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加拿大study plan英文模板

  • 卖家[上传人]:洪易
  • 文档编号:40525479
  • 上传时间:2018-05-26
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:31.50KB
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    • 1、Study PlanDear Sir or Madam,To facilitate the visa application process, here Id like to elaborate my background, the reason to study XX at University of XX in Canada, my overall educational goal, financial support and career objective.BackgroundMy name is XX with passport XX, born on XX in XX city. My high school education was completed at XX School.The reason to study XX at University of XX in CanadaBorn into the 90s Chinese city of Chengdu, I have grown up in a time of huge economic upheaval.

      2、Surrounded by an-ever changing economic environment, I remembered asking my father what exchange rates were. Over the years, my initial childhood curiosity has grown into a passion for economics. As my understanding improved, newspapers and magazines on economics and globalization became my favorite readings. I see economics more like a powerful tool helping us understand the world better. It was no surprise when I chose Economics without hesitation as major at University of XX, which is located

      3、 next to North Americas busiest international border crossing. Facing one of Canadas most beautiful waterfronts on the Detroit River, this school is providing a good atmosphere for study. The reason I choose Canada as my study destination is that Canada is one of the worlds largest economies. Moreover, compared with US and Britain, Canada is able to offer international students the first-class education resources with lower expense and Canada is a peaceful, civilized and safe country. It is a go

      4、od chance to receive high quality education and to experience diverse cultures. Meanwhile learning in a totally new environment to broaden my horizon is very attractive to me, as it will raise new challenges for me to conquer. Compared with somebody holding a Master degree from a Chinese university, a graduate holding one from North America which is not exam-oriented but quality-oriented is much more competitive in Chinas labour market. My overall educational goalI believe my education at XX Sch

      5、ool has laid the groundwork towards the path I now intend to embark on. As the curriculum I learned is the same as Canadas and all our classes are taught in English too. To improve our independency and communication skills, many trips have been included such as travel to Hong Kong, Japan, Korea to our activities. Anyway, first step of my plan is to overcome the language barrier and adjust myself into the new environment, including new teaching methods, cultural differences and enhancing mutual u

      6、nderstanding between the Chinese and other people. In addition, the most important thing is to improve my academic ability. Financial SupportMy parents have sufficient funds to support my study in Canada. They are definitely willing and able to afford my education and it will not influence the future life of our family since they both have enough saving, decent jobs and stable incomes. My father is the General Manager at XX with annual income around XX RMB and my mother works for XX and with ann

      7、ual income around XX. Besides, we have one commercial shop located at XX. One year the rent for this shop accounts for XX RMB. Career ObjectiveI would like to look deeper and study better into this field, so after graduation from bachelor degree, I intend to seek admission for master and PHD degree in Canada. As the only child in the family, going back to China and taking good care of my parents after finishing my study is my responsibility. After finishing schooling, I will return to China and

      8、begin my work towards contributing to the development of the field of economics in my country. The economic development of China calls for more excellent economists and the number of specialists in this field is still sparse in China. I want to work as a consultant in a big company to provide professional suggestions regarding their market strategies. After practical accumulation on the first hand, I am willing to be a professor at one university. I sincerely appreciate your time and consideration for my study permit.Best regards,XX

      《加拿大study plan英文模板》由会员洪易分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《加拿大study plan英文模板》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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