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安卓APP | ios版本

应急事件管理制度 Emergency Action Management

  • 卖家[上传人]:A张
  • 文档编号:160790279
  • 上传时间:2021-01-12
  • 文档格式:DOCX
  • 文档大小:88.60KB
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    • 1、应急管理管理 Emergency Action ManagementStandardContractors must establish an action plan and procedures for the orderly and coordinated evacuation or “take-cover” of all factory buildings in response to all emergencies.Minimum RequirementsContractors must:1. Develop and implement a written emergency action plan, to include:a. Emergency escape proceduresb. Emergency escape route assignmentsc. Procedures to be followed by employees who remain to operate critical plant operations before they evacuated.

      2、Procedures to account for all employees after emergency evacuation has been completede. Rescue and medical duties for those employees who are to perform themf. The preferred means of reporting fires and other emergenciesg. Names or regular job titles of persons or departments who can be contacted for further information or explanation of duties under the plan2. Alarm systema. The Contractor must establish an employee alarm system.b. The employee alarm system must provide either a warning to take

      3、 necessary emergency action as called for in the emergency action plan, or enough time for employees to safely escape the workplaceor immediate work area, or both.c. The employee alarm must be perceivable above ambient noise or light levels by all employees in the affected portions of the workplace. Tactile devices may be used to alert those employees who would not otherwise be able to recognize the audible or visual alarm.d. The employee alarm must be distinctive and recognizable as a signal to

      4、 evacuate the work area or to perform actions designated under the emergency action plan.e. The employer must explain to each employee the preferred means of reporting emergencies, such as manual pull box alarms, public address systems, radio or telephones.f. When telephones are used to report emergencies, the employer must post emergency telephone numbers near telephones, employee notice boards, and other conspicuous locations. When a communication system also serves as the employee alarm syste

      5、m, emergency messages must have priority over non-emergency messages.g. The Contractor must establish procedures for sounding emergency alarms in the workplace.h. Installation and restorationi. The Contractor must ensure that all devices, components, combinations of devices or systems are constructed and installed to comply with this standard are approved. Steam whistles, air horns, strobe lights or similar lighting devices, or tactile devices meeting the requirements of this section are conside

      6、red to meet this requirement for small size contractors.ii. The Contractor must ensure that all employee alarm systems are restored to normal operating condition as promptly as possible after each test or alarm. Spare alarm devices and components subject to wear or destruction must be available in sufficient quantities and locations for prompt restoration of the system.3. Maintenance and testinga. The Contractor must ensure that all employee alarm systems are maintained in operating condition ex

      7、cept when undergoing repairs or maintenance.b. The Contractor must ensure that a test of the reliability and adequacy of non-supervised employee alarm systems is made every two months. A different actuation device must be used in each test of a multi-actuation device system so that no individual device is used for two consecutive tests.c. The Contractor must maintain or replace power supplies as often as is necessary to ensure a fully operational condition. Back-up means of alarm, such as employ

      8、ee runners or telephones, must be provided when systems are out of service.d. The employer must ensure that the servicing, maintenance and testing of employee alarms are done by persons trained in the designed operation and functions necessary for reliable and safe operation of the system.e. Manual Activation. The Contractor must ensure that manually operated actuation devices for use in conjunction with employee alarms are unobstructed, conspicuous and readily accessible.f. If the employee alar

      9、m system is used for alerting fire brigade members, or for other purposes, a distinctive signal for each purpose must be used.4. The Contractor must ensure that all employees participate in fire evacuation drills at least annually. All fire evacuation drills are to be taken seriously by all occupants and evacuation initiated promptly.5. The Contractor must establish in the emergency action plan the types of evacuation to be used in emergency circumstances such as fire, explosion, major hazardous material incident, or bomb threats. A “take-cover”procedure is required for severe weather.6. Traininga. Before implementing the emergency action plan, the Contractor must designate and train a sufficient number of persons to assist in the safe and orderly emergency evacuation of employees.b. The Contractor must review the plan with each employee covered by the plan at the following times:i. New employee orientationii.

      《应急事件管理制度 Emergency Action Management》由会员A张分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《应急事件管理制度 Emergency Action Management》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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