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    • 1、1一 Directions:Complete the following passage by using the word in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. potential B. check C. appropriate D. Arm E. neglect F . tips G. from H. seriously I. advance J. warm-upFCBDIHAGJ Preparation is the key to success at career fairs as many employers interview on the spot. If you can follow the following _1_ , you will have more chances of success. Make sure your CV(履历表) is “hard copy ready”. Many CVs are cre

      2、ated for email use and dont always transfer well to paper. Also, ensure your CV is _2_ for general distribution and not job specific. Ask a career adviser to help prepare and _3_ your CV. They will advise on content and presentation. The longest queue at any career fair is for the photocopier. _4_ yourself with plenty of copies of your CV before you go. The bigger fairs may have up to 150 companies, so plan which ones you want to see in _5_ . Get to your target stand before the busy midday perio

      3、d. Look smart . Employers need to be able to picture you in their companies rather than on campus. Treat fairs as _6_ as you would. If you strike a good relationship with a _7_ Employer, follow up with a carefully crafted letter. Plan your strategy having decided who you want to see, think about what the employers want to see _8_ you. Make sure you have enough background information about the company and its market. Practice makes perfect. Dont head for your top choice company straight away. Pre

      4、sent yourself to a few others first as a _9_ . Dont neglect the smaller fairs some of big employers have business outside the major cities. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _2二Directions:Complete the following passage by using the word in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. construction B. require C. unacceptable D. society E. beliefs F. backgrounds G. terrible H. tradition I. individual J. requirementsJAIBHCFDE Australia is divers

      5、e society. The variety of clothing which people wear reflects this diversity. There are no laws or rules on clothing. Although there are _requirements_1_ to wear certain clothing for work situations. These include safety boots and hard hats at _construction_2_ sites or uniforms for police, military or other corporations. Most workplaces have certain dress standards. Outside of the work situation, clothing is an _individual_3_ choice. Many people dress for comfort or according to the social situa

      6、tion or weather .Many Australians tend to dress casually and informally. Clubs, Movie theatres and other places may _require_4_ people to be in neat, clean clothing and appropriate footwear. Many Australians live close to the beach and the sea. This has led to a _tradition_5_ of wearing very little clothing on the beach and surrounding areas, particularly on hot days. Uninvited touching is _6_unacceptable_ , regardless of what clothes people are wearing. People are protected under the law from p

      7、hysical assault(伤害). Many Australians of different _backgrounds_7_ also choose to wear their traditional dress which may be religious or customary including monks robe(僧袍), hijab(蒙头面巾) and turban. As a tolerant _society_8_ with people from many different cultures, clothing is a part of cultural _9beliefs_ and practices that are encouraged. Many newly arrived migrants also choose not to wear traditional dresses.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _3三Directions:Complete the following passage

      8、 by using the word in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. scores B. physical C. miss D. almost E. season F . favorite G. devotion H. professional I. advertisements J. chooseEDFCG HIBA In many parts of the world, there are four seasons: spring , summer , fall and winter. In the United States, there are only three: football , basketball and baseball. If you want to know what _1_ it is, just have a look at what people are playing. For many peo

      9、ple in the United States, sports are not just for fun. Theyre _2_ a religion. Thousands of sports fans buy expensive tickets to watch their _3_ teams and athletes play in person. Other fans watch the games at home, glued to their TV sets. The most devoted sports buffs(狂热爱好者) never _4_ a game. Many a wife becomes a “sports widow” during her husbands favorite season. Americas _5_ to athletics has created a new class of wealthy people: _6_ athletes. Sports stars often receive million- dollar salaries. Some even make big money ap


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