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(江苏专用)新高考英语一轮复习 课时提能练7-8 牛津译林-牛津高三英语试题

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    • 1、课时提能练7-8课时提能练(七)Book 2Unit 1Tales of the unexplained课时作业A:基础层面.单句语法填空1Growing (grow) all over the hills and around the lake are different kinds of trees.2There are three different versions of his health record in existence (exist)3Mr Green is said to_have_done (do) an experiment to prove the new method of solving the problem when young.4He was_dismissed (dismiss) from his job for breaking the companys safety regulations.5Like her mother,Irene was_awarded (award) a Nobel Prize,along with her husb

      2、and,in 1935.语境语法填空Justin Foster,an American high school student,went missing last Friday night. Police are 1.puzzled(puzzle) about it and have stepped up 2.their(they) search for him. People have shown great interest 3.in his disappearance due to sightings of puzzling lights in the sky and reports of alien visits around the time of his disappearance.Police have found Justin did 4.actually (actual) return home that night,because Justins two friends and some witnesses have provided some 5.evidence

      3、(evident)for that.His sister,Kelly,also heard Justin return home at about 11 pm.According to Kelly,a bright light then appeared outside her window and a large spaceship 6.was_ flying(fly)outside,7.with strange looking creatures in it.Just then,she heard Justin shout and the UFO disappeared.She hasnt seen Justin ever since.She believes the aliens took him,8.but her parents said she was only dreaming.Some other people,like Mavis Wood,also say they have seen aliens.Police think there is no hard evi

      4、dence that Justin 9.was_taken(take)by aliens,and they are looking into other 10.possibilities(possibility)And they wont give up until they find out what happened.完成句子1我突然想起来我把伞忘在楼上了。It_occurred_to/hit/struck_me_that I had left my umbrella upstairs.2令她惊奇的是她的哥哥突然在婚礼上出现了。What surprised her was that her_brother_showed_up at the wedding out of the blue.3地板上是成堆的书、杂志和报纸。On_the_floor_were piles of books,magazines and newspapers.4据说那个男孩到目前为止已背了2 000个单词。The boy is_said_to_have_learned 2,000 words by heart

      5、 so far.5如果你愿意原谅我,我将要回到属于我的地方去。If you forgive me,Ill return to the place where_I_belong.课时作业B:能力层面.阅读理解A(2019广东省六校联盟第三次联考)NEW YORKA massive winter storm paralyzed much of the US East Coast on Thursday and Friday,dumping as much as 46 centimeters of snow from the Carolinas to Maine.It also caused flooding on the streets of Boston due to swelling storm tides,forced the cancellation of nearly 5,000 flights and closed businesses,offices and schools.Some meteorologists (气象学家) classified the storm as

      6、a “bomb cyclone” for its sharp drop in atmospheric pressure would be followed immediately by a blast of cold air that could break records in more than two dozen cities and bring wind chills as low as 40C during the weekend.From Baltimore,Maryland,to Caribou in Maine,efforts were underway to clear roadways of ice and snow as wind chill temperatures were to plunge during the day,reaching 40C in some parts after sundown,according to the National Weather Service.Utility companies across the East wor

      7、ked to repair downed power lines early on Friday as about 21,000 customers remained without electricity,down from almost 80,000 the day before,and issued warnings that temperatures may become dangerously low.“If the temperature in your home begins to fall,we recommend taking shelter elsewhere until service can be restored.You can find warming centers by contacting local authorities,” National Grid power company,which serves Massachusetts,said on Twitter.Airlines canceled 4,000 flights on Thursda

      8、y and hundreds more on Friday,according to FlightA,an online tracking service.Mayor Bill de Blasio said it could feel like 30C on Friday and Saturday nights with the wind chill.“This is a serious,serious storm,and may be the most severe in 2018,” he said at a news conference.New York Governor Andrew Cuomo declared a state of emergency for the southern part of the state,while New Jersey Governor Chris Christie declared a state of emergency for several counties.【语篇解读】本文属于新闻报道。大规模的暴风雨于周四和周五袭击了美国东海岸

      9、,给当地的生产和生活造成了严重影响。1Which of the following is NOT the consequence of the massive winter storm?ABreakdown of the US coast.BFlooding in Boston.CCancellation of nearly 5,000 flights.DClosure in business,offices,and schools.A细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“It also caused flooding on the streets of Boston due to swelling storm tides,forced the cancellation of nearly 5,000 flights and closed businesses,offices and schools.”可知,受暴风雪的影响,波士顿暴发了洪水,近5 000架次的航班被迫取消,企业、办公楼和学校也被迫关闭。只有A项没有提到,故选A。2Why did some meteorologists classify this winter storm as “bomb cyclone”?ABecause it will cause changeable atmospheric pressure.BBecause the scale of this storm could break records in lots of cities.CBecause of the deadly and destructive effects of this storm.DBecause of the extremely cold air and the wind chills in this storm.D细节理解题。根据第二段可知,一些气象专家将此类风暴归为“

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