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    • 1、2015 福建漳州市高考英语课外选练(5)及答案【2015 届云南省玉溪一中高三上学期第一次月考(201409) 】第二节:(共 10 小题;每题 1.5 分,共 15 分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于 3 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Babara: You look _61_(tire). Whats the matter with you?Bob: Nothing serious. I want to have a job after graduation. I am under great pressure.Babara: Do you find that _62_is difficult to find a suitable job this year?Bob: Yes. Now college graduates _63_(encourage) to start their own business, which sounds really good for us. At the same time, we can get some valuable so

      2、cial_64_and we may also know more about ourselves and society.Babara: Yes, but it is not as easy _65_you imagine. For college students there are a lot of problems, especially the one of not having enough money. And our education doesnt provide enough knowledge on how to solve it.Bob: Maybe you are right. But our government allows college graduates to borrow money from banks _66_maybe some can get money from their parents.Babara: But you have to pay back the money sooner or _67_. So some college

      3、graduates prefer to live a _68_(peace) life rather than start their own businesses through job-hunting which is competitive.Bob: Oh, they dont have dreams. But I have made _69_my mind to achieve my dream.How about you?Babara: Well, it always takes time to consider before _70_(make) a decision. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 【答案答案】 【知识点知识点】语法填空(二)【思路点拨】语法填空,必须读懂全文,根据上下文灵活应用语法知识,同时要注意名词单复数,动词人称,形容词和副词的变化。【答案解析】61. tired 主语是 you,故应用 tired,感到疲劳的。62.it. 根据固定句型:It is difficult to do sth 做某事困难

      4、,故填 it。63.are being encouraged. 根据题中的 now 判断应用进行时,句子的主语为 encourage 的动作承受者,故用现在进行时的被动语态。64.experience. experience“经验” ,为不可数名词。65.as. 根据前文的 as 判断是同级比较,故填 as。66.and. 空前后是两个平行的并列句,故应用 and。67.later. sooner or later 固定短语“迟早” 。68.peaceful. live a peaceful life 过和平生活,形容词形式作定语。69.up. make up ones mind 下定决心,故填 up。70.making before 与现在分词连用做时间状语,句子的主语为 make 的逻辑主语,故填making。【上海市黄浦区上海市黄浦区 2014 模拟模拟】短文语法填空短文语法填空A Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and g

      5、rammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.Since my retirement from teaching music in 2001, I have spent a good deal of time 25. _ (paint) as an artist. I actually began drawing in the summer of 1995 when my father died, so perhaps I was trying to recover 26. _ the loss of my father, or maybe it was just paintings 27. _ brought back memories of him. In any case, I

      6、drew pen and ink animals and landscapes much influenced by Krenkel and St. John for five years. For some strange reason, I had been waiting until my retirement to start doing watercolors again, but 28. _ _ _ I walked out of the school door for the last time, I picked up my brushes and rediscovered Andrew Wyeth, who quickly became my favorite artist. I had looked through all the art books I had on my shelves and found his watercolors to be 29. _ (close) to how I thought good watercolors should lo

      7、ok. So I painted landscapes around Minnesota for three years and tried out many other types of painting. However, watercolors remained my first choice, and I think I did my best work there, 30. _ (display) my paintings at a number of art shows. It is wonderful to have some time doing 31. _ I want to do. As Confucius once said, “At seventy I can follow my hearts desire.” 【参考答案参考答案】25. painting26. from27. that28. as soon as29. the closest 30. displaying31. what / something / everything【山东省日照市山东省日照

      8、市 20142014 高考英语一模试卷高考英语一模试卷】完形填空 B)(共 20 小题;每小题 15 分,满分 30 分)When I was 10 vears old,my mother passed away because of illnessI had to move to the usa to live with my fatherThere I met my 21 for the first time and from the beginning she made sure that I was safe and welcomeOver the past several years she 22 everything I neededI am happy today because I have a 23 stepmotherYesterdav I went to see her for Mothers DayWhen 24 her my gift,she held my face in both of her hands and 25 meeven though I ha

      9、d the flu!Her simple act of affection 26 me back to my very first night in AmericaAfter I was 27 from the airport,we went home and she unpacked my 28 Then she took me shopping for new clothes 29 the ones I had brought with me from Africa were a bit wornThat night before I went to bed,she came to my roomShe told me she was 30 to have me and that she would take good care of meBecause I was 31 shown affection as a child,I did not Know how to 32 what she said so I just stared at herBefore she walked out of my new room,she asked me for a 33 But I had no idea what she was talking about because I had never heard the 34 before 35 she didnt give upShe told my father that she 36 me to give her a hug and asked him t


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