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安卓APP | ios版本


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  • 文档编号:456660498
  • 上传时间:2023-11-30
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    • 1、A New Contact less Fault Diagnosis Approach for Pantograph-Catenary SystemRailway transport is one of the most important mass transportation media in the worldwide.With the development of trains speed, safety and comfort levels of railways is getting more importance day by day. Besides high level of security requirement, detection of anomaly for rail and road shall be early identified for decreasing operation and maintenance expenditures. The pantograph-catenary system has an important role for

      2、collecting the current in electrical railways. The problem occurred in this system will affect the current collection performance of electrified trains. In this paper, a new image processing based technique is proposed to detect the arcing faults occurred between catenary and pantograph contact. The proposed method takes one frame from the digital camera and then the edge detection algorithm extracts the edges of pantograph. The arcing between contact wire and pantograph is detected by examining

      3、 the position of contact wire of pantographs edge. INTRODUCTIONWith the development of the high-speed electrified trains, the demands for safety of railway transport come into more important. A pantograph is the most utilized component for transmission electric power from overhead wire to locomotive. To ensure the power without any problem, pantographs should maintain good contact under different train speeds. In recent times, the speeds of electrified trains have reached rather high levels. Und

      4、er these speeds, maintain good contact is challenging problem. Via railroad maintenance planning based on early rail and road anomaly detection technologies, derailment accidents are prevented. Pantograph and overhead line are two fundamental components for the collection of current signals in electrified trains. The wear between pantograph and overhead wire will result with catastrophic faults. The pantograph arcing faults occurs because of below reasons.In railway systems, the pantograph is ma

      5、nually inspected to detect damages. In this inspection, locomotive should be taken to a service. This method is undesirable because of loss of service time and cost . Pantograph arcing is one of the most seen fault in electrified railway systems. This arcing generally occurs at higher speed, increasing load, and in cold weather condition. In most case, there is a sliding contact between pantograph and catenary system. A pantograph laterally draws a zigzag on overhead line. However, overhead line

      6、 applies more contact to some location of pantograph because of a faulty condition. In normal condition, there is a moisture layer between the contact surface and pantograph. In winter season, this moisture layer is frozen and it is more difficult the sliding between two components. Mechanical sensor based contact type rail and road measurement and inspection techniques has been used in the railway industry. The contact force between pantograph and catenary system was monitored by using a fiber

      7、strain sensors . Static and dynamic strains were detected by developed system. With the latest technological developments, contact less measurement techniques are now being used in railway measurement systems. Pantograph and overhead wire system was analyzed by using infrared camera. This analysis was used to detect overheating pantograph strip, bursts of arcing, and irregular positioning of contact line. For an efficient wear measurement of contact wire, a new multi-camera based optical inspect

      8、ion system was proposed. Different cameras were mounted at different positions of the roof of the vehicle and overhead contact was visually inspected from different angles. Abrasion on pantograph slide was detected by using edge detection algorithm. Discrete wavelet and Hough transform based method was applied to image of pantograph slide and abrasion related features were extracted. The five kinds of edge detection algorithms were evaluated for the examination of the pantograph slipper images.

      9、The results show that Canny edge detection algorithm gives better results than other algorithms. The contact performance between pantograph and overhead line affects the current collecting performance. An image processing based method was proposed to monitor the contact performance. In recent years, there is more relevance about using contact less condition monitoring of railway systems. However, the developed system is suitable for laboratory applications. In this paper, a new method is proposed to monitor the contact between pantograph and catenary system. The proposed method takes one frame from a video in each step and then the Canny edge detection algorithm extracts edges from image frame. The position of overhead wire is determined in the edge image. This position is used to detect the contact force between pantograph and overhead wire. The obtained signal from position of contact wire is analyzed by two statistical parameters and anomaly in the position is detec


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