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    • 1、考研英语一日喀则地区仁布县2023年考前冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)I believe it is in my nature to dance by virtue of the beat of my heart, the pulse of my blood and the music in my mind. So I dance 1 .My dining room is now a 2 ballroom. Each morning when I 3 the house on the way to make coffee, I turn on the 4 ,and its dance time! I dance alone to whatever is playing.Tango(探戈)i

      2、s a recent enthusiasm. Its a complex and 5 dance. The first time I went tango dancing I was too 6 to get out on the floor. 7 , I stayed on edge of the dance floor when the dancing began. The fancy footwork 8 me. “Dont make a fool of yourself. Just 9 it. ” I thought. 10 my mind, an older woman dropped out of the 11 ,sat down beside me, and said she had a secret for me. She 12 ,“If you do not join the dancing, we will know you are a fool. But if you dance, we will think well of you for 13 ” Inspir

      3、ed by her 14 words, I took up the 15 of tango.A friend asked me if I was a little too 16 . “Tango? At your age? You must be out of your mind! On the contrary, its a deeply considered 17 I seek the sharp, scary 18 that comes from beginning something new, which 19 all my resources and challenges my body and mind. So, when people say, “Tango? At your age?” I 20 answer, “Yes!”1、Acrazily Bskillfully Cdaily Dcasually2、Aprivate Bformal Ctemporary Dgrand3、Apass by Bwalk through Cclean Dleave4、Alight Bta

      4、p Cheat Dmusic5、Adangerous Bterrible Cdifficult Ddull6、Ascared Bexcited Cfoolish Dproud7、AOtherwise BStill CInstead DAnyhow8、Aamazed Bdisappointed Ccomforted Dconfused9、Awatch Bfinish Cjoin Dstop10、AOccupying BReading COverlooking DEntering11、Aclass Bshow Cdance Dconversation12、Aargued Badmitted Cdeclared Dwhispered13、Atrying Bwaiting Ccoming Dsharing14、Abitter Bbrave Cwise Dfamiliar15、Atalk Bchallenge Ctask Dduty16、Acareful Bhumorous Cpractical Dambitious17、Adecision Bsuggestion Cbelief Danswer

      5、18、Asecurity Bpleasure Cfreedom Drelief19、Achanges Bwastes Csaves Drequires20、Aroughly Bsimply Cpolitely DpossiblySection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Scientists would like to place a huge mirror in space above the earth. It might be sixty miles wide. It would be used to catch the rays (光线) of the sun. It would direct the suns rays upon

      6、 the earth as a child might do to make sunlight dance on the wall with a hand mirror.Why do they want to do this? The suns rays could be helpful in many ways. They could light up cities by night. The warm rays could stop frosts (霜冻) which might come at night and hurt fruit crops. They could melt (融化) dangerous icebergs in the ocean. Perhaps they could change cloud movements and bring rain where it is needed.1、The huge mirror would _.Astand 60 miles in height (高度)Bbe 60 miles from side to sideCco

      7、ver 60 miles of the earthDbe 60 miles above the earth2、The mirror would be used to _.Areflect (反射) sunlightBabsorb (吸收) sunlightCsee what the earth looks likeDsee how clouds move3、The strong light from the mirror could possibly _.Ahurt fruit cropsBset fire to citiesCbring longer daytimeDshine through walls4、The huge mirror is _.Asomething in a storyBalready madeCjust an ideaDto be made soonText 2 A crew of six teenage girls completed a nine-day sailing trip in the US recently, after braving seas

      8、ickness and strong winds.For the past three years,the Sea Cadet teenagers who set sail were all male. Roger Noakes, who captained the boat,said this was the first time hed taken out an all-female crew.The girls asked for an a11-girls trip in August this year.The crew set sail along with three adults, Noakes and two Sea Cadet representatives.The original plan was for the girls to sail 24 hours a day in rotating shifts(轮流换班)along the coast and then return.Things turned out differently,however. “The first night was rough because the wind was really hard.The waves were going up and down,”said Abby Fairchild,16. “Everybody got seasick.” Noakes gave the girls the option of just sailing in the bay and not going into open water. “But they decided they were going.”The teenagers then sailed a long way overnight and slept in shifts. “Weve learned everything from steering(掌舵) the boat itself to putting up the sails to cooking while we have rough seas,”said 15-year-old Olivia Wilcox.The te


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