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    • 1、邛崃市2023年考研英语一模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Yesterday, I posted a story and afterwards donated a little money after I read others sad stories. Later, as I got into bed and completed my 1 and self-examination on the day, I came to the realization that 1 was 2 money. Wow! It was just a 3 to see this in myself.It is 4 enough that in the real world I have money in th

      2、e bank but dont give away 5 . I dont have a lot of money, 6 enough to pay my bills and help my daughters. Also I save some money for a 7 day. I know I could give more but 8 and fed some comfort in a little pile of money. Im quite 9 to see in myself that it is hard to practice the beautiful 10 in the real world. The belief is that the needs of people 11 are more important than having a little pile of money to feel 12 with.So here I was doing the same 13 thing-saving but not giving away much money

      3、! With so many people waiting to be helped, it was pretty terrible for me to 14 how much I 15 seeing that little pile of money in my hands. I have already 16 today that even if it is hard to give it all away in the real world, I am going to guarantee more 17 will come my way.There will always be enough money for me. I am not going to let 18 pile up anymore. I am going to give it away when I 19 it because love is 20 what makes the world go round.1、Asuffering Bstrength Creflection Dforecast2、Asavi

      4、ng Bearning Cborrowing Dwasting3、Acoincidence Bwisdom Cpleasure Dshock4、Arude Bbad Cbeneficial Dharmful5、Aanother Banything Cless Dmore6、Abut Bfor Cand Dso7、Abright Bsunny Clucky Drainy8、Ago out Bshow off Chold back Dhide away9、Apeaceful Bfair Cashamed Dexciting10、Adilemma Bbelief Cfigure Dfuture11、Aon duty Bin trouble Cas well Din debt12、Asafe Brisky Cgrateful Dfunny13、Auseless Bnecessary Cintelligent Dfoolish14、Arefuse Bimprove Crealize Dabandon15、Amissed Benjoyed Chated Dregretted16、Aevaluate

      5、d Bguessed Cdecided Dignored17、Adonations Bitems Cwishes Dsurveys18、Afood Bmoney Cbooks Dthings19、Aget Beat Cdeliver Dobey20、Ahardly Bmerely Csincerely DtrulySection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Americans are more stressed than ever, according to an American Psychological Association survey, and nearly one-third of the people say stres

      6、s impacts their physical or mental health. If you have any of these symptoms, your stress might be making you sick. Heres how to battle against them.If youve never suffered from headaches but suddenly your head is constantly striking, you might be too stressed. Stress releases chemicals that can cause changes to nerves and blood vessels(血管)in the brain, which brings on a headache. Stress can cause them or make them worse. Its also common for your muscles to tense up when youre stressed, which ca

      7、n also cause a headache.WHAT TO DO:If you dont want to take medicine, try spreading lavender(薰衣草)oil on your temples(太阳穴)when a headache starts.Stress can make you mentally sick, too. Too much of the stress hormone cortisol(皮质醇)can make it harder to concentrate, causing memory problems as well as anxiety or depression says Dr. Levine.WHAT TO DO:Relax until you regain your concentration. Practice closing your eyes and breathing in and out slowly, concentrating only on your breath.Losing a few str

      8、ands of hair is normalold hair follicles(囊)are replaced by new ones over timebut stress can disturb that cycle.Significant stress pushes a large number of hair follicles into whats called a resting stage and then a few months later those hairs fall out, according to MayoClinic. org. Stress can also cause the bodys resistant system to attack your hair follicles, resulting in hair loss.WHAT TO DO:Be patient. Once your stress level returns to normal, your hair should start growing back.187、If youre stressed, you might have one of the following symptoms EXCEPT that .Ayou keep getting headachesByou always have a coldCyour hair is falling outDyour brain feels confused1、Which of the following is suggested if your brain goes out of focus?ABreathing slowly with your eyes closed.BWaiting until your brain returns to normal.CSpreading lavender oil on your temples.DRelaxing and attacking your brain softly.2、What will happen once we get over our stress according to the pass


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