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    • 1、五年级书信格式篇一:五年级书信作文评价表篇二:五年级下册语文第一单元书信作文评语第一单元 评语开头:1、 开头交代写信的原因,并表达愿望,拉近了彼此间的距离,使读信人产生亲近感。2、 交代写信的原因,拉近彼此的距离。3、 交代写信的原因,并提出交友期望。4、 开头太突然,建议简要地说明一下写信的目的,拉近彼此的距离。中间:1、 小作者在介绍自己的时候,抓住了主要特点。2、 自我介绍语言幽默风趣,相信远方的小朋友一定愿意和你交朋友。3、 介绍自身情况以及学校环境等,语言简洁、重点突出,虽然文字不多,但是可以让对方有一定的了解。4、 多么真诚的语言,对方一定会接受的。5、 引用诗句使语言更加生动。6、 提出“手拉手”活动的设想,切实可行,有一定实际意义。7、 “手拉手”活动的设想很有新意,切实可行。8、 符合习作要求,交代“手拉手”活动的设想。9、 详细介绍自己的校园。10、 语言亲切、自然。11、 书信内容具体,语言诚恳、朴实,感情真挚。12、 这句话里有一个用错的词,一个错别字,你能找出来吗?13、 本次自作的重点是要和对方谈谈“手拉手”活动的建议,因此要围绕习作要求写。结尾:1、 言

      2、辞真诚恳切,让对方更乐于接受。2、 书信格式正确。3、 前呼后应,点明主旨。4、 提出自己内心的愿望,构想美好的明天,真是令人期待啊!5、 此处书信的格式不正确,你能改一改吗?总评:1、 书信格式正确,在信中小作者介绍了自己及家乡美丽的风景,提出开展“手拉手”活动的想法及建议。书信语言自然真诚,能够达到联谊、交友的目的。2、 这封信格式正确,条理清晰,小作者向对方热情地介绍了美丽的校园,还发出了真诚的邀请,字里行间流露这小作者对远方朋友的关爱和彼此建立友谊的愿望。3、 小作者不但说明了写信的原因,而且还详细地介绍了自己及自己家乡的特点,表达了想与远方小朋友交友的意愿,书信内容充实。4、 我要是收到这封信的小朋友,一定愿意与小作者交朋友,因为我被他的真诚打动了。5、 书信中重点写了“手拉手”活动的设想,不仅表达了小作者真诚地想交朋友的情感,而且体现了书信这种文体交流亲切的特点。篇三:书信的格式和写法书信的格式和写法信头(日期+收信人地址)Month, Date, yearReceivers address称呼Dear .,正文 I am extremely/awfully/ adj. t

      3、o hear /learn./ to see.on TV/in the newspaper.And I cant wait to write letter/I would like to write a letter to tell you that./ I am confident that ./ I feel that .In the first place/To begin with,. Whats more,. Finally,On the one hand,. On the other hand,.For one thing,. For another thing,(合) I shall be much obliged if you will offer me a precious opportunity to an interview. I will greatly appreciate a response from you at your earliest convenience/ I am looking forward to your replies at your

      4、 earliest convenience.Best regards for your health and success.结尾语 Yours Sincerely,X X X签名Li huaI. 假设你是李华,在得知四川大地震的消息及很多灾区的孩子失去了自己的家甚至自己的亲人之后,而且校舍也在地震中遭到破坏,作为校学生会主席,你决定给灾区的中学生写一封慰问信,在信中表示你对灾区学生的同情、关心以及你校学生为了帮助他们而采取的行动。Dear friends, Im awfully sorry to learn that a horrible and severe earthquake unexpectedly hit your hometown , YaAn and that many children lost their homes and families as well as their school buildings in the earthquake.(承+ 转)I am fully confident that faced with such a rarely-seen

      5、 disaster, you will certainly pull though the hard times because I feel that every Chinese can not wait a minute to make every effort to help you when you need any help. Just as a proverb goes that a friend in need is a friend indeed. I, as chairman of the student union, express our most sincere pity and care for you on behalf of all my schoolmates. Whats more, action is being taken in our school to give you a helping hand. We will make a donation to you by means of raising money, foe example, e

      6、xpecting that it can help you go through the difficulty and rebuild your better hometown as soon as possible. Therefore, never give up whatever happens. Remember that it is we who will share joys and happiness with you for ever.(合)Best wishes for you!Yours sincerely,Li Hua20XX II. Guided WritingDirections: Write an English xxposition in 120150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.假如你是启明中学(Ming Qi Middle School)的李明,想申请一个扶贫项目,帮助贫困地区的儿童。根据以下启Dear Sirs,My name is Li Ming and Im

      7、 a student from Mingqi High School. As I have grown up in the city, lending a hand to my rural peer group has always been my dream. Im writing to apply for the poverty-relief program launched by the International Children Fund that I have heard about recently.In fact, there are still a large number of school-age children who have no access to good education in the undeveloped regions of our country. So, I sincerely hope that I can do something to make a difference by making full use of your prog

      8、ram. If I can get the supporting money, first, I will use some parts of it to buy the textbooks they need. Since the fund is limited, I will try to buy some second-hand reading materials for their free-time reading. Besides, I have to keep a small sum of money in order to pay the postal charges.Last but not least, I will feel honored if I can get the fund to start the poverty-relief program in our country and I will try my best to use the fund. Im looking forward to your reply!Yours, sincerelyLi

      9、 MingDear Sirs,Hello! Im Li Ming, a student from Mingqi High School of Shanghai. As Ive always been interested in charity, Im writing to you in the hope that I could be given the 2,000-yuan fund to carry out my project to help children in poverty-stricken areas.My poverty-relief program is divided into three parts. In the initial stage, Ill try to purchase textbooks for subjects such as English and Maths,.Given that new books are usually expensive, Ill be on the look-out for good-quality second-hand books. The second stage of my program is to recruit high school students who have a strong desire to help pupils in poor areas. Surely they should be armed with relative knowledge


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