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人教版七年级英语下册第三单元Section B 1.ppt

  • 卖家[上传人]:资****亨
  • 文档编号:127777114
  • 上传时间:2020-04-05
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:4.44MB
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    • 1、Howdoyougettoschool 1 你爸爸开车去上班吗 不 不是的 他乘坐地铁 2 你家到学校有多远 仅仅只有大约两公里 3 他们坐火车去学校吗 不 不是的 4 她需要大约一小时到达公交车站 5 我要花半小时做家庭作业 1 Doesyourfather daddrivehiscartowork No hedoesn t Hetakesthesubway 2 Howfarisitfromyourhometoschool It sonlyabouttwokilometers 3 Dotheytakethetraintoschool No theydon t 4 Sheneedsaboutanhourtogettothebusstation 5 Ittakeshalfanhourtodoherhomework SectionB1a 2c Howdoyougettoschool rideabike gobybike takethebus gobybus takethetrain gobytrain takethecar gobycar takethesubway gobysubway

      2、walk goonfoot taketheplane gobyplane busstop busstation Presentation subwaystation trainstation Matchthewordswiththepicture 1 busstop3 busstation2 trainstation4 subwaystation b a d c 1a 1b Tellyourpartnerhowyougettoschool Imagineyouusetwotypesoftransportation两种交通工具 bike car bus train plane subway A Howdoyougettoschool B Well Iridemybiketothesubwaystation ThenItakethesubway 1c Listenandcheck thethingsthatMarywantstoknow Listenandcheck thethingsthatMarywantstoknow 1c Listenagain HowdoesBobgettohis

      3、grandparents home Check 1or2 1d Listenagain HowdoesBobgettohisgrandparents home Check 1or2 1d 1e TalkabouthowBobgetstohisgrandparents home A HowdoesgrandpagettoBeijing B First he to C Next he to D Finallyhe TogettoBeijing firstgrandparideshisbiketothesubwaystation Nexthetakesthesubwaytothebusstation Finallyhegetstothepark A HowdoesNinagotoYichang B First she to C Next she to D Thenshe TogotoYichang firstNina to Nextsheto Thenshe boat river bridge village villager ropeway dream between leave afra

      4、id many lotsof cross 2a Lookatthepictureandtitlebelow Guesswhatthepassageisabout CrossingtheRivertoSchool 2b Readthepassageandanswerthequestions Fastreading HowdoesLianglinggotoschooleveryday Hegoesonaropewaytocrosstherivertoschool Carefulreading 1 Howdothestudentsinthevillagegotoschool 2 Whydotheygotoschoollikethis 3 Doestheboylikethisschool Why 4 What sthevillagers dream Doyouthinktheirdreamcancometrue Whyorwhynot 细读每个问题 确定每句话的意思 2 带着问题读短文 在短文中寻找相关信息 确定问题回答的依据 3 找到答题依据后 再根据问题是一般疑问句还是特殊疑问句来确定如何

      5、回答 4 最后 再读一遍课文 检查一下答案的正确性 阅读指导 Checktheanswers 1 Theygoonaropewaytocrosstherivertoschool 2 Becausethereisabigrivertheirschoolandthevillage There snobridgeandtheriverrunstooquicklyforboats 3 Yes hedoes Helovestoplaywithhisclassmates Heloveshisteacher 4 Theirdreamistohaveabridge Yes Ithinkso Manykindpeoplewillhelpthem 1 Forthestudentsinthevillage itis togettotheschool 2 Theyhavetocrossavery riverbetweentheirschoolandthevillage 3 Theycannotgobyboatbecausetheriverrunstoo 2c Readthepassageagain Compl

      6、etethesentenceswiththewordsfromthepassage difficult big quickly 4 Itisnoteasytocrosstheriveronaropeway buttheboyisnot 5 Thestudentsandvillagerswanttohaveabridge Cantheirdreamcome afraid true 1 thinkof认为WhatdoesBobthinkofthetrip 鲍勃认为旅行怎么样 拓展 Whatdo doessb thinkof 某人觉得 怎么样 Howdo doessb like HowdoesBoblikethetrip Languagepoints 2 Between and 在 与 之间between是个介词 表示在两者之间 如 MaryisbetweenJaneandLindaintheline 在队伍中 玛丽在简和琳达之间 3 cross横过 穿越 指横向穿过马路 河等 Lookcarefulbeforeyoucrosstheroad 过马路前要细心看 4 year年 年纪Maryi

      7、sonlysixyearsold 玛丽仅六岁 Thereare365daysinayear 一年中有365天 5 afraid害怕 恐惧 形容词 1 beafraid 害怕的Thegirlisveryafraid 小女孩很害怕 2 beafraidof 害怕 Mysisterisafraidofsnakes 我妹妹害怕蛇 6 like像like在这里作介词 而不是动词 Thefishlookslikeabigboat 那条鱼看起来像条船 介词 Janelikeshistoryverymuch 简很喜欢历史 动词 etrue实现 成为现实Ithinkourdreamcancometrue 我认为我们的梦想能实现 一 用括号内单词的适当形式填空 1 Isiteasyforthem get toschool 2 Theriverrunstoo quick forboats 3 Hisbrother cross theriveronaropewayeveryday 4 Canthisdream come true come toget crosses quickly 5 Allthe vill

      8、age wanttohaveanicebridge 6 Ittakessixhourstogettohis grandparents home villagers grandparents 二 选词填空 1 There sashop ourschoolandthepark thinkof cometrue byboat onaropeway between between 2 ThestudentsinKaishandaogoestoschool 3 Howdotheycrossthebigriver Theygo 4 Whatdoyou thenewviolin 5 Hisparents dreamistohaveabighouse Theythinkitcan soon thinkof onaropeway byboat cometrue A HowdotheygettotheGreatWall B First they C Next they D Finallythey TogettotheGreatWall firstthey to Nextthey to Finallythey Thankyou 感谢亲观看此幻灯片 此课件部分内容来源于网络 如有侵权请及时联系我们删除 谢谢配合

      《人教版七年级英语下册第三单元Section B 1.ppt》由会员资****亨分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版七年级英语下册第三单元Section B 1.ppt》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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