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外研版高中英语必修4 module 5《a trip along the three gorges》(listening)课件

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  • 文档编号:70829559
  • 上传时间:2019-01-18
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  • 常见问题
    • 1、Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges Listening & Speaking & Writing,1. Improve the students listening ability. 2. Talk about obligation, permission and prohibition. 3. Write some rules for travelers arriving in your town.,Learning aims,adj.专业的;职业的,n. U 烹调(法),n. C小木屋;船舱;客舱,adj.强制性的;义务性的,adj.传统的,Pre-listening,1. professional 2. cuisine 3. cabin 4. compulsory 5. traditional,Leading-in,vt.禁止,adj.禁烟的,vt.要求,上岸,给拍照,6. forbid 7. non-smoking 8. require 9. go on shore 10. take photos of,Describe the pic

      2、tures on Page 45. Picture 1: They are having a lecture. Picture 2: A boy is flying the kite on the seaside. Picture 3: They are dancing. Picture 4: He is smoking while eating. Picture 5: A person is swimming in the river. Picture 6: She is taking photos.,A : on a boat B: in a travel agency C: on a television programme D: at passport control in an airport,listening,I.Listen to the conversation and decide where the speakers are.,II.Listen to the tape again and answer the following questions. 1. Wh

      3、at is the listening passage mainly about? Its mainly about what you can do and what you cant do on a classic Three Gorges cruise. 2. What are the on-board activities? They are welcome party, lectures on history and culture, disco, Tai Chi and kite flying.,The captain lets passengers use his cabin. There are lectures but you dont have to go to them. Swimming from the boat is forbidden. Youre not allowed to smoke. Passengers are required to take their passports with them.,Function: Finish the exer

      4、cise on activity 1 , on Page 45.,b,c,a,c,b,You must/have to Youre required to It is necessary to,You dont have to / arent required to Its not necessary to,Youre allowed to You can / may,You arent allowed/ cant / shouldnt ,You cant / mustnt Youre forbidden to Its against rules to,Affirmative(肯定的),Negative(否定的),Use the correct expressions to fill in the chart.,People who do not live in the European Union have to go this way.,People who want to get on flight AZ457 to Paris should check in Desk 12 .

      5、,Look at the signs and explain their meanings.,Speaking,Smoking is forbidden. No smoking.,The use of mobile phones is forbidden.,Dont leave your luggage on its own anywhere.,You are not allowed to take a case which weighs more than 20 kg onto this flight.,You are required to obey the traffic rules. You are allowed to cross the street. Children are required to cross the street with their parents. Cars are not allowed to pass.,SpeakingLook at more signs.,Make noisesdisturb others,Work in groupsDis

      6、cuss and write rules for the travellers arriving in your town.,Environmental pollution is getting serious here. Some activities are dangerous. In order to keep your safety and protect the environment, please follow the rules below.,Say sth. about the following topic and share it with your classmates. Notice to Visitors,1.Passengers cant hurt the animals, birds, useful insects or pick flowers. 2.Travellers mustnt swim from the boat. 3.Foreigners have to take their passports with them.,4.You shoul

      7、d keep the water clean. 5.You shouldnt throw away the litter everywhere. You must throw it into a trash can. 6.You dont have to go with the guides but its safer. Thank you for your cooperation.,southwest,hilly mountains; high plateau; fertile plains,beautiful,the Heavenly Kingdom; four rivers,Sichuan,Read the description and identify the province.,Writing,Step 1: Location Step 2: Geographical features Step 3: People Step 4: Opinion and thought You can use the following sentence structures: I thi

      8、nk There are many It is located in Its famous for ,Step 1 Say where the region is: (location) be located in be situated in be in lie in E.g. My hometown is located in Haiyuan. Our school is situated in Tongxin.,Describe the main geographical features: hill( hilly): continuous, green , bare mountain (mountainous): hilly, green, big, huge, high coast (coastal): long , short desert: immense slope: steep, gentle plain: fertile, poor,Step 2,plateau: flat forest: thick, thin, green E.g. There are a lo

      9、t of bare hills around my house. We live in the hilly areas.,People in the region: friendly hard-working brave out-going kind devoted diligent sincere honest active quiet warm-hearted optimistic E.g. 1.My family are friendly and sincere. 2.Students in this class are devoted and hard-working.,Step 3,Step 4,Give your opinion and thought: In my opinion I think I believe I hope I wish I want to E.g. I do believe our school will become better and better.,Read your writing to your partner. Check and rewrite your writing according to the following. Then share it with the whole class. Are you clear what happens(4W and 1H)? Do you know the writers attitude and emotion? Are there any good connecting words or phrases? Are there any good phrases or sentences

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