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    • 1、项目集成管理1. Empowerment of the project team requires the project manager to provide all of the following except: A. A sense of ownership and belonging B. A detailed project plan C. Direction and leadership D. Common objectives 授权给项目团队要求项目经理提供下列事项但除了A. 拥有和归宿感B. 详细的项目计划C. 指挥和领导D. 共同的目标2. Project managers spend a considerable amount of time communicating and interacting with project stakeholders. Which of the following methods or techniques would be most useful for a project manager to keep the projec

      2、t team focused on project success? A. Analyze the work occasionally to determine what can be eliminated B. Keep the priorities clear C. Schedule the most interesting activities at energy peaks D. When problems arise, transfer blame to the stakeholders 项目经理要花很多时间与项目相关者进行沟通交流下列哪项方法或技术会对项目经理最有用以便项目团队齐心协力使项目成功A. 定期分析工作以决定排除什么事项B. 明确优先事项C. 在精力高峰期安排最有趣的活动D. 当出现问题时责备其它项目相关者3. A project sponsor is required to make important decisions that may impact the future of the project. In helping the sponsor to a

      3、rrive at good decisions, the project manager should A. Withhold information that may be embarrassing to the team or senior management B. Have a wide variety of graphs and table available C. Utilize progress charts with current weeks information only D. Provide timely, accurate and complete data on a regular basis 事关项目未来成败的重要决策要由项目业主决定为了帮助业主作出明智决策项目经理应该A. 隐瞒可能会让项目团队或高层管理难堪的信息B. 充分准备各种图表C. 使用仅表明本周信息的进度图表D. 定期规范地提供准确完整及时的数据资料4. A project manager estimates a project will take 14 weeks at a cost of $

      4、60,000. In signing the contract documents, the customer imposes a penalty for late completion of $2,000 per estimates that the maximum possible crashing of the project duration is 4 weeks, at an additional cost of $9,000. Assuming that the project manager is going to make the decision and that cost is the driving criteria for the project managers organization, what is the expected project cost? A. $69,000 B. $71,000 C. $70,000 D. $62,000 某项目经理估算一项目要花14 周时间成本$60,000 在签合同文件时客户要求延期完工赔偿$2,000 项目工期的最

      5、大可能的赶工时间是4 周附加成本$9,000 假定成本是主要的衡量标准项目经理要作出决策什么是预期的项目成本A. $69,000 B. $71,000 C. $70,000 D. $62,000 5. All of the following processes are part of over all Project Integration Management, except: A. Project Plan Execution B. Project Plan Development C. Schedule Control D. Integrated Change Control 下列事项是整个项目综合管理的一部分除了A. 项目计划执行B. 项目计划开发C. 进度控制D. 整体变化控制6. Core planning processes have clear dependencies that require them to be performed in essentially the same order on most projects. Which of the follo

      6、wing is the correct order as a portion of core planning processes? A. Scope planning, scope definition, activity sequencing, activity duration estimation B. Scope definition, scope planning, activity definition, activity sequencing, activity duration estimation C. Scope planning, scope definition, activity sequencing, activity definition, activity duration estimation D. Activity duration estimation, scope planning, scope definition, activity definition, activity sequencing 核心计划过程有明确的依赖关系在大多数项目中要

      7、以同样的顺序必须完成下列哪一项符合核心计划过程的正确顺序. A. 范围规划-范围定义-活动排序-活动工期估计B. 范围定义-范围规划-活动定义-活动排序-活动工期估计C. 范围规划-范围定义-活动排序-活动定义-活动工期估计D. 活动工期估计-范围规划-范围定义-活动定义-活动排序7. In which project life cycle phase is uncertainty associated with project integration usually the greatest? A. Project executing B. Project planning C. Project closeout D. Project approval 在项目生命周期哪一阶段项目整合的不确定性最大A. 项目执行B. 项目规划C. 项目收尾D. 项目审定8. In making key changes to a project, it is important to have a formal change process and a _ responsible for approvi

      8、ng or rejecting requests. A. Stakeholder B. Change control board C. Subject matter expert D. Project manager 在项目作出重要变更时重要的是要有一个正式的变更过程和一个负责批准或拒绝变更要求的A. 项目相关者B. 变更控制委员会C. 领域事务专家D. 项目经理9. In which project life cycle phase are the risks associated with project integration usually the smallest? A. Project initiation and approval B. Project planning C. Project execution D. Project closeout 在项目生命周期哪一阶段项目整合的风险最小A. 项目立项和审定B. 项目规划C. 项目执行D. 项目收尾10. The most encompassing document to help the project team with project integration activities is the _. A. Project charter B. Project plan C. “As built” report D. Scope change control procedure 能帮助项目团队进行项目整合活动的最完整的文件是A. 项目章程B. 项目计划C. 进程报告D. 范围变更控制流程11. At which level of the Work Breakdown Struct ure is project integration management most costly to perform? A. Level 1 B. Level 2 C. Level 3 D. Level 5 在工作分解结构的哪一层次水平项目综合管理实施代价


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