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    • 1、云南省2024届九年级下学期中考第二次模拟英语试卷学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1Youd better wear masks and keep _ away from getting the flu.A. yourselfB. yourC. myselfD. us2_ doing exercise and eating healthily, we can always stay in good health.A. WithB. ByC. ToD. At3I dont care what Lucy thinks. Well, you _. Her suggestions are of some value.A. wouldB. mightC. shouldD. could4I wont go to the movies this evening _ Im free.A. orB. unlessC. becauseD. than5The sports meeting has been _ till next week because of the bad weather.A.

      2、 put onB. put outC. put offD. put up6Nowadays, there are more high-speed railways (高铁) in Yunnan. Great! Theyll really make peoples travel _ much.A. easyB. easierC. easiestD. easily7I dont know if Tom _. If he _, I will tell you.A. will come; will comeB. comes, will comeC. comes; comesD. will come; comes8My grandparents used to _ in the countryside, but now they are used to _ in the city.A. living; livingB. live; livingC. live; liveD. living; live9Which book do you want, Betty? You have to make

      3、a _.A. choiceB. surveyC. wishD. call10The teacher asked the boys _.A. how many trees they have plantedB. when was Edison bornC. if they were interested in that movieD. what they will do with the problem二、完形填空Some people may think that young people are too young to know what they want. But people like Lu Kaigang prove them all 1 .Lu grew up in a small village in Nanning, Guangxi. Now he walks on some of the largest catwalks (T台) in the world. Lu found his 2 when he was a child. “When I was ten, I

      4、 saw a fashion show on TV and I thought it was 3 to walk on the catwalk,” Lu said. “Ive wanted to be a supermodel ever since.”Lu didnt have much money and never received professional training. However, these 4 didnt stop him from running after what he wanted. Lu collected pieces of cloth from the factory where he worked, and then made them 5 clothes. In 2018, he started making videos of himself wearing his handmade clothes and posted them online. Lu has what money cant buy: strong will (意志) and

      5、confidence. “The early videos I posted didnt get many likes,” Lu said. “But I 6 what I was doing would be recognized (认可) by the world someday.”Lu 7 his job at the factory and returned to his hometown to learn how to be a supermodel. He also 8 posting videos online during the period. Lus hard work 9 paid off and he became an online star. We can be sure that Lu wouldnt have been where hes today 10 he hadnt followed his heart at a young age.11A. crazyB. honestC. wrongD. serious12A. interestB. valu

      6、eC. abilityD. courage13A. hardB. coolC. strangeD. necessary14A. resultsB. reviewsC. differencesD. difficulties15A. ofB. withC. intoD. from16A. decidedB. agreedC. believedD. doubted17A. looked atB. gave upC. waited forD. worried about18A. suggestedB. keptC. practicedD. avoided19A. finallyB. suddenlyC. probablyD. usually20A. ifB. untilC. thoughD. because三、阅读理解Folk music is a kind of popular music. It comes from the people of any country. Folk singers sing songs from centuries ago, and they also wr

      7、ite songs. They want to express their feelings about new things in the world today. The word “folk” means “people”. Folk songs tell stories about people. For example, the songs tell about their jobs and work, their friends and their life. They also express ideas such as love and war. The words in the songs are an important part of the music. In the United States and Europe, folk music became very popular during the 1960s. Fans listened to folk singers performing at concerts. The singer told stor

      8、ies, sang and played the guitar. Fans listened to the music and often sang along with the performer. Some of the folk singers during this time were the Peter, Paul and Mary, Pete Seeger. Later, people began to play this kind of music themselves at schools, at parties (盒式录音带) recorded by new folk performers. They can listen to folk music on the radio.21Folk music came from the United States.22The words are not important in folk music.23A popular folk singer in the 1960s was Pete Seeger.24Fans cou

      9、ld sing along with a performer.25Today, people play folk music themselves and dont buy the singers disks any more.Good manners mean politeness. Politeness can be seen in our daily lives, such as in ones way of dressing, speaking and standing. Everyone should pay enough attention to his manners all the time. A man with good manners is welcomed everywhere and can make friends easily. On the other hand, a man with bad manners is thought to be rude and nobody wants to be friends with him. He would feel lonely and unhappy.If you want to be a person with good manners, you w


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