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sas rtf控制

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    • 1、 Paper 089 31 Constructing Stack Tables with Magic GluePlus Another User Defined Macro for Creating Stack Tables Lei Zhang Celgene Corporation George Li Amgen Inc ABSTRACT As a composite table a stack table is made up of a varying number of child tables that are placed one on top of another without any gaps Unlike a regular table that has a fixed number of columns throughout the rows a typical stack table allows each of its child tables to have its own number of columns and headers and each can

      2、vary its size layout and style separately A stack table hence gives a much greater freedom and creativity to the data presentation than a regular table does Stack tables are commonly used in complex reports because of their effective integration of statistical results from multiple sources and flexible presentations of various aspects of concerns In this paper we extend the method introduced in 1 and present another macro called GluePlus that can assemble multiple separate tables in a RTF file i

      3、nto a single stack table The new macro is implemented by taking advantage of the power of Microsoft scripting technology via the SAS unnamed pipe mechanism Based on the GluePlus an improved programming framework is provided for creating all kinds of stack tables systematically with a series of Data Steps Proc Template and Proc Report Steps A complete example is presented at the end to demonstrate the powerfulness and flexibility of the technique described in this paper INTRODUCTION A stack table

      4、 is a composite table that consists of an arbitrary number of child tables that are seamlessly placed one on top of another It is widely used in complex reports because of their effective integrated presentations of various summary data Before we discuss about how to construct a stack table let s take a look at Figure 1 a stack table with three child tables Analysis of Average Change From Baseline in T4 g dL Treatment Period Baseline Average Change from Baseline Treatment Group N Mean SD LS Mean

      5、 95 CI for LS Mean Drug A 114 3 8 0 32 0 01 0 04 0 00 Drug B 115 3 7 0 28 0 03 0 08 0 01 Placebo 113 3 8 0 3 0 02 0 00 0 08 Between treatment Comparisons from ANOVA Model Comparison Difference in LS Means 95 CI for Difference p value Drug A vs Drug B 0 07 0 14 0 02 0 999 N is the number of patients used in the ANOVA analysis Child table 1 Child table 2 Child table 3 Figure 1 A sample stack table from a clinical study report 1 Data PresentationSUGI 31 This stack table is a mock table for free T4

      6、lab test analysis in a clinical study report Unlike a regular table that has a fixed number of columns throughout the rows the stack table has three unique features First it is made up of three regular child tables as indicated in Figure 1 Second all the child tables are seamlessly integrated and there is no gap between them Third each child table has different number of columns and headers with different size layout and style In fact a regular table is a degenerate stack table The real power be

      7、hind a stack table is that each of its child tables can vary separately in regard to its size layout and style It therefore gives a great freedom to data presentation that a regular table just cannot meet or beat even with complex column spanning and sizing techniques A great deal of effort has been made to create stack tables quickly and easily within SAS programs 1 2 In this paper I extend the method introduced in 1 and present a new macro called GluePlus that can create a stack table in RTF f

      8、ormat from a series of separate regular tables generated either by Proc Report under ODS RTF settings in SAS version 8 or 9 or by any third party tools Based on the GluePlus I further provide a modified programming framework for constructing stack tables by the combination of Data steps Proc Report and Proc Template A complete code example with detailed explanation is also provided at the end of this paper CREATING A SINGLE STACK TABLE FROM MULTIPLE REGULAR TABLES As a powerful standard report w

      9、riting tool in the SAS System Proc Report has been widely used by many pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies in their regulatory submission process Under the ODS RTF settings we can use multiple Proc Report steps to create a sequence of regular tables in a RTF file Listing 1 is a small program that shows how to create two tables in a file TwoTables RTF under ODS RTF settings Create first table option nomprint nosymbolgen nomlogic nodate nonumber ods rtf file c TwoTables RTF startpage no bod

      10、ytitle ods escapechar title1 Analysis of Average Change from Baseline proc report nowindows data summary style report outputwidth 6in style header background white column trt n Baseline mean sd Average Change from Baseline lsmean ci define trt display Treatment Group style column cellwidth 1 8in just center define n display N super style column just center define mean display Mean style column just center define sd display SD style column just center define lsmean display LS Mean style column ju

      《sas rtf控制》由会员f****u分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《sas rtf控制》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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