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    • 1、重庆市沙坪坝区2023年考研英语一预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) I got a new pair of eyeglasses recently. Because stigmatism(去像散性)had started to 1 with my nearsightedness,making things a little bit 2 It has taken me several days to get used to the new 3 ,While it was great seeing clearly at a 4 again and wonderful being able to 5 a book without it being an inch from my face,the

      2、combination lenses(组合镜片)were a(n) 6 for me. The problem was that whenever I was 7 something far away,I had to keep my eyes up, 8 I would get a wave of blurriness(模糊)when I 9 looked through the reading part of the lenses. I am 10 that my eyes are now getting used to the new glasses. It is no 11 living in an unclear world. I really 12 the help of the new glasses.I am grateful for this new pair of glasses for another reason too. They have taught me a(n) 13 that I will hold close to my heart forever

      3、: Whenever you 14 to see the road ahead clearly,look up!Too often in my life I have kept the eyes of my soul looking 15 to the ground. When I 16 ,the world seemed like a scary,unclear,and depressing place. When I raised those eyes,though,my 17 always became clear. I saw that life is good and when I help others,I make it even 18 . I saw that no matter what each day may throw at me,I can 19 it with a loving heart and a joyful spirit. Whenever your life seems 20 or overwhelming,just look up!1、Abatt

      4、leBcompareCdealDmix2、AunusualBimpracticalCunclearDimpossible3、AcultureBpairCtemperatureDhouse.4、AdistanceBlengthCspeedDrate5、ApickBprintCtranslateDread6、AexperimentBforceCchallengeDchoice7、Alistening toBtalking aboutCthinking ofDlooking at8、AotherwiseBhoweverCthereforeDmeanwhile9、AeventuallyBaccidentally.CunfortunatelyDgradually10、AgladBawareCcertainDproud11、AuseBfunCdoubtDwonder12、AwantBofferCappreciateDrefuse13、AtruthBwayCeffectDlanguage14、AregretBmanageCagreeDneed15、AforwardBaroundCdownDback1

      5、6、AdidBadmitted toCfinishedDleft17、AinterestBviewCprejudiceDability18、AslowerBsaferCeasierDbetter19、AloseBpushCfaceDremember20、AexcitingBfrighteningCmeaningfulDpeacefulSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Today the Nobel Prize in Literature awarded journalist Svetlana Alexievich approximately $970,000 in recognition of a lifetime of ex

      6、cellence. The 67-year-old author of Voices From Chernobyl and Wars Unwomanly Face was praised by the Swedish Academy “for her polyphonic(复调式的) writings, a monument to suffering and courage in our time.”Prizes like the Nobel inspire much expectations before the announcement. People give their best guesses as to who will win, look back on past winners, and even place bets as if spectators at a Derby(赛马会).Literary prizes reward artistic brilliance. They help writers earn a decent living. But is the

      7、 publics fascination with prize-winning authors healthy? Our impulse seems to increasingly contribute to a culture of turning authors into celebrities, where readers follow the author instead of the book.A story should stand on its own, as a considered, complete book, without biographical information from author. Its an idea perhaps best conveyed in Roland Barthess 1968 essay The Death of the Author. “The image of literature to be found in contemporary culture is arbitrarily centered on the auth

      8、or, his person, his history, his tastes, his passions.”Nearly 50 years later, a few still agree. “I believe that books, once they are written, have no need of their authors,” New York Times bestselling author Elena Ferrante once wrote. “If books have something to say, they will sooner or later find readers; if not, they wont,”she continued. “True miracles are the ones whose makers will never be known.”But the rules for submission for the Man Booker International Prize, for example, strongly enco

      9、urage authors to “make themselves available for publicity”. And the foundation behind the National Book Award requires finalists to participate in their “website-related publicity”. In 2007, a reporter who showed up uninvited at Doris Lessings house was the first to inform her that she had been awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. Today the Twitterati came knocking on Alexievichs digital door hour before the award was even official. To be considered for a prize is to be a public figure. Harry Potter series author J. K. Rowling, with over 5.6 million Twitter followers, has actively addressed readers through public appearances and social media, reveal


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