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安卓APP | ios版本


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  • 上传时间:2020-07-10
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    • 1、中国城市轨道交通机电设备系统发展历程及趋势 Trendency and development process of Chinas urban rail transit Electrical and mechanical equipment systems,报告人 Speaker 杜心言 DU XINYAN 2011-07-01,报告要点 Highlights of the report,发展历程 History 技术状况 Technical situation 系统安全的沿革 History of system security 前沿技术与最新研究进展 Cutting-edge technology with the latest research 机电设备国产化动向 Trends in mechanical and electrical equipment Localization 市场空间及前景 Market space and prospects 服务与合作 Services and cooperation,中国城市轨道交通机电设备系统的发展历程Chinas urban rai

      2、l transit system, the development process of electrical and mechanical equipment,中国城市轨道交通机电设备系统的技术状况Chinas urban rail transit system, the Technical situation of mechanical and electrical equipment,车辆 Vehicle 信号 Signal 供电 Power supply system 通信 Communication system 售检票 Automatic Fare Collection System 综合监控 Integrated Supervisory Control System 环境控制及隧道通风 Environmental control and tunnel ventilation 给排水及消防 Plumbing and fire 电梯 自动扶梯 Elevators 车辆:低地板技术,转向架技术;Vehicle: low-floor technology, bogie techn

      3、ology; 信号:CBTC技术、无人驾驶技术;Signal: CBTC technology, unmanned technology; 直线电机成套技术;Sets of linear motor technology; 导向式轨道交通技术;Rail transit-oriented technology; 综合自动化控制系统:ISCS技术; Integrated Automation Control Systems: ISCS technology; 大城市轨道交通网络化运营资源共享; Metropolitan rail network operator resource sharing; 运营及乘客信息管理技术; Operational and passenger information management technologies; 系统安全可靠性技术;System security and reliability of technology; 城市轨道交通安全防范体系研究;Urban rail transit system security studies; 环境控制研究;

      4、Environmental Control; 中低速磁悬浮技术-试验阶段,2015年前开通; Low-speed maglev technology - pilot phase, opened 2015; 真空管道运输系统-前期研究。Vacuum pipeline transportation systems - preliminary study.,轨道交通机电系统的国产化动向Trends in mechanical and electrical equipment Localization,机电设备费用数量巨大,约占项目投资的35-40%。 Mechanical and electrical equipment costs a huge amount of investment of about 35-40%. 1990年代,国内生产厂商当时不能提供技术水平较高的系统设备,较早进行城市轨道交通建设的上海1号线和广州1号线,大量采用进口设备,导致项目建设费用过高。 In the 1990s, domestic manufacturers were unable to provide

      5、a higher level of technology systems equipment, earlier for urban rail transit construction of Line 1 in Shanghai and Guangzhou Line 1, a large number of imported equipment, resulting in project construction costs are too high. 1999年,国家发布“关于城市轨道交通设备国产化实施意见”,提出:城市轨道交通全部车辆和机电设备的平均国产化率要确保不低于70%。 In 1999, the state released the urban rail transit facilities to implement localization and proposed: urban rail transit rolling stock and electrical equipment, the average localization rate to ensure that

      6、not less than 70%. 2000年后,大批国内生产厂商通过研发、更新、引进技术或合资,使得中国国内轨道交通工业生产体系快速发展。中 国城轨制造业,已经形成了与国际水平接近的产业。 After 2000, a large number of domestic manufacturers through the development, update, technology or joint venture, making Chinas domestic industrial production system, rapid rail transit development. Chinese urban rail industry, has formed close to the industry with international standards.,城市轨道交通机电系统的市场空间及前景Market space and prospects,生产制造 Manufacturing 技术研究和开发 Technology research and exploitation 系统

      7、集成和工程承包 Systems integration and project contracting 咨询顾问和技术服务 Consulting and technical services,服务与合作 Services and cooperation,上海地铁建筑科技有限公司具有城市轨道交通建设及运营多年经验的各类专家和技术人才,可在城市轨道交通机电系统领域提供下列服务: Shanghai Technical Citytrain Construction Co., Ltd. with an urban rail transit construction and operation of many years of experience in all kinds of experts and technical personnel in the field of urban rail transport electro-mechanical systems to provide the following services: 机电设备系统设计及咨询 Electrical and mechanical equipment designing and consulting 系统集成 System Integration 系统设备代理 Agent system equipment 系统安全(RAMS)策划与咨询 System Safety (RAMS) planning and consulting,谢 谢 Thank you,


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