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    • 1、安徽省宣城市、黄山市2024届高三下学期毕业班第二次质量检测英语试卷学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解 Here are four student podcasts(播客) that offer a glimpse into the minds of students and what they say about news concerning climate in their communitiesand what they hope to do about it. Behind the Scenes of the Mosquito Fire In a 10-episode series, a sixth-grade class at the Georgetown School of Innovation in Georgetown, Calif., shares stories from the damaging Mosquito Fire in 2022. This group of eight students asks two firefighters from

      2、the Georgetown Fire Department what its like to fight fires and protect loved ones in their hometown. Fires: Set Ablaze At Chautauqua Elementary, the Vashon fifth-graders talk about the far-reaching and lasting impact of wildfires and wildfire smokeand the direct effects on their lives, like waiting for the school bus on a smoky day. The students also interview experts and share their research on wildfire precautions(预防措施). Flowing Through Time In this podcast from Peak Academy, a group of eight

      3、 middle schoolers reports on dealing with water shortages in Bozeman, Montana. They trace the history of their growing hometowns water supply, which has been dependent on mountain snowmelt. As that source becomes less reliable in a warming world, the students turn to the grown-ups to ask what they can do to conserve water. Washed Away The deadly flooding in eastern Kentucky last year forever changed the lives of high schoolers Ryley Bowman, Carolina Johnson and Hunter Noble. The three classmates

      4、 at Morgan County High School in West Liberty, Ky., share firsthand accounts of their own and their familys experiences during the floods.1Who shows interest in firefighters stories?A. Peak Academy students. B. Chautauqua Elementary students.C. Morgan County High School students.D. Georgetown School of Innovation students.2Which podcast shows concern for water conservation?A. Washed Away.B. Fires: Set Ablaze.C. Flowing Through Time.D. Behind the Scenes of the Mosquito Fire.3What do Fires: Set Ab

      5、laze and Washed Away have in common?A. They consult experts research results.B. They explore the causes of climate change.C. They share students personal experiences.D. They discuss precautions for natural disasters. Now my dad is one of those people who never seem to have much trouble figuring out how to make money. Sure, Mom and Dad had some trouble keeping it for a little while during the bankruptcy (破产)years, but bringing home a good income was never really a problem. Thats because my parent

      6、s have never been confused about where money comes from. Its something my dad has told me pretty much every day: Money comes from work. Our culture has made many wonderful advances to ensure the safety and well-being of children. But we may have taken this too far. Many parents today are so centered on what their children want that they have lost perspective on what their children really need. Perspectivelooking at life over timedemands that you teach children to work. Teaching a child to work i

      7、s not child abuse. We teach them to work not for our benefit, but because it gives them both dignity in a job well done today and the tools and character to win in the future as adults. You should view teaching your children to work in the same way you view teaching them to bathe and brush their teethas a necessary skill for life. If your child graduates from high school and his only skill set consists of playing video games, complaining and eating junk food, then you have set him up to fail. An

      8、other huge benefit of teaching a child the wonder of work is that she will tend to stay away from people who refuse to work. Why is this good? Because you want your daughter to marry Mr. Right, not Mr. Lazy. So train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not go away from it.4Which of the following can best describe the authors dad?A. Generous. B. Hardworking.C. Considerate. D. Confident.5According to paragraph 2, what are parents today supposed to do?A. To instruct chil

      9、dren to work. B. To focus on childrens needs.C. To ensure childrens well-being. D. To maintain the dignity of children.6Whats the benefit children can get from work?A. Getting rid of bad habits. B. Helping support the family.C. Learning to use money wisely. D. Keeping away from lazy people.7Which column does the text possibly come from?A. Career planning.B. Parental education.C. Financial management. D. Parent-child relationship. July was the hottest month on record globally. High temperatures and serious wildfires have swept across the Northern Hemisphere. Oceanic heat waves are damaging the worlds third-largest coral reef off Florida. And as the levels of greenhouse gases continue to increase, it means many even hotter summers lie ahead. Last week, the United Nations Secretary-G


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