39;s the matter? -I think he&39;s been overworking.A.Itll be pleased to hear you ask after himB.Thats not too badC.Im sorry to hear thatD.Ill tell him what you said参考答案:C27. Therefore, other things _

      8、equal, the number of workers that employers want decreases.A.isB.areC.beingD.having参考答案:C28. -Could I borrow your car for a few days? -_.A、Yes, you may borrowB、Yes, go on.C、Sure, here your are. Enjoy your journey.D、It doesnt matter.参考答案:C29. The most widely found suprasegmental features are stress, intonation, tone and voicing.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A30. Whats the matter, dear? _A.I didnt go to school.B.I have a terrible headache.C.I took the kids shopping today.D.It is a beautiful dress.参考答案:B31. The garden _ while the Greens were away from home.A、took good care ofB、was taken good careC、was taken good care ofD、was taking good care参考答案:C32. -I didnt mean to do that. Please forgive me. -_A.Not too bad.B.Thats all right.C.Its a pleasure.D.Thank you.参考


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