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    • 1、,Travel and Tourism,Unit 6,NEW HORIZON ENGLISH COURSES,Book One,1 Around the Topic,2 Section A A,3 Section B,4 Section C,Leading in,Exploring the Topic,Plus Activities,Warming-up,Text A,Exercises,Background Information,Reading Through,Exercises,Related Knowledge,Sample Reading,Exercises,The Chinese old saying “Read ten thousand books and travel ten thousand li.” drives home the importance of travel to human life. Travel gives one a rewarding and life-changing experience. While traveling with fri

      2、ends or organized groups is fairly common, many people travel solo by choice or by necessity. When traveling alone, they have control over their time and budget. Besides, there are many great opportunities to interact with the locals on a personal level.,Travel broadens the mind not only individually, but also on a national level. With the rapid technological developments in transport, the world today has turned into a world of travelers. Tourism has become one of the biggest industries, making

      3、the world seem smaller but more fascinating.,Directions: In this section, youll listen to a short passage which discusses travel and tourism. While listening, try to complete the following chart with the information you hear.,Why do we say computer revolution causes social isolation? Because it makes direct human contact 1) _.,How can travel prevent social isolation? Travel enables us 2) _ _.,less and less in our social life,to interact with people and society,face to face,What will happen to a

      4、solo traveler? He/She will meet a great many 3) _ during his/her long journey and feel the ever-beating pulse of 4) _.,How do people view the Americans in terms of travel? They have been viewed as 5) _ throughout their history.,same-minded people,social life,a nation on the move,Well I was doubling over the _ on my shoulders Was a weight I carried with me everyday Crossing miles of _ and rivers a raging Picking up stones I found along the way I staggered and I stumbled down Pathways of trouble I

      5、 was hauling those souvenirs of _ And with each step taken my back was breaking Til I found the one who took it all from me Down by the riverside (Down by the riverside),Traveling Light,I laid my _ down Now Im traveling light My spirit lifted high (I found my freedom now) I found my freedom now And Im traveling light Through the darkest alleys and loneliest valleys I was _ those heavy chains of doubt and fear Then with the one word spoken the locks were _ Now Hes leading me to places Where there

      6、 are no tears,Down by the riverside (Down by the riverside) I laid my burdens down Now Im traveling light My spirit lifted high (I found my freedom now) I found my freedom now,And Im traveling light Down by the riverside I laid my burdens down Now Im traveling light My spirit lifted high I found my freedom now And Im traveling light Down by the riverside (Down by the riverside) I laid my burdens down Now Im traveling light My spirit lifted high (I found my freedom now) I found my freedom now And

      7、 Im traveling light,load frustrations misery burdens dragging broken,Keys,Three Tips on Going Traveling Solo,Section A:,Directions: The following paragraph is taken from Text A. listen carefully and fill in the blanks without referring to the original text.,Want to go traveling on a long-term _ trip but cant find a friend at home wholl come with you? Worried about the idea of going traveling _ but really want to see some places? Here are three tips to make you feel _and to urge you to _ the mome

      8、nt and do it.,backpacking,on your own,more confident,seize,Want to go traveling on a long-term backpacking trip but cant find a friend at home wholl come with you? Worried about the idea of going traveling on your own but really want to see some places? Here are three tips to make you feel more confident and to urge you to seize the moment and do it.,Para 1,Three Tips on Going Traveling Solo,You wont be alone for long. Dont think by leaving home on your own you are somehow going to condemn yours

      9、elf to a one-month trip of loneliness and isolation. If you go backpacking anywhere in the world, you are going to meet like-minded people who are interested in traveling as much as you and who have gone traveling on their own too. You get to meet people who actively want to do the things you do rather than having to persuade friends at home into an experience they might not enjoy or be ready for.,Para 2-3,You need to be with people who are into it, not who need to be forced into it. And remember: The easiest way to meet people when traveling is to get involved in activitiesdo some diving somewhere for a few days, or do a cooking coursewhatever interests you. In this way you will meet new people and be in a shared situation where conversation comes easily.,Para


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