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    • 1、新人教版英语八年级下册第七单元测试题(含解析)Unit 7单元测试题满分:100分题号一二三四五六七总分得分一、 单项选择(每小题1分, 共15分)1. Though children go to bed early, they often stay_for a long time. A. awakeB. wakeC. asleepD. sleep2. _is the population of Shanghai?A. What bigB. How manyC. WhatD. How big3. Their classroom is as _as ours. A. cleanerB. cleanC. the cleanestD. much cleaner4. Its believed that playing computer games too much does_harm than good. A. manyB. muchC. moreD. most 5. Finding information is not a big deal today. Well, the_is how w

      2、e can tell whether the information is useful or not. A. courageB. messageC. challengeD. knowledge6. Dear friends, please read every sentence carefully. Details decide_or not. If you take it seriously, you will achieve your goal!A. successB. successfulC. succeedD. successfully7. The gate wasnt_enough for two women to walk in and out at the same time. A. wideB. longC. deepD. thick8. Its really_that a tortoise can_150 years old. A. amazed; liveB. amazed; live up toC. amazing; liveD. amazing; live u

      3、p to9. Water will turn into ice in_weather. A. freezeB. frozeC. freezingD. frozen10. We should take more exercise to_us _illness. A. protect; fromB. protect; toC. throw; fromD. throw; to11. When will the last train leave?_I know, it will leave in two hours. A. As soon asB. As long asC. As well asD. As far as12. China is over 5, 000 years old. Its one of_countries in the world. Yes. It has much_history than the USA. A. old; longB. older; longerC. older; the longestD. the oldest; longer13. Do you

      4、know that Mr. Zhang passed _ last week?Yes. He died _ illness. A. away; ofB. on; fromC. by; withD. off; as14. Bob is a smart boss!Yes, so he is. He knows how to cut the cost of the project. And he always does the work with _ money and _ people. A. less; lessB. fewer; lessC. less; fewerD. more; less15. Look at the picture. Diana is _. A. the tallestB. the shortestC. taller than JennyD. shorter than David二、完形填空(每小题1. 5分, 共15分)Not looking goodA rich man wants to find a birthday gift for his little

      5、daughter. He sees a _16 man riding a nice white horse. “Can I _17 your horse for $400?” the rich man asks. “But sir, why do you think it costs so _18? It doesnt look so good, ” the poor man says. So the rich man walks away(走开). Next day, the rich man comes back again. He _19 the poor man $1, 000 for the horse. “Sir, it doesnt look so good, ” the poor man says. “I _20 buy it, ” the rich man says angrily. So the poor man sells the horse to him. When the rich man gives the gift to his _21, she is v

      6、ery _22 and loves it. She climbs onto the _23, but the horse runs into a tree. Oh, the horse is blind! The rich man goes back to the poor man for _24 explanation. The poor man says, “I told _25. It doesnt look so good. ”16. A. poorB. tallC. oldD. strict17. A. giveB. sellC. bringD. buy18. A. manyB. muchC. littleD. cheap19. A. paysB. takesC. letsD. puts20. A. canB. mustC. cantD. dont 21. A. motherB. sonC. friendD. daughter22. A. sadB. angryC. happyD. good23. A. horseB. houseC. treeD. hill24. A. th

      7、eB. /C. aD. an25. A. youB. herC. itD. his三、 阅读理解(每小题2分, 共10分)Peru(秘鲁)is the fifth largest Latin American country with a population of 14, 430, 000. About half of these people live in the city areas. Around Lima, there were 20% of the total(总的)population in 1961. The population here grew faster than anywhere else in Peru and in another 35 years reached 1/3 of the total population. About 45% of the people are Indians and 50% are white or mixed(混合人种)and the others are Asians, Negroes(黑人)or people f

      8、rom other countries. In island areas, only about half of the people can read and write, but in the places near the sea, 2/3 of the population can read and write. 26. Which of the following is true?A. Four countries are larger than Peru in Latin America. B. Peru is the largest in the five of Latin American countries. C. Peru is the fifth largest country in North America. D. Five countries are larger than Peru in Latin America.27. How many Peruvians(秘鲁人)live in the country area?A. 14, 430, 000.B. About 7, 215, 000. C. 4, 810, 000.D. 2, 886, 000. 28. By the year 1996, the population in Lima was possibly _. A. 2, 886, 000B. 7, 215, 000C. 4, 810, 000D. none of the above29. The population in Lima grew faster than _. A. any place in PeruB. any other place in PeruC. any place in Latin AmericaD. any other place in the world30. People living near the sea are possibly _. A. better educatedB. worse educatedC. poorer in readingD. better at reading but not writing


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