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    • 1、 2020年下半年教师资格考试英语学科(高中)真题 1.【单项选择题】/s/and/z/can be distinguished by the _.A.place of articulation B.state of tongue C.state of vocal cords D.manner of articulation 正确答案 C【答案解析】本题考查语音学。/s/和/z/按发音方式为摩擦音,按发音部位为齿龈音,只有按照发音时声带是否震动判断,/s/为清辅音,/z/为浊辅音。2.【单项选择题】The word“realization”consists of _ and _.A.five;five B.five;four C.four;three D.four;four 正确答案 C【答案解析】本题考查音系学。realization 的音标为rilazen.根据元音音素进行划分,可分为 4 个音节;realization 进行词素划分,可分为 real,-ize,-tion 三个词素。3.【单项选择题】Which of the following is least associat

      2、ed with newspaper publishing?A.proofreading B.editorial C.censorship D.citizenship 正确答案 D【答案解析】本题考查语义学。题干翻译为:以下哪个与报纸印刷关系最弱?proofreading 意为“校对”;editorial 意为“编辑的;主编”;censorship 意为“审查制度;审查机构”;citizenship 意为“公民身份;公民资格”,由语义可以进行区分,只有 D项 citizenship 和报纸印刷的关系最弱。4.【单项选择题】Which of the following best describes the relation between“piece”and“peace”?A.synonymy B.homonymy C.antonymy D.hyponymy 正确答案 B【答案解析】本题考查语义学。“piece”和“peace”在发音是相同,但词性和含义均不同,属于同音异形异义词。synonymy 意为“同义关系”;homonymy 意为“同音异义”;antonymy 意为“反义关系”;h

      3、yponymy 意为“上下义关系”。5.【单项选择题】She was not _impressed by the story Paulshared with her,for she had already heard of it.A.in the least B.at the most C.least of all D.for the most 正确答案 A【答案解析】本题考查介词短语辨析。句意:她一点也没有被 Paul 分享的故事打动,因为她已经听过一次了。in the least 意为“一点;丝毫”;at the most 意为“至多;不超过”;least of all意为“最不,尤其”;for the most 意为“对大多数”;根据句意,可知 in the least“一点;丝毫”符合句意。6.【单项选择题】Without facts,we cant form worthwhile opinions,forwe need to have factual knowledge _our thinking.A.Which to be based upon B.upon which t

      4、o base C.which to base upon D.upon which to be based 正确答案 B【答案解析】本题考查动词不定式。句意:没有事实,我们就不能形成有价值的观点,因为我们的思考必须以真实的知识为基础。upon which to base our thinking 是动词不定式短语作定语,该短语中介词必须放在 which 前。7.【单项选择题】Its true that water will continue to be _ it is todayin importance to oxygen.A.how B.which C.as D.what 正确答案 D【答案解析】本题考查表语从句。句意:水将继续和它现在一样,像氧气一样重要,这是真实的。设空处为 be 动词之后的表语从句,从句中缺少表语,意为“什么”,应使用 what。8.【单项选择题】He is helpless under such circumstances,_.A.however brilliant a mind he may have B.however a brilliant mind h

      5、e may have C.however brilliant a mind may he have D.However a brilliant mind may he have 正确答案 A【答案解析】本题考查让步状语从句。句意:在这种情形下他是无助的,无论他有多么聪明的头脑。However=no matter how,感叹句式 how+形容词+a/an+单数名词,应为 how brilliant a mind,该句中不需要倒装。9.【单项选择题】Which of following refers to“the part of input that has been internalized by learners”?A.feedback B.output C.intake D.washback 正确答案 C【答案解析】本题考查语言观及语言学习观。学习者内化的部分是指学习者先学习新知识,再建构于原有知识框架中。10.【单项选择题】Which of the following describes the language ofan individual speaker with its

      6、unique characteristics?A.Idiolect B.Taboo C.Regional dialect D.Social dialect 正确答案 A【答案解析】本题考查语言学。描述个体说话带有个人特色的是个人习语。idiolect 意为“个人习语,个人语言”;taboo 意为“禁忌;忌讳”;reginal dialect 意为“地区方言”;social dialect意为“社会方言;社会习惯于”,根据题意,可知为 idiolect。11.【单项选择题】What role does he/she play when a teacher explains the purpose of a task,the steps to do it and its time limit?A.n organizer B.n observer C.n evaluator D.prompter 正确答案 A【答案解析】本题考查课堂教学微技能其他。题干中教师向学生说明任务目的,步骤和时间限制等,体现教师在组织课堂活动,应为组织者。12.【单项选择题】What does he/she inte

      7、nd to do when a teacher writes the following sentences“She gets up early.She wears a uniform.She works very hard.”on the blackboard at the presentation stage?A.Practice sentence patterns using model sentences.B.heck if students can pronounce the sentences correctly.C.Monitor whether students can accurately expresstheir ideas.D.raw students attention to the form of a new language item.正确答案 D【答案解析】本题考查呈现演示。题干中教师给出的句子中,用下划线标出了句子中的第三人称单数形式,为的是引起学生关注第三人称单数形式的新知识点。13.【单项选择题】What skill does he/she use

      8、when a student uses language knowledge and contextual clues to figure out the meaning of a new word?A.ontrasting B.Summarizing C.educing D.Predicting 正确答案 C【答案解析】本题考查课堂教学微技能。学生借助上下文语境理解新词汇属于学生推断,推导。contrasting 意为“对比;对照”;summarizing 意为“总结”;deducing 意为“推导;推论”;predicting 意为“预测”。14.【单项选择题】Supplementing,deleting,simplifying andreordering are often used in _.A.adapting teaching materials B.delivering teaching materials C.evaluating teaching materials D.presenting teaching materials 正确答案 A【答案解析】本题考查备课技

      9、能。增补、删减、简化及调整顺序常用于调整教学材料中。15.【单项选择题】Which of the following is least recommended at the lead-in stage in a reading class?A.ctivating students schema of the topic.B.Giving advice on how to use reading strategies.C.Sharing background information about the text.D.orrecting language mistakes students have made.正确答案 D【答案解析】本题考查导入。题干中指出在阅读课中最不推荐的导入是_,A 项“激活学生已有知识”;B 项“就如何使用阅读技巧提出建议”;C 项“分享课文相关的背景知识”;D 项“纠正学生犯的错误”;A,B,C 项均适合阅读课导入。16.【单项选择题】Whichofthefollowingbestdescribesthephenomenon that learners appl

      10、y the skills acquired in one field to another?A.Transfer B.eduction C.ontextualization D.Induction 正确答案 A【答案解析】本题考查课堂教学微技能。题干中指出“学习者将所学技巧运用于其他内容”属于知识迁移。transfer 意为“转移;迁移”;deduction 意为“推导;推断”;contextualization 意为“情景化”;induction 意为“归纳”。17.【单项选择题】If the focus is placed on _,students are supposed to go through the stages of drafting,receiving feedback,and revising before submitting the final version oftheir writing.A.product B.process C.genre D.format 正确答案 B【答案解析】本题考查中学写作教学。在强调写作过程的时候,学生需要经历初稿、收到反馈、


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