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高中英语 Unit 1 Lifestyles2.Relaxing练习 新人教版必修1

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  • 上传时间:2020-04-22
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    • 1、2.Relaxing(本栏目内容,在学生用书中以活页形式分册装订!).单项填空1This is not a match.Were playing chess just for_.Ahabit BhobbyCfun Dgame【解析】for fun为着高兴,为着好玩,不当真。【答案】C2What an interesting_she played in the film!No wonder she has won an Oscar.Arole BcharacterCposition Dfunction【解析】play a role扮演角色。【答案】A3All these gifts must be mailed immediately_in time for Christmas.Ain order to have received Bin order to receiveCso as to be received Dso as to be receiving【解析】考查被动语态以及短语in order to和so as to的用法。句意为:所有这些礼物必须马上邮走,以便圣诞节时能及时被收

      2、到。主语gifts和动词receive的关系是被动关系,从被动语态的基本用法可以判断,动词不定式的被动语态应为to be done。【答案】C4Rather than_,I prefer_.Agoing camping;stay at homeBgo camping;stay at homeCgo camping;to stay at homeDto go camping;stay at home【解析】句意为:我宁愿待在家里而不愿意去野营。prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.宁愿做而不愿做。【答案】C5I dont like the pattern of the trousers._,the color doesnt suit me.AHowever BInsteadCBesides DAnother【解析】表示前后意义的递进关系时用besides。【答案】C6Do you like cooking,Mary?_.Luckily Ive never had to worry much about it.ANot had BProbably notC

      3、Not really DSuppose not【解析】Not really.是口语,在此语境中意为“不太喜欢”。【答案】C7Im_hungry now.I could eat an ox.Anot a little Bnot a bitCnot at all Dlittle【解析】not a littlevery much;not a bit not at all。从后面一句话的意思即可得出答案。【答案】A8She always_a lot of time_English in the morning.Atakes;in practising to speak Bpay;practising to speakCcosts;to practising speaking Dspends;practising listening to【解析】该题从第一个空上看,B、D都能和主语she搭配,但pay后面不跟时间。【答案】D9Children are_instead of remembering.Aencouraged to think Bencouraging to thinkCencoura

      4、ged thinking Dencouraging thinking【解析】encourage sb.to do sth.鼓励某人做某事。【答案】A10It is_beautiful a picture_Ill hang it in my room.Asuch;that Bsuch a;thatCso;as to Dso;that【解析】so.that.为常见搭配形式。【答案】D.单词拼写11Now the walls are being_(油漆)【答案】painted12Do you have any difficulty_(组织) this activity?【答案】organising13Under such heavy p_,we cant learn well.【答案】pressure14These songs are recorded in_(录音棚)【答案】studios15As a r_of the rain,we had to put off our meeting.【答案】result16He is under great_(压力) because of his n

      5、ew job.【答案】stress17She is an_(专家) in training animals.【答案】expert18He is_(遭受) from a bad cold.【答案】suffering19Opinions on various_(社会的) questions differ from person to person.【答案】social20I_(更喜欢) the quiet countryside to the noisy cities.【答案】prefer.语法填空We are all busy talking about and 21._(use) the Internet,but how many of us 22._(know) the history of the Internet?Many people are 23._(surprise) when they find that the Internet was not set up in the 1960s.At that time,computers were large 24._expen

      6、sive.Computer networks didnt work well.If one computer in the network broke 25._,then the whole network stopped.So a new network system had to be set up.It should be good enough to be used by many different computers.If part of the network was working,information could be sent 26._another part.In this way the computer network system would keep on 27._(work) all the time.The Internet was only used by the government in the 1960s,but in the early 1970s,universities,hospitals and banks were allowed

      7、to use it too.However,computers were still very expensive and the Internet was difficult to use.28._the start of 1990s,computers became cheaper and easier to use.Scientists had also developed software that made “surfing” the Internet more 29._(adj.方便的)Today it is easy to get online and it is said that millions of people use the Internet every day.30._emails is more and more popular among students.The Internet has now become one of the most important parts of peoples life.【答案】21.using22.know23.su

      8、rprised24.and25.down26.through27.working28.By29.convenient30Sending.阅读理解It was my first day at school.I felt nervous and scared.I went to all my classes with no friends.It felt like no one cared.I listened anxiously to all the lessons and waited for lunch break at one.Then finally the bell rang.It was time to talk and have fun.In the lunch line I met a new friend who wore a hijab (穆斯林女性戴的面纱) on her head,and though I am Jewish,we got along fine,and I was so relieved (如释重负的) when she said,“Sit with us,at our table.” She pointed to the one next to the door.So I agreed,and took my tray (托盘) and was about to walk with her across the floor,when suddenly I heard “Hey,I saw you on the bus”,sa

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