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    • 1、精品文档精选万圣节起源英语作文带翻译300词-WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改-下面是小编收集整理的范本,欢迎您借鉴参考阅读和下载,侵删。您的努力 学习是为了更美好的未来!万圣节起源英语作文300词Thousands of years ago, the Celts held a festival for the lord of death.几千年前,古凯尔特人为祭祀死神而欢庆。Many monks believed the lord of death rule the world in winter教徒们相信冬天时死神便会统治世界。They believed when the lord of death came, manyevil spirits camewith him too他们相信死神来临时,也招来了各种妖魔鬼怪。There are different kinds of evil spirits such as goblins, ghosts,witches, and vampires这些神灵中有小精灵,鬼神,巫婆,和吸血鬼。The Celts did not like evil

      2、 spirits. They madebig fires to drive the evil spirits away.古凯尔特人不喜欢这些神灵们。因此他们放火赶走神灵。It was thought that witches had magic power.女巫被认为拥有魔力。It was also believed that witches like to play tricks on people.她们还爱捉弄人类。Many children like to play trick on people too.孩子们也喜欢捉弄人。Today children in America have a lot of fun dressing on costumes and going on trick or treating.今天在美国,许多孩子们都穿上道具,挨家挨户的要糖吃。People celebrate Halloween on October 31. NowHalloween is a holiday especially fun for children.人们如今在10月31日这一

      3、天庆祝万圣节。同时这一天也是孩子们的节日。万圣节起源英语作文300词二Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31. By tradition, Halloween begins after sunset. Long ago, people believed that witches gathered together and ghosts roamed the world on Halloween. Today, most people no longer believe in ghosts and witches. But these supernatural beings are still a part of Halloween.万圣节前夜是在10月31日庆祝的一个节日,根据传统,万圣节前夜的庆祝 活动从太阳落山开始。在很久以前,人们相信在万圣节前夜女巫会聚集在一起, 鬼魂在四处游荡。现在,大多数人们不再相信有鬼魂和女巫的存在了,但是他们仍然把这些作为万圣节前夜的一部分。The colors black and orange a

      4、re also a part of Halloween. Black is a symbol for night and orange is the color of pumpkins. A jack- o -lantern is a hollowed-out pumpkin with a face carved on one side. Candles are usually placed inside, giving the face a spooky glow.黑色和橙色仍然是万圣节前夜的一部分,黑色是夜晚的象征,而橙色代表着 南瓜。南瓜灯是用雕刻成脸型,中间挖空,再插上蜡烛的南瓜做成的,带来一个 毛骨悚然的灼热面孔。万圣节起源英语作文300词三The festival of All Siants dates to May 13 in 609 or 610, when Pope Boniface IVconsecrated the Pantheon at Rome.公元609或610年,教皇卜尼法斯四世为罗马万神殿祝圣,并将 5月13日 定为“众圣人节”。This date wa

      5、s an ancient pagan observation, the end of the Feast of the Lemures, in which the evil and restless spirits of all the dead were appeased.这一节期原本是古老的异教节日-勒姆瑞斯(夜游魂)节的末尾,在这一节 日期间人们试图安抚那些邪恶且永不安宁的亡魂。8th Century8世纪Pope Gregory III designated November 1st All Saints Day, a time to honor saints and martyrs.教皇格列高利三世将每年11月1日定为“众圣人节”,以此纪念圣人和殉 道者。万圣节起源英语作文300词四Gaels believed that the border between this world and the otherworld becamethin on Sambain; because animals and plants were dying, it allowed the dea

      6、d to reach back through the veil that separated them from the living.盖尔人相信,在死神节,现世与冥界的边界会逐渐消失。动物和植物纷纷死 去,而死者将穿过把他们同生者隔开的幕布重回世间。Bonfires played a major role in the Festival of Samhain. Celebrants wore costumes, mostly skins and animal heads, and danced around bonfires.篝火对于死神节来说是必不可少的。参加庆典的人们穿上动物的皮毛和头颅 做成的服装,围着篝火舞蹈。By A.D. 43, Romanshad conquered much of Celtic territory. Two Roman festivals were combined with the Celtic celebration of Samhain: Feralia, a day in late October when Romans commemorat

      7、ed the passing of the dead, and a day to honor Pomona, Roman goddess of fruit and trees.公元43年,罗马人占领了凯尔特人的大部分领土,并将两个罗马节日与死 神节的传统结合起来:一个是纪念死者的Feralia节(十月末的一天),另一个是 纪念罗马的果树女神Pomonafl勺节日。万圣节起源英语作文300词五Halloween, or Halloween, a holiday celebrated on the night of October 31, is a mix of ancient Celtic practices, Catholic and Roman religious rituals and European folk traditions that blended together over time to create the holiday we know today.万圣节前夜(每年10月31日),在其形成过程中逐渐融合了凯尔特习俗、天主教仪式和欧洲民间传统,最终形成了我们今天所

      8、见的这样一个节日。Halloween is on October 31st, the last day of the Celtic calendar.It was originallya paganholiday, honoring the dead. Halloween was referred to as All Hallows Eve and dates back to over 2000 years ago.10月31日是万圣节,这也是凯尔特历的最后一天。万圣节起初是一个异教 徒的节日,纪念死去的人。万圣节源于圣徒日前夜,始于2000多年前。All Hallows Eve is the evening before All Saints Day, which was created by Christians to convertpagans, and is celebrated on November 1st. The Catholic church honored saints on this designated day.圣徒日前夜是圣徒日的前一天晚上,圣徒日在11月1日,是基督徒开创的节日,用来劝说异教徒皈依基督,天主教堂在这一大纪念圣徒们。 #


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