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    • 1、,英语国际音标 与语音速成,英语国际音标简介,音素是语音的最小单位,一个音素就是一个音。48音素 元音 辅音 音标是用于标记读音的符号,也就是音素的书面符号。英语音标的作用相当于汉语的拼音。 国际音标是国际语音协会制定的一套语音符号。 26字母 元音字母 辅音字母 音标在标注字母或单词的读音时,音标外要用方括号 或两条斜线括起来,以免与单词或字母混淆。,元音是指发音时气流通过口腔或鼻腔时,不受任何阻碍,同时声带振动。英语中的元音共有20个。 辅音是指发音时,气流从肺部压出来后,通过口腔或鼻腔时受到各发音器官的阻碍,如受到唇、齿、舌、咽喉等的阻碍而形成的音。英语中的辅音音素按发音时声带是否振动可以分为11个清辅音和17个浊辅音。 清辅音发音时声带不振动,浊辅音发音时声带振动。,/i:/,发音要诀 (1)舌尖抵下齿,舌前部尽量抬高。 (2)双唇扁平,牙床几乎半合。 (3)这是长元音,发音时嘴角向旁伸,做微笑状,并要有一定的延长。 发音练习,me mi: see si: sea si: meet mi:t heat hi:t need ni:d free fri: feel fi:l bee

      2、 bi: ,We/wi:/我们 me/mi:/ 我(宾格) she /i: /她 knee/ni:/膝盖 Tree/ tr i:/树 Chinese/taini:z/ Sheep/i:p/羊 three /ri:/三 canteen/cnti:n/ These/i:z/这些,朗读下面的句子,(1)A friend in need is a friend indeed. (2)Which would you like, black tea or green tea? (3)Can you see the green tree? (4)There is a key on the seat. (5)Do you like to eat meat?,注意事项/与/i:/发音的不同,(1)这是两个不同的音素, /i:/不是/的单纯加长。它们的发音口腔部位不完全相同。 (2)发/音时,口腔肌肉松弛;发/i:/时口腔肌肉紧张。 (3) /是短元音,发音短促; /i:/是长元音,发音细长。,/,发音要诀 (1)舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,音短促。 (2)双唇扁平,牙床半合,上下齿之间可放入一个小指尖。口腔

      3、肌肉松弛。 发音练习,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,p,i,g,b,i,g,d,i,g,k,i,d,k,i,c,k,p,i,c,k,猪,大的,挖,小孩子,踢,采摘,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,k,i,s,s,s,i,t,c,l,i,p,s,i,x,c,h,i,p,s,吻,坐,回形针,六,炸薯条,Milk/milk/ 牛奶 hit/hit/打,击中 minute/minit/分钟 city/siti/城市 fish/fi / 鱼 hill/hil/小山 window/wind/窗 happy/kpi/快乐 fit /fit/ 适合的 thin/ in/瘦的 rabbit/rbit/兔子 live/liv/居住 is/iz/ 是 this/ is/这个 music/mju:zik/音乐 his/hiz/ 他的 fifteen/fifti:n/十五,朗读下面的句子,(1)This is a pig. (2)Jim is as thin as a pin. (3)Dick often sits on the hill. (4)Bill lives in this

      4、village. (5)It is a pity, this city is too noisy.,/e/,发音要诀 (1)舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬高。 (2)双唇中常,上下齿间可容下一食指,口腔肌肉松弛。 注意事项 (1)发/e/ 音时,口不能张得太大。 (2)要避免舌头随便移动,从而发成其他的双元音。 发音练习,朗读下面的单词,leg le tell tel desk desk bed bed bread bred ,Leg/leg/腿 egg/eg/鸡蛋 Bed/bed/床 desk/desk/桌子 Pen/pen/笔 elephant/elifnt/大象 get/get/获得 seven/sevn/七 Yes/jes/是的 eleven/levn/十一,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,b,e,d,b,e,l,t,p,e,t,e,g,g,l,e,g,d,e,s,k,床,腰带,宠物,蛋,腿,书桌,朗读下面的句子,(1)It is never too late to mend. (2)He has already passed the test. (3)Fresh ve

      5、getables are good for our health. (4)So many men, so many minds. (5)Lets get ready for the lesson.,/,发音要诀 (1)舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬高,音短促。 (2)双唇向两边平伸,成扁平形。上下齿间可容两指宽度。口腔肌肉松弛。 发音练习,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,a,d,b,a,d,s,a,d,d,a,d,b,a,g,爸爸,坏的,伤心的,广告,书包,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,/,b,a,t,c,a,t,c,a,p,b,l,a,c,k,蝙蝠/球拍,猫,帽子,黑色的,p,朗读下面的句子,(1)As a matter of fact, the man is fat. (2)The cat catches a fat rat. (3)A fat man ran after a black cat. (4)She has a black bag. (5)Mack comes back very late.,/:/,art :t hard h:d star st: card k:d da

      6、rk d:k arm :m start st:t ,朗读下面的句子,(1)There is a large park near the farm. (2)A fast car passed through the park. (3)Her father is counting the stars in a dark house. (4)He didnt pass the exam, for its rather hard. (5)Her farther put the card into the basket.,/,注意事项 /不出现在重读音节中,在词首或词中时发音较模糊,在词尾时适当拖长。 发音练习,ago u panda pnd brother br sister sist winter wint river riv breakfast brekfst ,朗读下面的句子,(1)Her younger sister is a teacher. (2)Did you forget the famous writers name? (3)After supper, he went to

      7、visit his younger brother. (4)There is an eraser under the computer. (5)The second picture drew by my brother is very beautiful,/ :/,her h: bird b:d work w:k shirt :t girl :l skirt sk:t ,/:n/ /n:s/ /s:v/ /h:t/ /b:d/ /t:m/,/h:/ /s:/ /h:d/ /:n/,朗读下面的句子,(1)The early bird catches the worm. (2)There are thirteen girls in the third picture. (3)Please turn to page thirty and read the first dialogue. (4)The nurse in a dirty skirt is feeding the bird. (5)He has written thirty poems this term.,/,注意事项 发/ 时

      8、,声音要短促,不能拖泥带水。 发音练习,fun fn bus bs must mst cut kt luck lk sun sn son sn duck dk ,朗读下面的句子,(1)What colour is this bus? (2)Her son loves nothing but money. (3)Its Sunday, but you must get up now. (4)Her cousin cut her finger last Monday. (5)He doesnt have enough money, but he is going to take his mother to visit the Great Wall.,/,hot ht fox stop stp dog not nt pot box bks clock sorry sri what wt ,朗读下面的句子,(1)I got a job as a pop song singer. (2)Barking dogs do not bite. (3)-Whats this? -Its a clock. (4)There are many hot dogs in the shop. (5)The dog stopped on the top of the hill.,/:/,door d: law l: call k:l more m: small sm:l story st:ri tall t:l,朗读下面的句子,(1)Look before you leap. (2)Its warm today. (3)Please open the door. (4)George saw a door on the wall. (5)Your daughter who is tall has bought four balls.,/,put put book buk good ud look luk cook kuk foot fut ,朗读下面的句子,(1)The classroom is full of books. (2)She is a good


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