安卓APP | ios版本
安卓APP | ios版本


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  • 文档编号:93490443
  • 上传时间:2019-07-23
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    • 1、Master Production ScheduleMaster Production Schedule generates orders for Items with Order Method (P-MPS, see Item Master). However data must be maintained in Maintain MPS Item screen. This screen is separately maintained and here user can override Economic Order Qty, Lead time, Lot Sizing Method. For users convenience Pull MPS Item screen is added so user can pull all MPS type items in one shot from Item Location. Item having BOM can be Make/Buy type, those which do not can only be of Buy type.

      2、Orders of a MPS Item will only be generated if there is net demand of item i.e. total demand(Sales Order, Warehouse transfer outgoing, Forecast, dependent demand of Item(if any) exceeds total supply(purchase, production, warehouse transfer coming in, on hand inventory).Following are typical steps to maintain data for MPS:1. Maintain Items in Item Master with Order Method P. 2. Maintain above Items in Item Location.3. Create Formula for Item.4. Create BOM of Item, attach Item to a formula, set BO

      3、M type Finished Good if Item is a Finished good set appropriate fill levels. Set BOM type Intermediate if Item is an intermediate(i.e. item has a formula and is used in some another formula). For containers set BOM type to Assembly if item is container assembly, here formula is not applicable.5. Release the BOM.6. In Maintain MPS Item screen maintain data. User can use pull MPS Item screen to maintain all data in one shot.7. Maintain company calendar, specify weekly holidays if any, Orders will

      4、not be generated on holidays.8. Maintain Planning calendars, at least one planning calendar is required to run MPS/MRP. Planning calendars in 7.10 have no origin date and are used to group data in forecasting and Planning worksheet.9. Maintain Forecasts of Items . Now that Forecasts in 7.10 are bucket less, one has to maintain data in forecast again. Data in forecasts are now saved on daily basis but is grouped by Planning Calendar. If user wants to view data with other calendar, he may select n

      5、ew calendar and click Change Forecast button on toolbar.10. In MPS setup maintain time fences, default planning calendar( required for MPS run). Also specify gross demand calculation functions for all the three demand ranges.11. Maintain sales orders of Items in sales order entry. If MPS Orders are to be generated (for demonstration etc) ensure that sales orders Qty exceeds On hand quantity in inventory.12. Create Warehouse transfer (Outgoing) for Items. Save Order but do not process it, this wi

      6、ll create demand for Item. New field expected receipt date is added in version 7.1 and it has to be maintained.13. In Run MPS Item screen specify Item-Location range and Demand end date and click process.13. Open Planning worksheet to view results. 14. If exception orders are generated then view Demand Fence1/2 production and purchase orders, these orders are generated when order date falls in a time fence or falls beyond MPS run date.15. Confirm Orders in planning worksheet. Only confirmed orders can be transferred to a purchase order or a production batch.16. In Transfer MPS Production Order screen select Items to transfer, specify batch type, process cell, measured by, capacity. Click transfer to transfer orders to batch. 17. Similar steps has to be taken for transferring purchase orders.


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