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国家开放大学2021年1月电大《英语听力 (2)》考试试题及参考答案

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  • 上传时间:2021-11-17
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    • 1、试卷代号:2150 国家开放大学2020年秋季学期期末统一考试英语听力(2)试题2021年1月注意事项一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带出考场。二、考试时间大约为30分钟,请抓紧时间读题、做题和检查。三、仔细读懂题目的说明,并按题目要求答题。答案一定要写在答题纸的指定位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。四、用黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。389 Section One In this section, you are going to hear 10 short dialogues. After each dialogue, there are two questions. Choose the best answer to each question and write your answer on the Answer Sheet. YouII hear each dialogue only once. (40 points, 2 points each) Dialogue A 1. One o

      2、f the reasons that the man likes the park is . A. there is very few people C. its close to his home B. he likes the birds there 2. The woman came to this park to . A. ask John to leave the country C. meet John because shes leaving Dialogue B B. meet John as he is back now 3. The woman has already bought some . A. vegetables C. fruits 4. The man is going to buy some . A. apples C. plums Dialogue C 5. The man would like to have a . A. Lemonade C. Coke B. seafood B. seafood B. Pepsi 6. The woman as

      3、ks the man to with her. A. sit down and have a rest C. go for a walk Dialogue D 7. The man likes A. jazz C. classical 390 music. B. work in the garden B. popular 8 Th . e man 1s gomg to at the party. A. teach English literature B. give a tea party C. play the piano Dialogue E 9. The man likes A. going to a country music concert C. watching variety shows 10. The woman didnt mention A. boating C. fishing Dialogue F B. outdoor activities B. watching movies 11. Peter forgot to bring his with him. A.

      4、 resume B. certificates C. ID card 12. Which one does NOT match the job description? A. Traveling on business. C. Being a team member. Dialogue G 13. The man is probably buying . A. some clothes C. something to eat 14. The man watches A. football matches C. fashion shows Dialogue H every year. B. Long working hours. B. football tickets B. Wimbledon 15. The course Henry wants to do costs $ . A. 1000 C. 200 B. 1200 391 16. Henry wants to stay . A. with a local family C. with his family Dialogue I

      5、B. in the studentsaccommodation 17. The man and woman have just arrived at the . A. seaside C. airport 18. The man prefers to the hotel. A. swim in the swimming pool of C. have something to eat in Dialogue J 19. The deposit is $ . A. 1300 C. 6000 B. hotel B. watch a comedy on TV in B. 3000 20. The man wants to have his back. A.ID B. checkbook C. telephone number Section Two In this section, you are going to hear four passages. After each passage, there are five statements. Decide whether the sta

      6、tement is true (T) or false (F) and write it on the Answer Sheet. YouII hear each passage twice. (40 points, 2 points each) Passage One 21. () Hawaii is more than 3,000 km from California. 22. () Hawaii is closer to China than to Japan. 23. () About six thousand people visit Hawaii each year. 24. () People can watch the sea life in Hawaii. 25. () Each island has only one type of climate. 392 Passage Two 26. () The passage is about meat and poison. 27. () In Britain it is rude to lift your soup b

      7、owl to your mouth. 28. () In Japan it is rude to make noise when you drink soup. 29. () In Mexico it is rude to put hands on the table during the meal. 30. () In Arab countries it is very rude to eat with your left hand. Passage Three 31. () We should develop ways of reusing water. 32. () Today in many large cities water is only used once. 33. () Used water can be used again if people purify it at home. 34. () If water can be reused, we would have enough water to use. 35. () We can never solve t

      8、he problem of water shortage. Passage Four 36. () 70 gray whales have been found dead. 3 7. () In Mexico, 6 5 whales have died during the past 5 years. 38. () The whales swim 6,400 km from south to north along the coast. 39. () The dead whales were very thin when they were found. 40. () Gray whales are now in danger of disappearing. Section Three In this section, you are going to hear a dialogue. Fill in the blanks as you listen to the dialogue. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet. You will he

      9、ar the dialogue twice. (20 points, 2 points each) M: Have you traveled very much? F: Well, Ive been around the world two or three times. M: What countries have you visited then? F: Ive been to Fiji. Ive visited (41) , Switzerland, Italy and so on. M:Umhuh. And, er, (42) did you visit them? Was this just for a holiday, or work, or what? 393 F: In i:nost cases it was (43) holidays. M: Have you ever been to Britain (44) holiday? F: Oh, yes, I ve often been to Britam. M: Where have you been? F: Well

      10、, last year we (45) _ to the Lake District, but weve also been to Scotland and Ireland. We always (46) m summer because the weather is better. M: Yes, but there are (47) tourists. F: Yes, thats right. But its the (48) in every country. M: Have you ever worked abroad? F: Yes, I have. Um, I worked in France for (49) M: Um-huh. When was that? F: That was (50) I got married, in the 1970s. 394 or six years. 试卷代号:2150 座位号亡口国家开放大学2020年秋季学期期末统一考试英语听力(2)试题答题纸题号ISection One I Section Two I Section Three I

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    国家开放大学2021年1月电大《英语听力 (2)》考试试题及参考答案

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