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    • 1、一 寸 光 阴 不 可 轻窗体顶端I am afraid that I can not _ with you.选择一项:A. approve B. agree C. endorse Mr. Robert has a _ of five.选择一项:A. family B. household C. home You can see the user _ of our website are up this month.选择一项:A. figures B. numbers C. figure As he grows old his health _.选择一项:A. drops B. decreases C. declines He made _ changes in his new book.选择一项:A. extensive B. large C. a lot The Germans, as _, are often thought to be well organized.选择一项:A. a nation B. a country C. people They held a dinne

      2、r _ the important guests.选择一项:A. in the honour of B. in an honour of C. in honour of The land _ sharply away from the house.选择一项:A. declines B. decreases C. reduces 反馈正确答案是:declinesHe has _ there for about an hour without moving.选择一项:A. lain He was _ of what he said.选择一项:A. afraid 阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中勾选一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。I think all these are main points _ much attention.选择一项:A. being worthy of B. worthy of C. which worth If he was fitter, he _ live longer.选择一项:A. - B. will C. would That place is _ th

      3、e south of the city.选择一项:A. at B. in C. on Could you please pay me _ advance?选择一项:A. - B. on C. in -Can I get you a couple of tea?-_.选择一项:A. Thats very nice of you B. With pleasure C. You can, please The bridge _ by the farmers themselves in 1982.选择一项:A. built B. was build C. was built 反馈正确答案是:was builtThey _ the train until it disappeared in the distance.选择一项:A. saw B. watched C. observed My car was being _ when it was stolen.选择一项:A. repaired B. repair C. repairing _ every day for 20 minutes.选择

      4、一项:A. Exercise B. To exercise C. Should exercise _ majority of people agree with him.选择一项:A. The B. A C. - 完形填空 (每题2分, 共20分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将选项字母填入相应空白处。A survey was carried out last year (1) 回答 the British Medical Association, an organisation of doctors. It showed that most people do not do enough exercise. In 1995, 60% of people walked more than one mile a day. Now, that number has fallen (2) 回答 to only 20%. (3) 回答 more people are going to the gym, fewer people are walking. Do

      5、ctors say we need (4) 回答 for 20 minutes three times a week. (5) 回答 is an easy form of exercise that everyone can do. If you (6) 回答 one mile each day, you will improve your health very quickly. Doctors say we need to tackle this problem head (7) 回答 and try (8) 回答 people fitter because not doing enough exercise is responsible (9) 回答 many of the countrys health problems. Doctors suggest you go (10) 回答 a walk everyday after dinner.1)A. - B. with C. by2)A. sharply B. slightly C. down3)A. So B. Theref

      6、ore C. Although4)A. exercising B. to exercise C. exercised5)A. Walk B. To walk C. Walking6)A. walk B. walked C.to walk7)A. down B. on C. up8)A. making B. make C. to make9)A. to B. for C. at10)A. at B. for C. and阅读下列短文并完成后面的阅读练习。从每题的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并将选项字母填入相应空白处。A study has shown that fitness is the key to long life, irrespective of body shape or even smoking habits. Researchers discovered that people who exercise live longer than those who do not, even if they are overweight and smoke.The stu

      7、dy found that the least fit of the 6,000 middle-aged men in the study were five times more likely to die within six years of the start of the research than the fittest. This was true whether or not the men had heart problems, smoked or were overweight. Scientists concluded that it was better to be fat and active than skinny and sedentary. Dr Ken Cooper, a fitness expert, said, You are better off smoking a packet of cigarettes a day and exercising regularly than being a non-smoker and sedentary.

      8、Although he adds, But dont misunderstand me. I am not endorsing smoking. I am trying to tell you how dangerous it is to be sedentary. However, the study appears to fly in the face of research last year which concluded that more than 30,000 people die prematurely every year in Britain from illnesses caused by being overweight. The British Government is putting pressure on manufacturers to reduce high levels of sugar in food and to restrict the hard-sell of junk food to children in order to improve the nations health. But the new study suggests the Government should encourage more people to exercise.1In the second Para., the word “endorsing” means _.AsupportingBdisapproving (不同意)Carguing against2What does the word “sedentary” mean in the


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