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高二英语选修7 unit 4 sharing-language point

  • 卖家[上传人]:小**
  • 文档编号:70759270
  • 上传时间:2019-01-18
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:420.50KB
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  • 常见问题
    • 1、A LETTER HOME,Unit 4 sharing,1 My class,2 Students putting new grass on classroom roofs,3 Building a new science lab,Question: What similarities and differences can you find between Jos classroom and yours?,Language points: hear from 2.be dying to do 3.adapt to 4.the other day 5.participate 6.otherwise,1.hear from sb =receive ones letter 当他收到山东大学的来信的时候,他们全家高兴得跳了起来. hear of sb/sth 听人说起过某人或某物 hear about 听到关于,All his family jumped with joy when he heard from Shandong University.,2.be dying to do 迫切

      2、希望做某事 be dying for sth 渴望得到某物 (1).中国人渴望发展经济. (2).The children_ the Christmas gifts.,The Chinese people are dying to develop the economy.,are dying for,拓展 long/be eager/be anxious to do long/be eager/be anxious/thirsty for die of/from 因而死 die adeath 死得 die out (动.植物)灭绝;(风俗,习惯等)消失 die off (家庭,种族等)相继死亡 die away (声音,光线)逐渐平息,减弱 die down (火,兴奋)渐弱,渐息,The country is changing very quickly and many of the old traditions are_ A.dying of B.dying away C. dying down D.dying out All the children on the playgro

      3、und stared up into the sky until the noise of the plane_. A.gave up B. took off C.went off D. died away,D,D,3.adapt adjust adapt (oneself) to “适应,适合” You should _ the new environment. 你应该适应新环境。 adjust “适应” “调整”、“调节”使之适应 adjust (oneself) to =adapt (oneself) to “适应”/adjust to doing He adjusted his tie before entering the hall.,adapt yourself to,be (get) used to be related to lead to devote oneself to contribute to,You cant see through the telescope until it _your eyes. adjustment n 调整,适应 adjustabl

      4、e adj 可调整的,is adjusted to,习惯于,与相关,导致,通向,献身于,为作贡献,access to look forward to pay attention to give rise to be accustomed to be addicted to stick to belong to refer to,接近/进入(某地的)方法,盼望,注意,引起,习惯于,沉溺于,坚持,属于,提到,涉及到,查阅,4. the other day=some days ago (与一般过去时连用) one day some day another day day after day day by day,5. participate vi 参与,参加 participate in 参加 participate in sth with sb 同某人参与某事 participation 参与,分担,共享 participant 参加者,共享者 类似短语:take part in;join in sth ;join sb in (doing) sth He didnt participat

      5、e in the game. =He didnt _ _ _the game.,take,party,in,6. otherwise (adv. conj.) “用别的方法,其他方面; 否则,不然 (or)” He is slow , but otherwise he is a good worker . Seize the chance , otherwise (or) you will regret it . 祈使句 , and (or ,otherwise ) + 简单句 (简单句常用将来时),Hurry up , _ you will be late. A. and B. otherwise C. if D. unless 2) Study hard , _ you will pass the exam . A. and B. or C. if D. unless 3) Study hard , _ you will not pass the exam . A. and B. otherwise C. if D. unless,B,A,B,Consolidation Translate the sentences 1.你最近收到他们的信了吗? 2.你听说那起事故了吗? 3.我们都急于知道真相.,Have you heard from them recently?,Have you heard about the accident?,We are all dying to know the truth.,4.他恨不得马上抽根烟. 5.他很快就适应了军旅生活. 6.每个人都能参加这项游戏.,He is dying for a cigarette.,He quickly adjusted to the army life.,Everyone can participate in the game.,Homework: 1.Read the text again. 2.Finish off exercises on workbook.,

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