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    • 1、Unit 6,Electronic Payment 电子支付,一、对比分析,信用卡在线支付和直接刷卡的异同,一、对比分析的主题,credit card online purchase 信用卡在线支付 Credit card offline purchase 直接刷卡,二、对比分析的两方面,1. 从流程(process)方面分析; 2.从参与主体(participants)方面分析。,1. 从流程方面分析直接刷信用卡(Offline Process):,Shopping and swipe the credit card 选购并刷卡,Receive and send Information 接收信用卡信息,Authorization 发卡行认证,Send back information; Finish the transaction 信息传回处理器; 完成交易,2.信用卡在线支付流(Online Process),3. 转到支付页面 check page,4. 输入信用卡信息 (Enter the credit card information),顾客在线购物 (purchase on

      2、line),2. 添加到购物车 (electronic shopping cart),信用卡在线支付流(Online Process),5.商家网址接收 顾客的信用卡信息 (Receive information),6.把信息转到 支付处理服务系统 (PPS),7.把信息传递给处理器 (processor),8.把信息传给 信用卡发卡行 (issuing bank),信用卡在线支付流(Online Process),9.发卡行认证支付 (the issue bank authorizes the payment),10.把信息传回支付处理系统 routes the transaction result to the PPS,11.系统把信息传递给商家 (The PPS passes the result to the merchant),12.商家接受或拒绝交易 (The merchant accepts or rejects the transaction),二、从参与主体(participants)方面对比分析,credit card online purchase 信用卡在线支付

      3、 Credit card offline purchase 直接刷卡,1. Offline Purchase Participants 直接刷卡的参与主体,1.Customer 顾客,2.Cashier 收银员,3. Point of sale terminal (POS) 销售终端,7.Merchant 商家,5.Issuing bank 发卡行,4.Processor 处理器,6. POS (销售终端),2. Online Purchase Participants 信用卡在线支付的参与主体,1.Customer 顾客,2.Payment processing system (PPS) 在线支付处理系统,3.Information Processor 信息处理器,7. Merchant 商家,4. Issuing bank 发卡行认证,5. PPS 支付处理系统,6. Information Processor 信息处理器,总结,1.The credit card online purchase and offline purchase is essentially the sam

      4、e. 信用卡在线支付和直接刷卡本质上是一样的。,总结 2. For a certain credit card and processing system, the process and participants are essentially the same for online and offline purchases. 在线购买和离线购买,使用信用卡和处理信息的方式和参与者,其实本质上是一样的。,总结,3.Credit card payment online is very convenient for consumers. 信用卡在线支付很方便。,信用卡在线支付的一点不足,4. However, a concern of consumers is the security while sending credit card information over the Internet. 顾客认为:通过网络发送信用卡信息,不是很安全。,确保安全的方法,5. We can use the Paypal Platform to guarantee the safety of on

      5、line payment. 我们可以使用支付宝第三方支付平台来确保在线支付的安全性。,第67页习题讲解,67页词汇习题讲解,Process 过程 Cashier 收银员 Route 线路,67页词汇习题讲解 authorize 认证;授权 reject 拒绝 imposter 骗子 guarantee 确保;保证,七、听写单词,过程 收银员 线路,听写单词,认证;授权 拒绝 骗子 确保;保证,第67页翻译练习,第67页翻译练习,1. Authorization determines whether a buyers credit card is active and with sufficient funds. 通过认证来确定买家的信用卡是否激活,是否资金充足。,第67页翻译练习,2. The issuing bank sends the transaction to the processor, either authorizing the payment or not. 发卡行把交易信息发给处理器,批准支付或者不批准支付。,3.Customers also want to be s

      6、ure that no one will change their order and they are connected to the real vendor and not to an imposter. 顾客想要确定的是没有人改动他的订单,并且确认他的卖家是真正的卖家而不是骗子。,2. 短语翻译,1)认证和结算 Authorization and settlement,2)从买方到商家账户的资金转移 The transfer of money from the buyers account to the merchants account,3)输入信用卡信息 Enter his or her credit card information,4)将信用卡交给收银员 hand the credit card to the cashier,5)将信息发送给处理中心 Transfer customers account information to payment processing service (PPS),6)消费者信用卡的发卡行 The issuing bank of the

      7、 customers credit card,7)交易的结果 The result /outcome of the transaction,8)保证信用卡在线支付的安全性 Guarantee the safety of credit card payment online,口语练习,短语积累,the terms of payment 付款方式 deal with a new customer 和客户打交道 irrevocable letter of credit 不可撤销的信用证,进出口知识积累,Payment by L/C (进出口)用信用证付款 usual international practice 通常的国际惯例,so far 至今 In the way在一定程度上 get the right amount of money 收到如数的货款,issue the L/C 30 days before the date of shipment 在货物装运前30天,到银行签发信用证,有效的信用证,The L/C should be valid for 25 days after th

      8、e date of shipment. 信用证在装运25天后生效。,八、口语练习,A:There is another thing we need to discuss-the terms of payment. B: Well, when we deal with a new customer, we would like the payment to be made by irrevocable letter of credit.,A: Payment by L/C is the safest method so far. B: Yes, that is a quite usual international practice. In the way, sellers can get the right amount of money.,A: OK, well issue the L/C 30 days before the date of shipment.,B: How long should the L/C be valid? A: It should be valid fo

      9、r 25 days after the date of shipment. B: Great! Thank you!,Case study 案例分析: Online Marketing of T 网上集市淘宝网,Achievement of Taobao 淘宝的发展背景,1)T is the largest online marketplace in Asia; 是亚太地区最大的网络零售商圈 2) Found in May,10, 2003 by Alibaba; 3) Membership of 98,000,000; 淘宝网注册会员超9800万人 4) Revenue : above 20,000 billion 年交易额预计将超过2000亿元.,Business Model Analysis 淘宝商业模式分析,一、Marketing Strategy Analysis 淘宝营销策略分析,strategy,Provide Various products for customers,guarantee the safety of service,the largest online marketplace,Broad target consumers,Flexible online marketing strategy,Marketing Strategy Analysis 淘宝营销策略分析,Aims to become the largest online marketplace in China 战略目标成为中国最大的网上个人物品交易市场,Marketing Strategy Analysis 淘宝营销策略分析,Broad target consumers: all the Chinese people 目标客户群面向整个中国的广大消费者,Marketing Strategy Analysis 淘宝营销策略分析,3. Provide a variety of products for customers 产品方面(产


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