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重庆市綦江区三江中学八年级下英语仁爱版《unit 6 enjoying cycl》t1sd 课件

  • 卖家[上传人]:bin****86
  • 文档编号:57725861
  • 上传时间:2018-10-24
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:4.33MB
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    • 1、UNIT 6,Topic 1,Were going on a spring field trip.,Section D,三江中学,Listen to Miss Wang s speech aboutthe spring field trip to Mount Tai and fill in the blanks.,Time,Place,Activity,6:44 p.m. March 13th,9:30 p.m. March 13th,1:30 a.m. March 14th,3:30a.m. March 14th,_ March 14th,Taishan Railway Station,the foot of Mount Tai,Zhongtian Gate,Wanghai Stone,_ _,We will arrive at Mount Tai and have a rest in the hotel.,After I count the students, well_ _and begin to climb Mount Tai.,We plan to have a rest a

      2、nd _ _.,Well rent coats and enjoy the night in the open air.,Well _ _ _.,eat,something,Nantian,Gate,4:30 a.m.,see,the,sunrise,tickets,buy,Look at the table and answer thefollowing questions.,How many spots did they visit? What are they?,Where did Miss Wang count the students?,What did they do at Wanghai Stone?,They visited three spots like Zhongtian Gate, Nantian Gate and Wanghai Stone.,At the foot of Mount Tai.,They saw the sunrise there.,Lets retell the spring field trip to Mount Tai according

      3、 to the table.,Pair work,Tell your partner about your spring field trip. You can begin like this:,Last week, I went to Red Mountain with myfamily. I climbed,all kinds of postcards,Do you often send postcards to your friends?,When do you usually send postcards to your friends?,on their birthday.,at Christmas.,on New Years Day.,I will send postcards to my friends,When I am travelling. ,Darren King16 Greentree GardensSan Francisco, CA94132 United States,Wednesday, March 17th,Dear Darren,_,Yours, Mi

      4、chael,We had a wonderful time on Mount Tai last week. The weather there was nice. As soon as we arrived there, we began to climb Mount Tai. It took us almost the whole night to get to Wanghai Stone.We saw the sunrise and the sea of clouds on Mount Tai and then visited Dai Temple in the daytime. In the evening, we had a big dinner in a local restaurant. That was an exciting experience. I hope you can come to China. Then we can visit some places of interesttogether.,Read the postcard and fill in t

      5、he table.,Time,Place,Activity,last week,on Mount Tai,saw the sunrise,visited Dai Temple,had a big dinner,Recollect the information about the spring field trip to Mount Tai and fill in the table.,Time,place,people,Activity,Beforetravelling,During travelling,After travelling,Written work,Write a passage about the spring field tripto Mount Tai according to the table.,Project,Survey your classmates about where they would like to travel and work out the total cost.,Place,Name,Total cost,Homework,Choo

      6、se one of the most popular places for you to travel, and write down your travel route and schedule. You can begin like this:,We are going to visit Mount Huang in three days,Summary,I know how to write a postcard.,I know how to use Infinitives correctly.,I master some useful expressions.,Infinitives,I have some exciting news to tell you!,But it will take us a few days to get there by bikes.,Helen, your task is to find out the cost by bus.,I want to make a room reservation.,Miss Wang told us not to ask our parents for the money.,Why dont we put on a show to raise money.,Kangkang helped us to book the train tickets.,Useful expressions,the foot of in the open air see the sunrise have a rest have a wonderful time,as soon as begin to do sth. the whole night the sea of clouds in the daytime places of interest,See you !,

      《重庆市綦江区三江中学八年级下英语仁爱版《unit 6 enjoying cycl》t1sd 课件》由会员bin****86分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《重庆市綦江区三江中学八年级下英语仁爱版《unit 6 enjoying cycl》t1sd 课件》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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