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    • 1、考研英语一满城县2023年临考冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) In recent weeks customers have been queuing at Donut City, starting at 4:30 am, to buy dozens of doughnuts(甜甜圈) Customers say the doughnuts are 1 But the taste is not the reason why theyve been waiting in 2 to buy themIt started a few weeks ago, when customers started noticing that something was 3 Every day for the p

      2、ast 28 years, the friendly husbandandwife 4 of Donut CityStella and John Chhanhave stood behind the counter 5 doughnuts But then one day, Stella Chhan wasnt thereWhen customers enquired, John Chhan, 62, told them Stella had fallen ill and was 6 in a nursing home He would visit his wife once all the doughnuts were 7 Dawn Caviola, a 8 of Donut City, thought if enough people would buy a dozen doughnuts every morning, John Chhan could close early and go to 9 his wifeAfter Caviola posted the 10 on th

      3、e neighborhood message board, neighbors and fans responded in a positive way They started 11 in the dark, ordering dozens of doughnutsJenee Rogers has been a 12 Donut City customer for the past 20 years She saw a local news story about the 13 to help the Chhans, which included trying to set up a GoFundMe page to 14 money to help the Chhans, but they 15 the offer Rogers said she and all of her friends started to spread the word to go to the shop 16 and buy doughnutsWhen Stella Chhan 17 fell ill a

      4、 few weeks ago, John Chhan said, she couldnt speak and had trouble 18 Now shes talking some and can sit down on her own and she is getting better and betterIn a phone interview, John Chhan expressed how thankful he is to his 19 customersI 20 it he said I just cant say enough thank you and thank you1、AcheapBdeliciousCsmellyDjuicy2、AlineBexchangeCpanicDreturn3、AcommonBinterestingCawkwardDwrong4、AcustomersBneighborsCownersDwaiters5、AbuyingBsellingCorderingDsending6、AworkingBvolunteeringCrecoveringD

      5、visiting7、Ataken outBsold outCcalled offDput off8、AworkerBcitizenCreporterDfan9、AaccompanyBpraiseCencourageDrecognize10、AchoiceBmovementCideaDadvertisement11、Aturning upBputting upCtaking upDmaking up12、AmodestBregularCresponsibleDstrict13、AcommandBcourageCeffortDability14、AraiseBearnCsaveDborrow15、AsacrificedBadvocatedCpostponedDdeclined16、AearlyBrarelyCmainlyDfrequently17、AeventuallyBinitiallyCoccasionallyDgradually18、AlisteningBseeingCtastingDmoving19、AhonestBgenerousCpoliteDconsiderate20、Are

      6、gretBconsiderCappreciateDdeserveSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Life in the summertime is often full of pests. Like most Long Island homeowners, I want to ensure my suburban life with pest-free living. So it was with wide-eyed wonder that I greeted the smiling exterminator (灭虫者) who rang my bell.“Well be serving your neighbors, Mi

      7、ke and Sarah (Im not familiar with either one by name),” he waved in the other direction. “Since well have a team here tomorrow, were offering a discount.” He came out with numbers beginning from $299 then in seconds to $89.“Youve probably been seeing the ant hills around.” he moved toward my front walkway and lawn. “And have you seen the bees that dig nests in the ground?” he continued with his head shaking up and down pushing me to do the same.“What we do is spray three feet out from your foun

      8、dation and three feet up.” As he was talking, and without breaking eye contact, he opened his iPad cover and began operating at the screen to show me frightening images. “It also kills other pests, like spiders. It is the best pesticide (杀虫剂),” he said, pausing for effect.He then went into soft talk to close the deal, correctly foreseeing that I would be concerned about safety and the environmental impact on my vegetable garden, plants and our little patch of planet here on Long Island. “The pro

      9、ducts are environmentally responsible, safe with children and pets,” he said.Im unkind when it comes to unwanted visitors entering on my out-of-doors moments. Any insect found in my house or on my deck is bound to be poisoned or pancaked.Unfortunately for the exterminator, just as I was considering making an appointment, Billy, my fearless husband, pulled into our driveway, which made me ask for a business card out of politeness instead.1、How did the author feel at the sight of the exterminator?AFrightened. BDisappointed.CPuzzled. DSurprised.2、What did the exterminator offer the autho


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