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高一英语Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world学案(牛津译林版必修4)_高一英语教案

  • 卖家[上传人]:雨水
  • 文档编号:148019838
  • 上传时间:2020-10-15
  • 文档格式:DOCX
  • 文档大小:16.29KB
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    • 1、 精品范文高一英语Unit 3 Tomorrows world学案(牛津译林版必修4)_高一英语教案高一英语unit 3 tomorrows world学案(牛津译林版必修4)一.单词应用根据单词的首字母或汉语意思填写正确单词,注意形式变化。1. the news that the country had been chosen to host the next olympic games e_ everybody.2. did you know the f_ of the national table tennis competition? the result was very surprising.3. you shouldnt have said that to the manager. now you p_ us in a very difficult position.4. the artist s_ his name on the painting which he had just finished.5. the bus crashed into a tree and

      2、caused a big fire. fortunately, all the passengers managed to escape unharmed from the b_ bus.6. she was really t_ to see a jewel in the street, but it turned out to be only glass.7. the 20 british women were i_ in expedition, they managed to make history in the end, though.8. the father of the family took the floor and a_ to the crowd the greatest pet of all time was his blue parakeet.9. if we dont fall in deep thought and are just satisfied with s_ things, sooner or later we will find we haven

      3、t gained anything because our first i_ had blinded and misled us.10. although your idea is f_ in itself, im worried that realcine may be too expensive for ordinary people to afford. so we are not ready to take the r_ of investing in realcine yet.11. its his good _(人格) and great contribution rather than his handsome looks that make beckham a star and unforgettable.12. some of the signs in the mountains are specially designed to _(指导) tourists at night.13. last but not (不重要的), i would like to than

      4、k all my friends, teachers and family members for their support.14. i was so happy when i came _(遇到) my favorite book at the bookstore.15. the movements are _(监控) continuously judging by the fact that the headsets and gloves are connected to the realcine computer system.16. the virus hiv is spread _(经,由) unprotected sex, blood-to-blood contact and mother-to-mother child transmission.17. the engineer from huaian was appointed to be _(对负责) for the project.18. the computers the students use often c

      5、rash and are not _(与连接) to the internet.二词形转换1. impress (n.) _ 2. fantastic (n.) _3. announce (n) _ 4.deliver (n.) _5. popularity (a.)_ 6.force (a) _7. experienced (opposite)_ 8.gentle(ad.) _9. employ (n.) _ (n) _ (n) _ 10. responsible (n) _三. 补全佳句1. 他精力充沛,而且话也很多。 he_ and he is always have something to say. 2. 那个男孩没钱,因此想去看电影是不可能的。the boy had no money, so _.3. 新政府在内战之后建立起来的。 a new government _was set up after the war. 4. 公众要知道谁对火灾负责。 the public want to know _. 5. 我们应该提出一个有效的方法来改善我们的英语学习。 we shoul

      6、d _to improve our english study. 6. 卧室的门需要油漆一下。 the door of the bedroom _. 7. 你认为哪种邮票值得收集? what kind of stamp _? 8. 据估计,有100多人殁于这起空难。 _ more than 100 people died in the air disaster. more than 100 people _. 四.句型转换1. as a result , a letter is being written to you to voice my opinions._, i am _ to you to voice my opinions.2. at the meeting, they proposed that these rare animals should be saved .at the meeting,_ were put _that these rare animals should be saved .3.there are a lot of signs in the mo

      7、untains ,and some are specially designed to guide tourists at night.there are a lot of signs in the mountains ,of _ some are specially designed to guide tourists at night.4.as soon as you get to the top of the mountain, you will feel happy and that you have achieved a lot.on _ the top of the mountain,a feeling of _ and a sense of _ will be experienced.5.this novel is about a german professor who discovers an amazing secret in an ancient book. this novel is about a professor from_ who discovers a

      8、n amazing secret in an ancient book. 6.in the film,he was playing a world cup final and the director made the teenager think that he scored the winning goal.in the film, a world cup_was _ played and the teenager was made to think that he scored the winning goal.7.in reality, my grandfather cannot walk any longer,but with realcine, he experienced a real african adventure,and thrilled when he saw a lion._a matter of fact, my grandfather can_longer walk, but with realcine, he experienced a real african adventure, and thrilled when_a lion.8

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