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    • 1、湖南省邵阳市2024届高三下学期第三次联考英语试卷学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解 Are you ready to get down to a thrilling journey through the pages of captivating stories and profound knowledge? Join us for an unforgettable reading event that promises to ignite your passion for literature and broaden your horizons! Celebrating the Richness of American Literature Immerse yourself in a treasure of literary masterpieces that showcase the cultural richness and diversity of American voices. From timeless classics to contemporary gem

      2、s, theres something for everyone to discover and enjoy. Book Highlights: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee: Delve into the timeless tale of justice, morality, and compassion set against the backdrop of the American South. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald: Experience the glitz, glamour, and disillusionment of the Jazz Age through the eyes of the enigmatic Jay Gatsby. Beloved by Toni Morrison: Journey into the haunting world of slaverys legacy and the enduring power of love and memory. Me

      3、et the Authors: Signed Copies and Book Giveaways! Dont miss the opportunity to meet renowned authors and get your books personally signed! Plus, stand a chance to win exclusive giveaways and limited edition merchandise. Event Details: Date: Saturday, March 23rd Time: 10:00 AM-5:00 PM Location: Central Public Library, 123 Main Street, Anytown, USA Who Should Attend? This event is perfect for crazy readers, literature enthusiasts, and anyone eager to explore the diverse landscape of American liter

      4、ature. Whether youre a high school student preparing for college or a seasoned bookworm, theres something here for you! Registration and More Information: Visit our website at to register for this exciting event and learn more about the featured authors and book selections. Why It Matters: By celebrating the rich tapestry of American literature, we not only honor the voices of the past but also inspire future generations to embrace diversity, empathy, and the power of storytelling.1Which book is

      5、 NOT mentioned as an emphasis of the event?A. To Kill a Mockingbird.B. The Great Gatsby.C. Moby-Dick.D. Beloved.2What can attendees do at the event?A. Sign their own names on books.B. See and greet famous authors.C. Participate in a reading competition.D. Watch a movie screening.3Where is the text most probably taken from?A. A food magazine.B. An astronauts journal.C. A sci-fi handbook.D. A reading website. When Lucy was ten, she went to the theatre to see a play The House at Pooh Corner with he

      6、r parents. Immediately, Lucy fell in love. But although she took part in school and college plays, she never thought it could lead to a career. Instead, she studied business at university, working for the Land Register of Scotland until she retired in 2012. Her newly free time reignited (重新,点燃) a decades-old spark. “I still wanted to do something with my brain so I went back to university to study theatre and performance,” says Lucy. That year, she took part in a folk drama workshop and discover

      7、ed mumming, an ancient masked form, in which male actors travel through villages, performing simple plays, often in exchange for food or shelter. “Its a simpler story than conventional plays. It has one central conflict rather than slow character development. Its rooted in history and involves more improvisation (即席创作) because the play is always tailored to a local audience,” says Lucy. Interest grew and Lucy set up her groupthe Meadows Mummersas a charity, to attract wider support and donations

      8、. Its first performance was in 2015, at the Meadows festival in Edinburgh. Things snowballed from there. As well as touring central Scotland, the group went to the International Mumming Symposium and Unconvention in Gloucestershire in 2016, and learned more about the history of folk drama. More recently, life circumstances have made performing difficult. “Ive had health problems.” She says that, at times, she has considered giving up, but gets too much joy from doing it to stop. “Weve just done

      9、one performance this year but Im really excited that were getting ready for more festivals next year.” The drive to keep going is inspired by an experience more than 30 years ago. “I was in a national park in Yugoslavia when I saw a woman staring attentively at this green river,” she says. “She told me she was going blind and wanted the river to be the last beautiful thing she ever saw.” Whenever doubt creeps in (不知不觉产生), Lucy recalls that encounter and feels forced to continue grasping life with both hands. “Just because youve reached 60, it doesnt mean the drawbridge has been pulled up,” says Lucy.4Why did Lucy study theatre and performance after retirement?A. To further her study.B. To please her parents.C. To recollect her interest.D. To find a bett


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