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专题11 阅读选择-2023-2024学年译林版四年级上册英语期末复习常考易错题型分类汇编

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    • 1、四年级上册英语期末复习常考易错题型分类汇编专题11阅读选择姓名:_ 班级:_ 学号:_一、阅读选择A)阅读短文,选择正确答案。My name is PeterIm sixteen years oldToday is my birthdayI have many giftsLookYou can see three big brown toy bearsThey are on the tableTheyre from my motherI like themEleven toy ducks are under the bedThey are from my fatherMy brother John gives(给) me four toy carsI put them behind the doorAnd my sister Billy gives me a ballI love them all.1Peter has _ gifts()AsixteenBelevenCnineteen2_ is from Peters brother()AFour toy carsBA ballCEl

      2、even toy ducks3The toy ducks are _()Aon the tableBunder the bedCbehind the door4How many people(人) are there in the text(文章)? ()AthreeBfourCfive5“I have many gifts.”中的gift中文意思是“_”。()A礼物B钱C玩具B)根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。In the shopLook! We can see many fruits: apples, mangoes, grapes, oranges, watermelons and so on (等等)Red apples, green applesThey are niceAnd the yellow apples are big and sweetThe grapes are purpleThey are nice tooLook at the watermelonsThey are so bigWhos the man in the blue shirt? Oh, hes

      3、Mr LiHe is buying (买) fruitHe buys some red apples and mangoesThey are great.6Mr Li is in _()Aa toy shopBa fruit shopCa clothes shop7We can see _ in the shop()Amany fruitsBsome saladsCsome animals8The apples are _()Ared and yellowBgreen and yellowCred, green and yellow9The watermelons are _()Anot bigBso bigCbig and nice10Mr Li is a _ in the shop()AteacherBfarmerCcostumer (顾客)C)根据对话内容,选择正确的答案写在括号里。Mike: Look at the parrot in the tree, Jack.Jack: Where? Is it in that apple tree?Mike: YesIt is yell

      4、ow and greenIts very lovelyDo you like parrots?Jack: YesI like animals and they are our good friends.Mike: YesYou are rightI like animals too.Jack: I also like fruitWhat about you, Mike?Mike: Me tooI have three apples hereWould you like an apple?Jack: Yes, please.Mike: Lets sit under that tree and eat apples.Jack: All right.11Where is the parrot? ()AUnder the tree.BIn the tree.CBehind the tree.12Does Jack like parrots? ()AYes, he does.BNo, he doesnt.CYes, he is.13How many apples does Mike have?

      5、()ATwo.BThree.CFour.14What colour is the parrot? ()AYellow and brown.BRed and green.CGreen and yellow.15Where do they eat the apples? ()ABeside the tree.BUnder the tree.CBehind the tree.D)阅读短文,选择正确答案。I have a dressIts old and broken(坏的)Id like a new oneToday is a fine daySo I go to the clothes shop with my motherWe see many nice dresses and skirtsI want to buy a red dressBut it is ninety-nine yuanIt is too expensive(昂贵的)! So I choose(选择) a blue oneIts sixty-eight yuan and it fits(适合) me very wel

      6、lMy mother buys it for meThen we go home by taxi together.16Id like a new _()AskirtBdressCsweater17I go to the clothes shop with my _()AsisterBfatherCmother18The _ dress is too expensive()AredBblueCwhite19The blue dress is _ yuan()A68B99C8620We go home by _()AbikeBbusCtaxiE)阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Sam is a little fishHe lives in the sea(大海)He is very lonely(孤独的)He wants to have a friend who looks like(看起来像) him.Sam sees an ink fishThe ink fish has eight legsHe doesnt look like SamSam goes away(离开).Sam sees

      7、 a shark(鲨鱼)The shark opens his big mouthSam runs away.Then Sam sees a round fishShe says, “Hello! Lets be friends.” Sam says, “SureBut you are roundI am flat(扁平的).” The round fish says, “We are both(两者都)fish.”Sam says, “Nice! Lets be friends!” Theyre good friends now.21Sam lives in the _()AseaBlakeCriver22Who has eight legs? ()AThe shark.BThe ink fish.CThe round fish.23The shark wants to _ Sam()Aplay withBeatCtalk with24Sam is a _ fish()AbigBroundCflat25_ and _ are good friends now()AThe round

      8、fish; the ink fishBThe flat fish; the sharkCSam; the round fishF)阅读对话,选择正确的答案。Helen: What can you do?Mike: I can play football.Liu Tao: Me too.Helen: Great! Lets go and play football.Liu Tao &Mike: Thats a good idea.Liu Tao: Jack has a nice footballBut wheres he?Helen: Hes in the library(They are in the library now.)Mike: Excuse me, JackWheres your football?Jack: Its in the classroom.Mike, Helen &Liu Tao: Shall we play football now?Jack: Sorry, I cantIm busy now.26Liu Tao can play _()AbasketballBtable tennisCfootball27_ has a football()AHelenBJackCMike28Jack is in the _()AlibraryBclassroomCbedroom29_ cant go and play football()AJackBMikeCHelen30Is Jack busy? ()AYes, he is.BNo, he isnt.CWe dont know.G)阅读短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。Tom is ten years old nowHe likes toys and he has(有) some animal toysHe has two toy chickensOne is red and

      《专题11 阅读选择-2023-2024学年译林版四年级上册英语期末复习常考易错题型分类汇编》由会员147037****qq.com分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《专题11 阅读选择-2023-2024学年译林版四年级上册英语期末复习常考易错题型分类汇编》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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