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外文资料--General Design Introduction

  • 卖家[上传人]:枫**
  • 文档编号:429719906
  • 上传时间:2022-11-28
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:26.50KB
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    • 1、Geneal Design IntroductionGeneral Design IntroductionThe last 20 years. With the rapid development of Chinas manufacturing industry. Various processing equipment was widely used in the processing industry. Therefore, the equipment manufacturing industry has been an unprecedented development. With Chinas economic restructuring and upgrading manufacturing technology, the original tradition, a single general equipment Sijing can not meet the needs of the market. Thus, the NC-based semi-automatic an

      2、d automatic access to a large number of Chinas advanced equipment market.In the 1980s and early scores. Chinas machine tool manufacturers began developing many trial production with its own brand of CNC milling and processing centre, and with this supporting feature also emerged(Such as the spindle, rails, ball screw, bearings, etc). At this time, the development of CNC machine tools has a related conditions. Various manufacturers have also launched its own branded products, and their respective

      3、 characteristics and a price advantage, and imports of machine tools in the competition seek survival. After more than 10 years of development, Chinas CNC milling and processing centres have made great progress, whether it is performance, accuracy, or the types and packaging, have reached a considerable level of general machine tools have been accepted by users .The CNC machine tools, in particular, to do high-speed processing of NC machine tools, the overall structure of the machine should take

      4、 full account of the processing machine object, processing characteristics and application of the machine itself to a reasonable structure. High-speed processing machine parts should be structured to meet the rigid, light weight, the dynamic characteristics of good requirements, as machine tools targeted at high-speed processing, so the NC machine tool axis and the various moving parts will be frequently changed the direction of movement. This will have a significant impact arising from inertial

      5、 vibration, ranging from produce positioning error, leading to the surface quality of processing decreased weight, will result in a broken tool, or even scrapped products. This requires structural design of the machine must have a very good absorber damping and sexual.In order to make the feed axis have a good dynamic performance, to meet the rigid machine components under the circumstances, we must minimize the weight of moving parts, to reduce moving parts and changing the direction of movemen

      6、t of the impact of inertia.In the work of the machine, machine-driven system is the power source in the high-speed processing of CNC machine tools, drive systems not only to ensure that the machine coordinates high-velocity, is more important to have a high acceleration, deceleration capacity, Acceleration to the campaign. Machine coordinates the acceleration performance depends primarily on the drive motor torque, the motor of inertia, the drive system of inertia and load inertia. Therefore, in

      7、 the design of the machine drive system, we selected a high dynamic performance, high-rated speed, high torque, high-precision servo motor.At the same time, the transmission mechanism in the design of machine tools, electrical and screw a direct link between the use of the form and choose a sophisticated coupling, to reduce the transmission links, improve the links connecting link between the rigidity and reduce or eliminate the transmission gap And improve transmission stiffness, reducing the t

      8、ransmission of inertia, the ultimate realization of high dynamic response to the performance.In addition, the transmission mechanism, the ball screw is the motor of the rotating shaft into the NC feed the movement of key components. Since moving parts frequently changing speed and direction of movement, therefore, the only choice of high precision and high wear resistance of the ball screw can guarantee a precision machine tools, stable performance.In the high-speed processing machine tools in t

      9、he structure of the various moving parts require machine must have a very good dynamic characteristics. Therefore, in various parts of the structure and weight have been determined, how to reduce the relative movement between the components of the friction coefficient, it is particularly important. In the design, we selected a sophisticated, wear and friction coefficient small, can withstand a load of the rectangular-shaped guide rails and Dovetail, to reduce friction between moving parts, improving the dynamic nature of the various components so that the machine can To achieve rapid and accurate movement.The main axis of high-speed processing machine is another important area. In Die Making or other high-speed processing, in order to improve processing quality and efficiency of processing, machine tool spindle itself to the requirements of higher and higher. High-speed machine tool requirements of high speed spindle, high dynamic characteristics, high accelera

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