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测控技术与仪器专业英语 张凤登UNIT-5.Basic Semiconductor Devices

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    • 1、UNIT 5 Basic Semiconductor Devices,5.1 Text Semiconductor Diode 半导体二极管,New Words semiconductor ,semikndkt n. 半导体 diode daiud n. 二极管 transistor trnsist n. 晶体管,New Words (continue) silicon silikn n. 硅 germanium d:meinim n. 锗 crystalline kristlain n. 晶体的 impurity impjurti n. 杂质 rectifier rektifai n. 整流器 rectification ,rektifikein n. 整流 triac traik n. 三端双向可控硅开关(元件) diac daik n. 二端交流开关(元件) covalent kuveilnt a. 共价的 junction dkn n. 结 adjacent deisnt a. near, next to, 临近的,毗连的 equilibrium ,i:kwilibrim n.

      2、 平衡,均衡 instantaneous ,instnteinjs a. momentary,瞬间的 bias bais v. 偏置,Notes: An n-type material possesses an abundance of electrons or negative charge carriers that do not take part in covalent bonding. N型材料拥有大量的不以共价键连接的电子或负电荷载流子 。 A p-type has an excess of positive charge carriers or holes that are not influenced by covalent bonding. P型材料拥有过量的不以共价键连接的正电荷载流子或空穴。,Exercises 1. Answer the following questions. The materials between the ones that conduct electrical current easily and the ones that dont

      3、conduct electrical current are semiconductors. For example, silicon, germanium. They have characteristics between those of conductors and insulators. A p-type material posses excess of positive charge carriers or holes. A diode is a pn junction. It performs the function of rectification. It is possible that, due to temperature, some electrons will cross the junction from the n-type region to the p-type region. Likewise, some holes will diffuse from the p-type region to the n-type region. After t

      4、his diffusion has taken place, an electrical barrier is developed between the two regions. Thus the further movement of charge carrier is prohibited and the diode is in a state of equilibrium. The instantaneous polarity of the potential connected to each terminal of the diode determines the action performed by the diode. The polarity of the battery is used to bias the diode. Because they are attracted by the positive terminal of the battery. The continuous movement of electrons and holes makes u

      5、p an electrical current when a diode is forward biased. No, it doesnt. Because there is an electrical barrier that blocks the movement of charge carriers in the area near the junction.,Exercises (continue) 2. Select the best choices to complete the sentences. B. crosses (2) C. is reverse biased (3) A. blocking (4) C. performed (5) D. diffused (译文:二极管制造的新技术已经在全球范围内迅速传播) (6) B. determined (7) D. flows (8) C. exceeded,5.2 Reading and Translation Bipolar Transistors and Their Configurations 双极型晶体管及其

      6、组态,New Words and Phrases configuration kn,fijureinn. name, description, title, 组态,结构,配置 designation ,dezinein n. 标示,名称 schematic ski:mtik a. 图解的 lead li:d n. pin, 引出脚 emitter imit n. 发射极 base beis n. 基极 collector klekt n. 集电极,Notes: common-base amplifier 共基极放大器 common-emitter amplifier 共射级放大器 common-collector circuit 共集电极电路,斜体部分参考译文: Leads attached to each piece of material are identified as the emitter, base, and collector. In the symbol, when the arrowhead of the emitter lead “Points iN” towar

      7、d the base it indicates that the device is of the PNP type. Lead identification is extremely important when working with transistors. 连在每片材料上的引出脚分别称为发射极、基极和集电极。在符号中,当发射极的箭头指向基极方向,则表明是PNP型。使用晶体管时,分清引脚是十分重要的。 The term “bipolar” refer to conduction by holes and electrons. Electrons are the majority current carriers of the N material. In the P material, holes are the majority current carriers. Current conduction in the transistor is based on the movement of both current carriers. The term bipolar de

      8、notes this condition of conduction . “双极型”指的是由空穴和电子导电,电子是N型材料的多数载流子,空穴是P型材料的多数载流子。晶体管的导通是建立在二种载流子运动的基础上。双极型就表明这种导电情况。 The common-base amplifier is, however, not the only possible arrangement. An alternative form is one in which the input signal is still applied between the emitter and the base, but the output signal, instead of being taken between the collector and base as above, is taken between the collector and the emitter. Such an amplifier is known as a common-emitter amplifier. 然而,共基极放大器不是

      9、唯一的接法。另一种形式是,输入信号仍作用在射级和基极之间,但输出信号不是取自如上所述的集电极和基极,而是取自集电极和发射极,这种放大器称为共射级放大器 。,5.3 Further Reading V-MOS Field-Effect Transistors V-MOS场效应晶体管,New Words FET abbr. 场效应管(field-effect transistor) active ktiv a. 有源的 groove ru:v n. 沟道,(唱片等的)纹道 etch et v. 刻蚀,刻画 substrate sbstreit n. 基底 dissipation disipein n. 消散,驱散 penetrate penitreit v. 穿过,进入,渗透 dope dup v. 给(半导体等)搀杂 deposit dipzit v. 沉积,沉淀;存放,寄存 source s:s n. 源极 gate eit n. 栅极;门。 AND 与门;OR 或门;NOT 非门 drain drein n. 漏极,5.4 General Knowledge 奈达翻译理论在科技英语句子翻译中的应用 尤金奈达(Eugene Albert Nida)是著名的美国翻译理论家和语言学家,其翻译理论对整个翻译界的影响巨大。功能理论是奈达翻译理论的核心,共分为两部分:最低层面的功能对等和最高层面的功能对等。 译文读者可以构想出原文读者怎样理解和欣赏原文被定义为最低层面的功能对等; 译文读者一定能够以原文读者同样的方式去理解和欣赏译文被定义为最高层面的功能对等。 怎样将奈达翻译理论用于科技英语句子的翻译 1. 表层性句子功能对等翻译 2. 修辞性句子对等翻译 3. 深层性句子对等翻译,课后作业 P.43,Exercise 3,

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