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    • 1、 育明考研考博培训中心官网:育明考研考博培训中心官网: 北北京航空航天大学京航空航天大学 2012 年考博英语年考博英语试题试题 Part One Listening Comprehrnsion Part Two Reading Comprehernsion Passage 1 The long-term fortunes of the modem economy depend in part on the strength and sustainability of the family, both in relation to fertility trends and to marriage trends. This basic, but often overlooked, principle is now at work in the current global economic crisis. The decline of marriage and fertility is one factor in the global economic crisis. That is,

      2、one reason that some of the worlds leading economies - from Japan to Italy to Spain to the euro zone as a whole - are facing fiscal challenges is that their fertility rates have been below replacement levels (2. I children per woman) for decades. Persistent sub-replacement fertility eventually translates into fewer workers relat(wechat:13370142852)ive to retirees, which puts tremendous strains on public coffers and the economy as a whole. Indeed, one recent study finds that almost half of the re

      3、cent run-up in public debt in the West can be attributed to rapid aging over the last two decades. Even China may see its sky-high growth “come down to earth in the next few decades as its work force shrinks“ because of its one-child policy, as Carlos Cavalle and I argued in arecent report, The Sustainable Demographic Dividend. By contrast, a recent Rand study suggests that “India will have more favorable demographics than China“ over the next few decades, insofar as its work force is poised to

      4、grow. In fact, the Rand study suggests that India may be able to use this demographic advantage to outpace Chinas economic growth rates by the end of the century. Finally, its not just fertility that matters; its also marriage. At least in the West, children are more likely to acquire the human and social capital they need to thrive in the modem economy when they are raised in an intact, married family In the U. S. , for instance, children are more likely to graduate from high school, complete c

      5、ollege and be gainfully employed as young adults if they were raised in an intact, married family. And around the globe, men are more likely to give their work their fullest effort and attention when they are married; this is one reason men worldwide enjoy “marriage premiums“ in their income, ranging from about 14 percent (Mexico) t0 19 percent (United States) t0 35 percent (Russia). So, at least when it comes to men, research suggests that marriage has important implications for worker producti

      6、vity. The bottom-line message is that what happens in the home does not stay at home; rather, the size of families, and their stability and quality, has important implications for the health of the global economy. 21. The main idea of this passage is that A. women should bear more children in order to boost the economy B. both marriage and fertility affect a countrys economy C. marriage has important implications for worker productivity D. India will outpace Chinas economic growth rate by the en

      7、d of the century 22. One reason that the worlds leading economies are facing fiscal challenges is that A. there is a global economic crisis in recent years 育明考研考博培训中心官网:育明考研考博培训中心官网: Bthere are fewer babies, and consequently, people spend less on many commodities Cpeople in these countries have fewer children than needed to replace the population for many years Dthere are tremendous strains on public coffers and the economy as a whole 23.“ . .its work force is poised to grow“ (para. 3) probably

      8、means A. Its work force pauses to grow B. its work force continues to grow fast C. its work force continues to grow steadily D. its work force grows slowly 24. From the passage we know that . A. children from an intact, married family are more Iikely to have a better life B. the more people a country has, the stronger economy it will have C. the health of the global economy depends entirely on individual families D. men are likely to work harder when they are going to have children 25. According

      9、 to the passage, all the following can affect economy EXCEPT A. the size of families B. the stability of families C. the quality of families D. men and women ratio within the families Passage 2 We have known for a long time that the organization of any particular society is influenced by the definition of the sexes and the distinction drawn between them. But we have realized only recently that the identity of each sex is not so easy to pin down, and that definitions evolve in accordance with different types of culture known to us, that is, scientific discoveries and ideological revolutions. Our nature is not considered as immutable, either socially or biologically. As we approach the beginning of the 2lst century, the substantial progress made in biology and genetics is radically challenging the roles, responsibilities and specific characteristics attributed to each sex, and yet, scarcely twenty years


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