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    • 1、Reading for Writing:What makes a great scientist The Father of Chinas Aerospace&A World of Pure ThoughtWatch the video and learn about Qian Xuesen.Who?life experiencequalitiescontributionsPrediction:What will be talked about?The father of Chinas aerospaceRead the passage and match the main idea of each part.Para.1 Para.2-5 Para.6 Para.7 A.Qians life experience and achievements.B.A brief introduction to QianC.Qians death and peoples appreciation of him D.Qians personalities and qualitiesCareful R

      2、eadingWhat can we know about Qian from Para.1?Perhaps no other scientist has had a greater impact on Chinas aerospace science than Qian Xuesen.with great scientific thought and scientific spirit patriotic and served his homeland with effort,.Born in Hang Zhou 191119322009attended schools and entered Shanghai Jiao Tong University1930sswitched his majorpursued his graduate studies in US 1935became a pioneer 1930s-1940sreturned to China1955launched the first man-made satellite1970Died Read the text

      3、 and find out all the time and events related to Qian Xuesen.Qian changed his major because of a shift in personal interest.Qian made the decision to switch his major to aviation because he realised that China needed its own powerful air force to protect and defend the country.False.What personalities and qualities can we find about Qian?patriotic(having a great love of his country)What makes a great scientist?(Para.2)Did Qians graduate studies help him a lot?How?What personalities and qualities

      4、 can we find about Qian?knowledgeableWhat makes a great scientist?(Para.3)became a pioneer in.conducted important research into.co-founded JPLDid Qian develop Chinas rocket science smoothly?What personalities and qualities can we find about Qian?determinedWhat makes a great scientist?(Para.4)returned to China despite difficulties took on the challenge in developing Chinas space scienceNoWhy was Qian called“the father of Chinas aerospace”?What personalities and qualities can we find about Qian?sp

      5、ecialized/professionalWhat makes a great scientist?(Para.5)Because much of the technology behind the Shenzhou rockets can also be traced back to Qians research,Qian earned the name of“the father of Chinas aerospace”.Do you subscribe to the view that Qians strong interest in art has a positive impact on a scientists development?What personalities and qualities can we find about Qian?a wide range of interest/gifted/versatile(多才多多才多艺的的)What makes a great scientist?(Para.6)His deep appreciation for

      6、art often gave him inspirtion in his scientific reserarch.Qian XuesenWhy Great(Significance)How Great(Stories behind)ContributionsQualitiespatrioticknowledgeabledeterminedgifted/versatileserved his homeland with effort,achievement,and devotionUnder Qians leadership,China developed the Dongfeng missiles.Because of Qians significant research,Qian earned the name of“the father of Chinas aerospace”.switched major to empower Chinas air forcebecame a pioneerconducted important researchco-founded JPLre

      7、turned to China despite difficultiestook on the challenge in developing Chinas space sciencedeep appreciation for arta man with“great scientific thought and scientific spirit”Watch the video and learn about Stephen Hawking.StephenHawkingWhy Great(Significance)How Great(Stories behind)ContributionsQualities A World of Pure ThoughtStephenHawkingWhy Great(Significance)How Great(Stories behind)ContributionsQualities A World of Pure Thoughtproved the correctness of the big bang theorystood up and poi

      8、nted out Hoyles mistake corrected Holys mistake in maths and proved the big bang theory giftedbravedeterminedfirst achieved fame as a graduate student in physics at CUwilling to say and dream the impossiblewilling to admit his faultsfought against his diseaseThis odd combination of characteristics had made him one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th and 21st centuries.2.What is the function of each paragraph in the passages?Qian XuesenPara 1:IntroductionParas 2-5:His personal history and accomp

      9、lishmentsPara 6:His personalityPara 7:His death and peoples appreciation of himStephen HawkingPara 1:IntroductionPara 2:His claim to famePara 3:Characteristics that made him great3.Find words that describe the personalities of the scientists.Qian Xuesen:a man with great scientific thought and scientific spirit who was patriotic and served his homeland with effort,achievement,and devotion;a pioneer;did not let that discourage him;determined;an outstanding and creative scientist;deep appreciation

      10、for artStephen Hawkingbrilliant;brave,sometimes careless in what he said or did;willing to say what others were afraid to say;dream of what others were afraid to dream about;quite determined;willing to admit his faultsRead the texts and decide if the statements are true(T)or false(F).1.Qian changed his major because of a shift in personal interest.2.Qians strong interest in art has a positive impact on a scientists development.3.When Hawking was young,almost everyone believed that the universe b


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