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    • 1、02级八年制麻醉题型:单选1.Before anesthesia, the adult patients planning for elective operation should haveA.Fasting for 8 hours and no drinking for 4 hours B.Fasting for 8 hours and free drinking C.Fasting for 12 hours and no drinking for 4 hours D.Fasting for 12 hours and free drinking E.Fasting for 24 hours and no drinking for 12 hours 答案:C难度:12.Which one of the following is not included in the content of preoperative preparation before anesthesiaA.Amelioration of the nutritional state of the patient B.

      2、Correction of the physiological disturbances of the patient C.Examination of the pH value of gastric fluid before operationD.Reassurance of the patient to relieve worryE.Fasting for 12 hours and no-drinking for 4 hours before operation答案:C难度:13. 麻醉前用药采用杜冷丁+异丙嗪,哪一项是错误的A.提高痛阈B.减少全麻药用量C.解除病人焦虑稳定情绪D.抗惊厥E.使病人合作答案:D难度:14.Which one of the following is absolute contraindication of spinal anesthesiaA.Shock B.Anemia C.Fever (body temperature 39 C)D.Allergic history to procaineE.History of heart failure答案:

      3、A难度:15.男性,30岁患者,因右侧半月板损伤拟行半月板切除术,术中应用止血带,该患者平时体健,无腰麻禁忌症,拟选择重比重腰麻答案:无题型:组合难度:1开设子试题:1.穿刺时病人应采取何体位A.头高位B.头低位C.仰卧位D.右侧卧位E.俯卧位答案:D难度:12.穿刺最佳间隙为A.L1-2B.L2-3C.L3-4D.L4-5E.L5-S1答案:C难度:13.药物注入5分钟后,发现阻滞平面L3,应如何处理?A.改变穿刺间隙B.加快注药速度C.转动手术台至头低仰卧位D.让病人右侧卧位E.降低双下肢 答案:C难度:14.麻醉后30分钟,血压降低至70/50mmHg,应首先如何处理?A.让病人取头高位B.快速输液,扩充血容量C.静注适量镇静药D.以面罩吸氧E.测定麻醉平面答案:B难度:1结束子试题:6.Which one of the following is not related to the toxic response of local anesthetics during regional infiltrationA.Excessive doseB.Rapid injection C

      4、.Inadvertent intravascular injection D.Weak constitution of the patient E.Rapid absorption in the region rich in blood vessels 答案:B难度:17.Which one of the following measures can not prevent the toxic response of local anestheticsA.Decrease the total dose B.Aspirate the syringe to confirm there is no blood before injectionC.Aspirate the syringe frequently during injectionD.Add appropriate doses of vasoconstrictor in the solution of local anestheticsE.Administer pethidine 50mg before anesthesia答案:E

      5、难度:18.局麻药的理化性质对麻醉性能有何影响答案:无题型:组合难度:1开始子试题:1.解离常数主要影响A.作用持续时间B.药物毒性强弱C.麻醉效能D.代谢速度 E.起效时间答案:E难度:12.脂溶性主要影响A.作用持续时间B.药物毒性强弱C.麻醉效能D.代谢速度E.起效时间答案:C难度:13.蛋白结合主要影响A.作用持续时间B.药物毒性强弱C.麻醉效能D.代谢速度E.起效时间答案:A难度:1结束子试题:题型:填空A.局部浸润麻醉B.臂丛神经阻滞C.蛛网膜下腔阻滞D.硬膜外阻滞E.全身麻醉1.阻滞范围与麻醉剂量,病人体位及注药速度有关的麻醉是(_)2.阻滞范围与容积,穿刺部位,有关的麻醉是(_)3.能提供最广泛手术范围的麻醉是(_)答案:C|D|E难度:1A.隔神经麻痹B.局部血肿C.气胸D.全脊麻E.心动过缓1.硬膜外阻滞时,最严重并发症(_)2.颈丛阻滞时,最容易引起的并发症(_)3锁骨上路臂丛阻滞时易引起的并发症(_)答案:D|A|C难度:111.Which one of the following is related to the anesthetic potency of

      6、inhalational anestheticsA.Lipid/gas partition coefficient (lipid solubility)B.Molecular weight C.Boiling point D.Alveolar concentrationE.Duration of anesthesia答案:A难度:112.Which one of the following is related to the controllability of inhalational anestheticsA.Molecular weight B.Blood/gas partition coefficientC.Potency of anestheticsD.Boiling point E.Alveolar concentration答案:B难度:113. Which one of the following is incorrect for nitrous oxideA.Non-flammable, non-explosible B.Potent anesthetic C.Les

      7、s toxic effects D.No depressive effect on respiration E.Few depressive effect on circulation 答案:B难度:114. Which one of the following inhalational anesthetics can not be used simultaneously with epinephrineA.Halothane B.Nitrous oxide C.Enflurane D.Isoflurane E.Ether 答案:A难度:115.The mechanism of the effect of succinylcholine isA.Decreased release of acetylcholineB.Sustained depolarization of end-plate C.Inhibition of cholinesterase D.Inability of depolarization of end-plateE.Dual block 答案:B难度:116. 维

      8、库溴铵的作用机制A.乙酰胆碱不能释放B.运动神经终板持续去极化C.胆碱脂酶抑制D.运动神经终板不能去极化E.降低肌电偶联剂-钙浓度答案:C难度:117. Which one of the following is the main side effect of ketamineA.HypotensionB.Inhibition of myocardial contractilityC.Hallucination, nightmareD.Depression of the sympathetic nervous systemE.Upper airway obstruction 答案:C难度:118. 全麻诱导时病人如果发身发生舌下坠此时最好的处理方法是A.吸氧B.加压给氧C.扶助呼吸D.托下颌E.机械呼吸答案:D难度:119.外伤性肝脾破裂、内出血、休克患者在受伤前半小时曾吃粥一碗,馒头四两,须全麻下手术,除及时补充血容量外,针对“饱胃”宜A.置胃管抽吸,抽空胃内容B.考虑作清醒气管内插管C.立即做气管切开D.用药物的物理性刺激使病人呕出胃内容物E.等待至胃排空再予麻醉答案:B难度:120.关于硫喷妥钠以下哪种说法是错误的A.抑制喉反射,有利气管插管B.抑制呼吸C.降低脑耗氧量D.抗惊厥作用E.可用于短小手术的麻醉 答案:A难度:1题型:填空A.麻醉过浅B.麻醉过深C.呼吸道梗阻D.电解质紊乱E.未吸入纯氧1.全麻时低血压的可能原因(_)2.全麻时血压升高,心率增快的可能原因(_)3.气道压力突然升高的可能原因(_)答案:B|A|C难度:1A.硫贲妥钠B.氯胺酮C.氟烷D.N2O E.异氟醚1.高血压病人不宜应用(_)2.颅内高压病人不宜应用(_)3.可能诱发幻觉的药物是(_)答案:B|B|B难度:123.Which one of the following drugs is the treatment of choice during cardiopulmonary resuscitationA.Isop


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