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    • 1、Rock climbing is theoriginalextreme sportBasically, rock climbing is going from the bottom of a wall to the top and then back down again. The main goal is to have fun while doing so and topreferablynot die. Its roots go back at least 200 years to theexplorersof the high Alps and Himalayas and probably even 6)further. Its a dangerous sport that requires experience, skill and a cool head. But if youre the right type of person to do it, a whole new world of vertical fun will open up.攀岩是最早的极限运动。基本上,

      2、攀岩就是从岩壁底部爬到顶端,然后再爬下来。主要目的就是享受攀爬乐趣,还有最好别摔死。它的起源至少可以追溯到二百年前阿尔卑斯山与喜马拉雅山的高山探险家,甚至可能更早。这是需要经验、技巧跟冷静头脑的危险运动。不过,如果你是适合攀岩的人,一个垂直乐趣的新世界将会从此展开。1) original (a.) 原来的,最早的 2) basically (adv.) 基本上 3) preferably (adv.) 较好,宁可4) explorer (n.) 探险家 5) probably (adv.) 很可能 6) further (adv.) 更进一步7) require (v.) 要求,需要 8) vertical (a.) 垂直的The best and safest way to get started is to go to anindoorclimbinggym. The “rock” walls at an indoor gym are not really made of rock at all. They are usually tall wooden walls with ha

      3、rd plastic handholds set atvariousangles. The handholds feel like rock, and allow the climber to have as realistic an experience as possible.最好、最安全的入门方式就是去室内攀岩场。室内攀岩场的岩壁并不是真的岩石。通常是高大的木墙,设置各种不同角度的硬质塑料岩点。岩点摸起来很像岩石,攀岩者可以获得最接近真实的体验。1) indoor (a.) 室内的 2) gym (n.) 体育馆 3) wooden (a.) 木制的4) plastic (a.) 塑料的 5) handhold (n.) 可以抓的地方。在攀岩的术语中称为岩点6) various (a.) 各式各样的 7) angle (n.) 角度 8) climber (n.) 攀爬者 9) realistic (a.) 真实的Climbing gyms have many 1)advantages. They are safe because experienced climbers are

      4、 always around. People can learn from 2)instructors how to belayto hold a partners rope while he or she is climbing. You can also take classes that teach important safety skills. Furthermore, you dont have to buy lots of expensive 3)equipment. Gyms usually 4)provide ropes and 5)rent shoes, 6)harnesses and belaying 7)devices. And lets face it: when you can use an indoor gym, theres no 8)excuse to 9)skip practice on a rainy day.室内攀岩场有许多好处。这里很安全,因为总有经验老到的攀岩者在场。可以跟教练学习如何做确保就是在伙伴攀岩时拉住他或她的绳索。也可以上课学习重要

      5、的安全技巧。此外,你不用购买一堆昂贵装备。攀岩场通常会提供绳索以及出租攀岩鞋、安全带跟确保装置。而且说实话:当你有室内攀岩场可去,下雨天就再也不是取消练习的借口了。1) advantage (n.) 好处2) instructor (n.) 教师,教练3) equipment (n.) 装备,器材4) provide (v.) 提供5) rent (v.) 出租,租用6) harness (n.) 装备,系在身上的绳子7) device (n.) 装置8) excuse (n.) 借口9) skip (v.) 跳过,省去After youve 1)toughened up your hands and builtup some 2)enthusiasm at an indoor gym, its time to go 3)outdoors and try sport climbing. To do this, itsnecessary to buy some 4)gear. Except for the most popular spots, youll need to bring y

      6、our own rope, climbing shoes, 5)helmet, belaying devices and 6)clips for the 7)bolts on the rock walls. Some 8)chalk for your hands would be nice too.在室内攀岩场把手磨粗了、培养起一些热情之后,该是走出户外,试试运动攀岩的时候了。要做运动攀岩就得采购一些装备。除了一些人气最高的地点之外,都得自备绳索、攀岩鞋、安全帽、确保装置,以及扣在岩壁耳片上的快扣。准备些擦在手上的滑石粉也不错。1) toughen up (v.) 使坚韧,使粗糙2) enthusiasm (n.) 热中3) outdoors (adv.) 户外4) gear (n.) 器具5) helmet (n.) 安全帽,头盔6) clip (n.) 夹子。攀岩中固定绳子用的扣环7) bolt (n.) 螺栓。攀岩中固定绳子用的耳片8) chalk (n.) 白垩,即滑石粉Sport climbing started in the 1970s when French rock c

      7、limbers began 1)drilling bolts into rock walls to make them safer to climb. Because the bolts were never taken out, climbers didnt need to worry about making their own 2)trails. As the climbers went up, they just clipped their ropes onto the bolts. The bolts made falling less dangerous, so sport climbers tried the same 3)route again and again (falling often) until they got it just right.运动攀岩发源于一九七年代,当时法国攀岩者开始在岩壁上钻入耳片,增加攀岩的安全性。因为耳片从不取出,所以攀岩者不用担心要自己建立路线。攀岩者上攀时,只须将绳子扣在耳片上即可。耳片可以减低坠落的危险,所以运动攀岩者可以不断尝

      8、试相同的路线(常常会坠落),直到完全正确为止。1) drill (v.) 钻凿2) trail (n.) 小径3) route (n.) 路线OK, youve done your time at the indoor gym and youve “sent” enough sport climb routes. Now you want to try something new. Its time for a 1)traditional climb. For this type of climbing, you have to be 2)mentally prepared. There wont be any bolts 3)fastened to the rock walls, so its up to you to put them there. For this, youll need special tools that 4)stick into holes and 5)cracks in the rock. These tools then 6)attach to your

      9、 rope. Finding the right place to put the tools that will save your life requires a cool head. If you 7)panic, theres a good chance youll die. So make sure you try an indoor gym first.好,你已经花了足够的时间在室内攀岩,也通过了够多的运动攀岩路线。现在你想尝试点新玩意。是该做传统攀岩的时候了。这种攀岩你必须做好心理准备。没有任何紧栓在岩壁上的耳片,所以你必须自己打耳片上去。要这么做,你需要可以卡进洞孔与裂缝的特殊工具。然后这些工具要扣在你的绳索上。寻找正确位置装上这些能够救你一命的工具,需要冷静的头脑。如果你慌张,很可能会因此送命。所以一定要先从室内攀岩场开始。1) traditional (a.) 传统的2) mentally (adv.) 在心理上3) fasten (v.) 固定4) stick (v.) 塞,卡5) crack (n.) 裂缝6) attach (v.) 附着7) panic (v.) 惊慌There are many ways to rock climb. You could spend a few hours a week at a gym, getting 1)in shape and getting to know some climbing 2)buddies. Or you could just go out on your weekends to climb at a favorite spot. Or if youre really into it, you might put handholds all over your house


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