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新概念A unit1ppt课件.ppt

  • 卖家[上传人]:资****亨
  • 文档编号:123354348
  • 上传时间:2020-03-09
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:9.91MB
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    • 1、Unit 15 That s not fair 1 How many players are there in the football match There are eleven 2 play footballfootball field On the 3 the referee one side the other side 4 one side the other side the captain of 5 New words and expressions fair fe r adj 公平的 field fi ld n 场 play ple v 打 Idea a d n 主意 captain k pt n n 队长 Side sa d n 一方 Other r 另外的 6 Reference refr ns n 裁判员 How many 多少 player ple r n 球员 well wel adv 好 shop p n 商店 street stri t n 街道 boat b t n 小船 New words and expressions 7 New words an

      2、d expressions beach bi t n 海滩 animal n ml n 动物 cow ka n 奶牛 bench bent n 长椅 8 fair adj 公平的 合理的 adv 公平地 正大光明地 n 集市 商品交易会 展览会 vt 顺利接合 动作 衔接协调 fair market 均有 集市 市场 之意 fair 一般指在乡村小镇定期举行的买卖牛羊或农 产品等的集市 market 指人们购买货品的地方 经常出售商品 的市场 just fair 公正的 公平的 不偏不倚的 之意 9 Play n 比赛 游戏 戏剧 赌博 play at 1 参加 从事于 2 玩 不认真地做或参加 play back 重放 重播放 out of play 没有进行 不处于合法或可行 的比赛状态中 10 Other adj 其他的 另外的 另一个 pron 其他 人或物 n 其他人 或事 other形容词 后面跟单数或复数名词 其 他的 别 的 Where are his other books other作代词 与冠词the连用构成 the other 表示两个人或物中的 另一个 常与

      3、one搭配构成 one the other 句型 He has two brothers One is 10 years old the other is 5 years old 11 other作代词用复数 others 泛指 另外的人或 物 常与some搭配构成 some others 句型 Some went to the cinema others went swimming the others 表示特指某范围内的 其 他的人或物 We got home by 4 o clock but the others didn t get back until 8 o clock another可以作形容词用 修饰后面的名词 意 为 另一个 还可以跟代词one You can see another ship in the sea can t you another也可以作代词用 表示 另一个 I m still hungry after I ve had this cake Please give me another 12 how many 用来修饰可数名词的复数 它 的句式是

      4、How many 复数名词 一般疑问句 how much用来修饰不可数名词 表示数量 也可单独使用 13 well and good 这两个单词既有词性的差别 也有词义的差别 good是一个意义极其广泛的词 几乎可用来指除 健康 以 外的有的 好 well用作形容词时 只能表示身体和情况的 良好 即指 身体正常情况顺利或处于令人满意的状态 I don t feel very well 我觉得不太舒服 well还有副词的词性 good变副词就是well 用在动词后 He speaks good English He speaks English well 他英语说得很好 14 Street street 街道 即城市或村镇中两旁有房屋的路 Path指未经开凿 通过践踏而自然形成的 小路 Road 马路 常指城市与城市之间的大路或乡 村大路 在城市内部 road与street通用 英国 人常用in the road street 而美国人则常用on the road street Way 道路 路线 路途 指去某地的走法 又 可泛指在途中 常用词组 on the way to 在 某某的路

      5、途中 Which is the way to East Park please 请问到东方公园怎么走 Go along the street 顺着这条街 15 Boat 尤指小船 如用浆划行的船 帆船或小机动 船 I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at a boat 我仅仅对坐在小船里什么事也不做感兴趣 ship 尤指航海的大船 如大帆船 轮船 战船等 用 于比喻 可以用于文学语言 The ship is going under the bridge 那艘大船正在大桥下面行驶 16 队长 公平的 一方 队 场 主意 裁判员 球员 另外的 单词记忆大比拼 根据汉语说出英 语 17 idea fair side field referee player captain oth er 单词记忆大比拼 根据英语说汉语 18 Listening and understanding Listen to the recording and then answer this question Who s like t

      6、wo players 听录音 然后回答问题 谁能顶两个球员 19 R Where are Paul and Gary S They are over there on the football field They are with Tom and Mr Ford R Great we can play football with them 20 R Hey Paul Can we play football with you P That s a good idea Robert 21 P Right You are the captain of one side Robert And Sam you re the captain of the other side I m the referee 22 P Now how many players are there R one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen There are 13 players 23 R So there

      7、are seven on my side and six on Sam s side S That s not fair R Yes it is Mr Ford s on your side 24 R He s very big and very strong He can play very well He s like two players 25 Language points 1 on one s side 在某人一边 一组 2 be like 看起来像 e g He s like a monkey 26 Do Guided Conversation Do Guided Conversation on page117on page117 27 Pronunciation a now how wow about brownhouse housewife tower thousand 28 Pattern practice 1 A There s a man in front of the shop 用two men作否定回答 B No there are two men in f

      8、ront of the shop 变一般疑问句 2 A Are there two men in front of the shop 29 Pattern practice 2 A Are there two men in front of the shop 作肯定回答 B Yes there are They are policemen 变一般疑问句 A Are they policeman 作肯定回答 B Yes they are 30 Pattern practice 3 There are two in front of theshop 对划线部分提问 A How many men are there in front of the shop B There are two policeman 对划线部分提问 Who are they They are policeman 31 Pattern practice 3 There are two in front of theshop 对划线部分提问 A How many men are there in front of the

      9、 shop B There are two They are policeman 4 A There are two men in front of the shop Can you see them B Yes I can They are policeman 32 There be 句型 33 34 35 36 Language points there be 句型 肯定句 There is a book on the desk 一般疑问句 Is there a book on the desk 肯定和否定回答 Yes there is No there isn t 否定句 There isn t a book on the desk 特殊疑问句 How many books are there on the desk 37 There some water in the bottle A is B are C have D be 38 There are a lot of in the fridge A meat B chicken C eggs D milk 39 can 肯定句 He can swim 一般疑问句 Can he swim 肯定回答和否定回答 Yes he can No he can t 特殊疑问句 就划线部分提问 Who can swim What can he do 40 变一般疑问句并做肯定和否定 回答 1 She can play football 变一般疑问句 Can she play football 做肯定回答和否定回答 Yes she can No she can t 2 I can play with her 变一般疑问句 Can you play with her 41 42 43 44 45 Listening Who is William s favourite writer 46 47 48 Homework 1 单词p116和p118 2英1汉 下次听写 2 句型练习 每个句型各一个句子 3 听读课文 背诵 49 此课件下载可自行编辑修改 供参考 感谢您的支持 我们努力做得更好 50

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