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国家开放大学2021年1月电大《英语听力 (3)》考试试题及参考答案

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  • 上传时间:2021-11-17
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    • 1、试卷代号:2151 国家开放大学2020年秋季学期期末统一考试英语听力(3)试题2021年1月注意事项一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带出考场。二、考试时间大约为30分钟,请抓紧时间读题、做题和检查。三、仔细读懂题目的说明,并按题目要求答题。答案一定要写在答题纸的指定位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。四、用黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。398 Section One In this section, you are going to hear five dialogues. After each dialogue, there are five questions. Choose the best answer to each question and write your answer on the Answer Sheet. YouII hear each dialogue twice. (50 points) Dialogue l (1) The woman is going to a re

      2、staurant. A. eat in C. look for (2) Its true that you have to . A. work late C. get up early (3) Th e woman enJoys . A. working long hours C. having a lot of variety (4) The woman wants to A. work for her boss C. be her own boss B.open B. work very hard B. doing the same thing B. wear the uniform (5) The man will in the restaurant. A. take a risk B. be the first to eat C. not come to eat Dialogue Z (6) Penny cant go to the . A. party B. meeting C. cinema (7) The reason Penny cant go has to do wi

      3、th . A. her mother B. her work C. another party 399 (8) Penny has to do the following EXCEPT on the party night. A. marking exam papers C. attending a meeting (9) The meeting will last about . A. 3. 5 hours C. 2. 5 hours B. writing a report B. 3 hours (10) Penny and James are most probably . A. classmates B. friends C. colleagues Dialogue 3 (11) Mrs Harrisons address is 29 Emmerdale Road, , SW . A. London, 22 B. London, 12 C. Randel, 15 02) The gift is for hers birthday. A. daughter C. grandma B

      4、. granddaughter (13) The woman wants a duck, a wallaby and a . A. monkey B. dog C. giraffe (14) It totals. A. 90 C. 60 B. 70 (15) The woman is in a place where people animals. A. buy B. adopt C. talk about 400 Dialogue 4 (16) The girl is most probably a . A. university student B. busmess woman C. high school graduate (17) The problem with university is . A. money B. time C. independence (18) The girl doesnt want to。A. get a grant B. get a job C. use her dads money (19) In the Sandwich Course, th

      5、e pays for her study. A. girl B. father C. company (20) She gets 1 sa ary durmg the sandwich course. A.no C. full Dialogue 5 B. partial (21) The word chocoholic means someone who is addicted to A. alcohol C. chocolate B. drugs (22) Last year people in Britain spent over pounds on chocolate. A. 23 billion C. 2. 3 billion B. 2. 3 million 401 W! (23) The first thing to do is to_ . A. give up at once C. eat as much as you like B. keep a diary for 10 days (24) Then the most important thing is to . A.

      6、 write down your feelings C. stop eating from the second week B. cut down slowly week by week (25) Dr. Richards suggests you when you achieved your goal. A. spend all the money youve saved B. set another goal to achieve C. spend the money on something enjoyable Section Two Part 1 In this part, you will hear a passage. After the passage there are ten statements. Decide whether the following statement is True (T) or False (F) and write your answer on the Answer Sheet. You will hear the passage onl

      7、y once. (20 points) (26) The first Chinese to reach the US came to look for gold. (27) Then the Chinese were imported to build railroad. (28) After the railroad was built, they returned to Chma. (29) Family ties are strong in the Chinese families. (30) Young Chinese children do not behave very well. (31) Education is important in Chinese culture. (32) Only children from well-educated families become successful. (33) People recently come to the US are very poor. (34) The attitude towards Chinese

      8、has changed. (35) The Chinese has made many contributions to the US. 402 Part 2 In this part, you will hear a passage. Fill in blanks as you listen to the passage. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet. You will hear the passage twice. (30 points) James had a terrible toothache。Itkept him awake (36) night. His cheek was swollen and it was difficult for him to eat or (37) He asked his boss for time off. His boss could (38) that James was in great pain, and told him to take the (39) of the day off

      9、. The dentist agreed to (40) James immediately. He X-rayed the tooth that was (41) James trouble; then he put the X-ray against a bright (42) . At last he told James that he had to take the tooth (43) . The dentist gave James an injection and quickly pulled out the tooth. When James got (44) , he found the tooth that had been giving him so much trouble was still (45) 403 试卷代号:2151 座位号I国家开放大学2020年秋季学期期末统一考试三英语听力(3)题号分数Section one Section One 试题答题纸Section Two Part 1 I Part 2 总分2021年1月In this secti

      10、on, you are going to hear five dialogues. After each dialogue , there are five questions. Choose the best answer to each question and write your answer on the Answer Sheet. YouII hear each dialogue twice. (50 points, 2 points each) (1) (6) (11) (16) (21) 404 (2) (7) (12) (17) (22) (3) (4) (5) (8) (9) (IO) (13) (14) (15) (18) (19) (20) (23) (24) (25) 尸Section Two Part 1 In this part, you will hear a passage. After the passage there are ten statements. Decide whether the following statement is Tru

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