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新加坡paper写作--The Anglo-American jury system

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  • 文档编号:58082165
  • 上传时间:2018-10-26
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    • 1、摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心摆渡论文网(BayDue)为留学生提供高效、优质的 essay 写作服务新加坡 paper 写作-The Anglo-American jury systemThe jury system of Anglo-American legal system has an important legal significance and has a far-reaching influence on the judicial system. On the basis of analyzing the historical evolution of the Anglo-American jury system, the inherent value of the jury system is summarized and discussed so as to put forward Suggestions to improve the peoples jury system by referring to the Anglo-American jury sy

      2、stem.“Without understanding the history of the law, we cannot understand the present of the law.“ Thats a famous quote from holmes the elder. From the day of the birth of justice, people are always seeking a more fair, just and just trial method, reflecting the principle of judicial equality, thus acting as an authoritative role recognized by the public to resolve social contradictions. Therefore, western jury system came into being. Jury system in simple terms is that: the country judicial orga

      3、n for jury officer through absorb non-professional judges and non-professional judges or jurors to participate in the trials of criminal and civil cases of judicial system, it is the embodiment of a modern democracy people to participate in a common manifestation of judicial activities, is an effective form of prevention of judicial corruption, let the jury and judge the separation of powers, is the effective way to promote judicial democracy and justice. Jury system is an important organization

      4、al form and institutional basis of Anglo-American litigation, which reflects the characteristics of the Anglo-American litigation system and is one of the most distinctive legal systems in the Anglo-American litigation system. As early as the 6th century BC, Athens in ancient Greece and ancient Rome era of people court is planted the seeds of jury system, is human to pursue judicial democracy, justice and create a kind of legal system, is the strongest vitality in the history, the oldest of the

      5、judicial system, is one of the world has a long history in the history of the development of the legal system of the judicial system.Jury system seems to be very simple on the surface, refers to the jury way to the legal trial. However, it is still brilliant after nearly a thousand years of development. It must have a profound connotation, which cannot be explained by such a simple definition.The original meaning of the word was oath. Jury has not only the right of witness but also the right to

      6、invoke the testimony of others and to hear the case. For the general witness, the oath has the function of guaranteeing the truth of the testimony, and for the juror, it has the significance of guaranteeing the fairness and selflessness of the case, which are deeply and closely related to the customs, national traditions, religious beliefs and so on in western countries.The origin of jury system has always been controversial, but most scholars believe that the present jury system is born in the

      7、land of Britain. Many traditional historians 摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心摆渡论文网(BayDue)为留学生提供高效、优质的 essay 写作服务insist that the jury system in Britain is originated from the Germanic system in the middle ages through Germanic individual system. Heinrich Brunner in 1872 in his masterpiece “the origin of the jury system“ for the first time pointed out that is not derived from the Germanic, jury system and the ancient Greek and Roman also does not have the too big, but from frank royal information inquiry syst

      8、em, and then some jurists through the duchy of Normandy law sets cling to Normandy in 1066 before no frank royal information inquiry system, so the more negative it bring the system to the UK, believe that this is nonsense.During the establishment and development of the jury system in Britain, it was first introduced into Britain as an administrative system, and then it was determined as a judicial system after several generations of changes.In 1164, Henry ii issued the clarrington charter, whic

      9、h stipulated that circuit judges should find 12 local residents familiar with the case to serve as jurors in major criminal and land cases. He also issued the clariington edict in 1166, stipulating that the following cases must be charged by jurors: murder, robbery, forgery, concealment, etc. In 1176, Henry ii issued the northampton pardon, which included the crimes of suffering, arson and treason in the royal courts jurisdiction. 1215 was an important year for the jury system. On June 15, 1215, a rebellion occurred in England. The rebels forced the king to sign the magna carta. The magna carta provides for the method of jury indictment, and it also says that no free man should be arrested, imprisoned, deprived of permanent land rights or freedoms. The rules state that in the UK a jury is charged and a jury is tried, a so-called separation of two juries or juries. When the fourth Lateran religious con

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