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    • 1、毕毕 业业 设设 计计 题题 目目 AB 法 60000m3/d 城市污水处理工艺设计 学学 院院 资源与环境学院 专专 业业 环境工程 班班 级级 0802 班 学学 生生 魏同川 学学 号号 20080203050 指导教师指导教师 国伟林 二一二年六月四日 济南大学毕业设计 - - 设计总说明 本次毕业设计题目为 AB 法 60000m3/d 城市污水处理工艺设计,此次设计的主 要任务是设计一套使用 AB 工艺法来处理城市污水的工艺流程方案。AB 法属于超高 负荷的活性污泥法,它的设计特点一般为不设置初沉池,A 段与 B 段的回流系统是 分开的。A 段的污泥负荷较高、污泥龄较短、产泥量较多;B 段的污泥负荷较低、 污泥龄较长、产泥量较少。这两段沉淀池的表面负荷差异也比较大。AB 法的产泥 量比较大,需要设置污泥消化工艺,从而解决污泥的处理和出路问题。其设计内容 包括污水处理与污泥处置及处理这两部分。 本文在参阅了大量书籍、期刊等文献基础上,对各种城市生活污水的处理方法 进行了分析与比较并设计了采用 AB 法来处理城市污水的工艺,并对主要的处理单 元设计参数进行了合理选择。对各个主

      2、要单元结构、平面布置及高程布置进行了设 计,并使用 AutoCAD 绘图工具进行了工程图纸的绘制,对主要的处理单元以及平面 图与高程图进行了绘制。城市污水处理厂的进水流量:6 万 m3/d;进水水质: BOD5=150 mg/L,CODCr =350 mg/L,SS=150 mg/L,TP=3 mg/L,TN=30 mg/L,NH3-N=25 mg/L。经过由 AB 工艺法的工艺流程处理后,其出水水质将达到: BOD515 mg/L,CODCr50 mg/L,SS15 mg/L,TP1 mg/L,TN20 mg/L,NH3- N15 mg/L 的出水标准。 本设计中污水处理的基本过程如下: 从污水管道进入到污水处理厂的污水,其水位往往比较低,因此在经格栅后并 由泵房提升水位后再经细格栅过滤,进入到沉砂池,在沉砂池中一部分的沙粒等被 去除掉。经沉砂池的初步处理后,由于 AB 工艺法不设置初沉池,所以污水直接进 入到 A 段曝气池中。A 段中的曝气池污水与回流污泥混合,在氧气充足条件下,活 性污泥与污水及氧气充分的混合,有机物得到了降解,与此同时,活性污泥得到了 增长。曝气池也是 AB 工

      3、艺法的关键所在。经曝气池后进入到 A 段中沉池中,在中 沉池内泥水得到分离,澄清后污水再进入到 B 段曝气池中,并将有机物作进一步的 处理。B 段中的曝气池出水再经 B 段的二沉池,泥水再次得到分离。二沉池出水后 排入到滤池进行过滤,并经紫外消毒以后,处理水流出系统。经过浓缩的污泥从沉 淀池的底部排出,其中一部分回流后作为接种污泥,另一部分当作剩余污泥排出系 统。而剩余污泥在浓缩池中进行初步浓缩后再经干燥脱水后,此时的污泥体积已大 大缩小可以外运。 经过设计后的出水水质的标准符合一般污水排放的标准,同时其完全可作为中 水回收利用,并对城市水环境改善以及减少水质性缺水具有非常好的促进作用。 关键词:AB 法;城市污水;工艺设计;CAD 绘图 济南大学毕业设计 - I - DESIGN INSTRUCTION The graduation project topic is the design of urban sewage treatment process with AB method(60000 m3/d). The main task is to design a set of A

      4、B process to treat the urban sewage. AB process belongs to activated sludge process with the ultrahigh load. The feature of this design is that AB process generally doesnt need the primary sedimentation tank, and the refluence systems of the section A and the section B are both separated. Section A works in higher sludge loading, shorter SRT and more sludge production, while Section B is on the opposite. Difference in hydraulic loading of sedimentation basins in these two sections is noticeable.

      5、 With the high sludge output, setting up sludge digest tanks to deal with the excess sludge problem is very necessary for AB process. The design elements including the sewage treatment and the sludge treatment and disposal. This paper has examined a large number of books , journals and other literature, based on the various methods to treat the municipal sewage a comparative analysis and design of AB process to treat the municipal wastewater. Given a rational choice on the main processing unit o

      6、f design parameters and for each main unit structure, the layout and the elevation layout design, and use AutoCAD drawing tools drawing the engineering drawings, the main processing unit and floor plan and elevation drawing of drawing. The influent flow rate of municipal sewage treatment plant is 60,000m3/d while the water quality is BOD5=150mg/L, CODCr=350mg/L, SS=150mg/L, TP=3mg/L, TN=30mg/L, NH3-N=25mg/L. By the AB treatment process, water quality of the effluent will achieve:BOD515mg/L, CODC

      7、r50mg/L, SS15mg/L, TP1mg/L, TN20mg/L, NH3- N15mg/L. The basic design of wastewater treatment process is as follows: The wastewater always has a lower water level at first, when it flows through the grid and then enhances the water level by pump, the sewage flows into the grit chamber where the sands are removed. With primary treatment of grit chamber, the water runs directly to the aeration tank of the section A. Organics are degraded and the sewage is purified in the aeration tank while the ret

      8、urning activated sludge and the sewage are fully mixed in the oxygen sufficient conditions, and the activated sludge grows. Aeration pool is also the key to the process. Then dewatering in the middle settling tanks, which the sludge-water separated. The clarification of the sewage flows into the aeration tank of the section B to make an intensive treatment of organics. The wastewater flows into the secondary sedimentation tanks, which the sludge-water separated again. The influent goes into the

      9、filter, and then disinfects with the ultraviolet lamp. Finally, the treating water discharges out of system. The concentration of sludge 济南大学毕业设计 - II - discharges from the bottom of the sedimentation tanks, some returns as inoculation, and others remove from the system as the excess sludge. The excess sludge preliminary concentrates in the concentrated pool and then dehydrates, so at this time the volume of the sludge has been dramatically reduced and can be transported outside. The quality standard of effluent water after the design reaches the general standard, which can be reused as the normal water. It plays an important role in the improvement of municipal water environment and the reduction of the water quality-induced water shortage. Key words:AB process;municipal sewage;process design;CAD 济南大学毕业设计 目 录 设计总说明.I DESIGN INSTRUCTION.II 1 概述1 1.1 城市污水的水质1 1.2 城市污水的分类1 1.3 城市污水处理后的排放与利用


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