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    • 1、2021年安徽省安庆市公共英语二级(笔试)真题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、3.阅读理解(10题)1.America has had many Presidents who have been famous all over the world. People from other countries know the names Washington, Kennedy and so on. However, many men who have served as President of the United States have not been famous in other parts of the world. One example is J.Q .Adams, the sixth man to serve as U.S.President.Very little happened while Adams was President. It was an unhappy time for him, and he wasnt very effectiv

      2、e, when his term ended, he went back to the Congress and served as a representative sentative(众议院议员). While he was in Congress, people began to respect him more than they had done while he was President. Adams was strongly against slavery and tried to outlaw it in Washington D.C.People began to look back on his presidency with a different view. Now they saw that he was an independent man with high ideal who loved his country and hated slavery Adams died in 1848 while speaking in the House of Rep

      3、resentative.When Adams served as the sixth U.S. President, _.A.his people didnt regard him as a great manB.he tried a lot of means to get rid of slaveryC.his high ideal made an impression on American peopleD.he did a lot of things against laws2.In the past, news was_.A.sent by telegraphB.passed from one person to anotherC.sent by letterD.sent by telephone3.It is obvious that UNESCO _.A.is a company in FranceB.is a world organization in the U. N.C.works mainly at fighting against illiteracyD.had

      4、many experts whose level of attainment is far from literacy4.The reason Father was in a hurry to get home was that he _.A.wasnt feeling very wellB.hated to drive in the darkC.wanted to take some exerciseD.didnt want to be caught by the police5.Although the sport is very popular, some people are still _.A.expanding its equipmentB.asking for instructionsC.afraid of going down the mountainsidesD.curious about the sport6.A dog is a more demanding pot than a cat because _.A.it must be trained so that

      5、 it wont biteB.it demands more food and spaceC.it needs more love and careD.it must be looked after carefully7.A reservoir is used _.A.to keep the fields wetB.to store waterC.to join canalsD.to prevent farmers from getting water8.One of the quickest and most effective ways to improve your vocabulary is by learning to recognize the most common Latin and Greek roots, since any one of them can help you define a number of English words. Whenever you come upon an unfamiliar word, first check to see i

      6、f it has a recognizable root. If you know that the Latin root ami for example, means like or love, you can easily figure out that amiable means pleasant, friendly and amorous means loving. Even ff you cannot define a word exactly, recognizing the root will still give you a general idea of the words meaning. Remembering that the Greek root geo means earth would certainly help you define geophysics as the physics of the earth, but it also might help you figure out that geocentric has to do with th

      7、e center of the earth or with the earth as a center. Begin by studying the following lists of common Latin and Greek roots and representative words.The word geochemistry most probably means the chemistry of _.A.the earth B.the moon C.the ocean D.the minerals9.The first tin coins were made _.A.in ChinaB.in PhilippineC.in EnglandD.in countries of Africa10.Which of the following is true?A.Mr. Reese was luckier than the soldiers.B.Both Mr. Reese and the soldiers were out of luck.C.Nothing made Mr. R

      8、eese complain.D.The soldiers wanted to help Mr. Reese.二、2.英语知识运用(10题)11.【B18】A.contains B.containing C.contained D.having contained12.【B10】A.some B.such C.less D.no13.【B11】A.normal B.common C.unusual D.quick14.【B4】A.materials B.affairs C.matters D.things15. Jaures is an honest man; I say it, _ I have different opinions with him.A.as if B.so that C.even though D.while16.【B14】A.after B.before C.since D.like17. In some parts of the world, tea_ with milk and sugar.A.is serving B.is served C.serves D.served18. A fireman discovered the _ of the fire.A.truth B.reason C.cause D.fact19.【B15】A.Soon B.Later C.Thus D.There20.【B3】A.In B.On C.At D.Of三、完型填空(6题)21.第52题应选 查看材料A.gave B.changed C.saved D.took22.第46题23.第42题24.第52题25.第50题26.AneedBknowClikeDremember四、写作(1题)27.五、听力A(1题)28.For Questions 15 ,you will hear a radio announcement describing tonights programs. While you listen ,fill out the table with the information you have heard. Some of the information has been given to you in the table. W


  • (备考2023年)黑龙江省鹤岗市【特种设备作业】永久气体气瓶充装(P1)真题(含答案)


  • (备考2023年)陕西省渭南市【特种设备作业】永久气体气瓶充装(P1)真题二卷(含答案)


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  • (备考2023年)江苏省宿迁市【特种设备作业】永久气体气瓶充装(P1)测试卷(含答案)


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  • (备考2023年)陕西省西安市【特种设备作业】永久气体气瓶充装(P1)模拟考试(含答案)


  • (备考2023年)山东省临沂市【特种设备作业】永久气体气瓶充装(P1)测试卷(含答案)


  • (备考2023年)辽宁省锦州市【特种设备作业】永久气体气瓶充装(P1)测试卷一(含答案)


  • (备考2023年)安徽省宿州市【特种设备作业】永久气体气瓶充装(P1)真题一卷(含答案)


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