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    • 1、考研英语一湖南省怀化市会同县2023年深度自测卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Traditional fairytales are being abandoned by parents because they are too scary for their young children, a study found.Research revealed one in five parents has 1 old classics such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarves and Rapunzel (长发公主)in 2 of more modern books. One third of parents said their children have bee

      2、n left in 3 after hearing the horrible details of Little Red Riding Hood. And nearly half of mothers and fathers 4 to read Rumplestiltskin (纺织姑娘)to their kids as the 5 of the story are kidnapping and killing. 6 , Goldilocks and the Three Bears was also a tale likely to be 7 on the book shelf as parents felt 8 condones(宽恕)stealing.The 9 of 2,000 adults was commissioned(委任) to 10 the launch of the hit US drama GRIMM, 11 starts tonight at 9 p.m. on Watch, and sees six pieces 12 on traditional fairy

      3、tales. The poll found a quarter of parents polled wouldnt 13 reading a fairytale to their child until they had 14 the age of five. And 52 percent of the parents said Cinderella didnt send a good 15 to their children as it describes a young woman 16 housework all day.Steve Hornsey, General Manager of Watch, said: “Bedtime stories are supposed to comfort children and send them off to 17 soundly.Fairytales can be dark and dramatic tales so its 18 that parents worry about reading them to young child

      4、ren. The study also found two thirds of mums and dads try to 19 stories which might give their children nightmares. 20 , half of parents said traditional tales are more likely to have a strong moral message than a lot of modern kids books, such as The Gruffalo, The Hungary Caterpillar and the Mr. Men books.1、Ataken up Bput up Cbrought up Dgiven up2、Afavour Bmemory Chonor Dspite3、Aneed Btears Cdebts Dsurprise4、Aagree Bintend Crefuse Denjoy5、Aproblems Bquestions Csentences Dthemes6、ASimilarly BFor

      5、tunately CSuddenly DImmediately7、Aarranged Bleft Cclarified Dsorted8、Ahe Bshe Cit Dits9、Areport Bsuggestion Cdecision Dsurvey10、Adraw Bmark Cpaint Dpull11、Athat Bwhat Cwhen Dwhich12、Adepended Bstuck Cbased Dfixed13、Apretend Bconsider Cwant Dimagine14、Aarrived Bgot Creached Dincreased15、Aletter Bcard Cemail Dmessage16、Adoing Bcleaning Cmaking Dtaking17、Aplay Bwork Csleep Dschool18、Aunderstandable Buncomfortable Cunbelievable Dunchangeable19、Aread Bavoid Crecite Drepeat20、ATherefore BBesides COthe

      6、rwise DHoweverSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Statistics often sounds like a dry subject, but sometimes its necessary to take a statistics course to get the correct answer to this problem. Take the following case for example: a football scout (球探)hears of a player who has powered his team to a good win-loss record. His coaches thin

      7、k hes one of the most talented players theyve seen. But the scout is unimpressed by the one practice game he sees him in; he tells his manager its not worth trying to recruit (录用)the player.Most sports fans would think that was a pretty foolish decision, right? Athletic performance is much too variable to base an important judgment on such a small sample. But consider this problem: an employer gets an application from a junior executive (主管人员)with an excellent college record and strong reference

      8、s from his current employer. The employer interviews the applicant and is unimpressed. The employer tells his colleagues that its not worthwhile recruiting him.Most people regard this as a reasonable sort of decision. But it isnt. Countless studies show that the unstructured 30-minute interview is virtually worthless as a predictor of long-term performance by any criteria that have been examined.In both cases, predictions based on references-school reports, prior performance, letters of recommen

      9、dation-give a 65-75% chance of choosing the better of the two.Why do we get the athletic problem right and the employment problem wrong? Because in the case of the job, unlike for athletic performance, we havent seen hundreds of candidates in interviews of a particular type and seen how well performance in the interview corresponds to ultimate (最终的)performance in the setting were concerned about. We havent seen that the guy who looks like a fool in the interview turns out to be clever on the job and the guy who does well in the interview


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