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    • 1、四 符号说明:坐标的空间位置;The space coordinates;:重金属的空间分布浓度; The concentration of heavy metal spatial distribution;:空间某点的属性值;A point of attribute values;:点到点的水平距离; the horizontal distance of Point (x, y) to (Xi, Yi);:反距离加权插值函数的加权幂指数; Weighted exponential inverse distance weighted interpolation function;:反距离加权插值函数中各点浓度的权重; The weight of each point concentration of inverse distance weighted interpolation function;:相关系数矩阵;Correlation matrix.:特征根;Characteristic root;:特征向量;The feature vector;:主成分载荷;Principal co

      2、mponent loadings;:主成分贡献率;Principal component contribution rate;:最优参考序列;The optimal reference sequence;:两级最大差;two Level maximum difference:两级最小差;Two level smallest difference;:关联度;Correlation degree;:综合评价系数;Comprehensive evaluation coefficient;隶属度系数;Membership degree coefficient;: 第个评价因子污染强度最大的超标值(以级准则值为界);the largest pollution exceeding the standards value of the ith evaluation factor intensity ( grade criterion value for the sector);:第个评价因子级准则限值;The ith evaluation factor intensity of P grade cr

      3、iterion limit;:超标因子个数;The number of Exceed the standard factors;:评价因子总数,当时,取; The total number of evaluation factor, when , ;:各区与之间的相对距离;The relative distance between the and ;:各级标准隶属度向量与之间的相对距离。 The relative distance between levels of standard membership vector and .A. 样品采集点的分布与分析 the distribution and analysis of the sample patch我们使用Excel工具对319个取样点按照其所在位置与所属功能区,画出该城区取样点的分布图,同时可以的确定该城区五个功能区的规划情况,以便于(in order to facilitate)我后面进行相关分析。We use the Excel tool for 319 sampling points according to its l

      4、ocation and the functional area, draw the distribution map of the city of sampling points, and can determine the planning of the city five functional areas, the correlation analysis for me.同时使用反距离加权插值法,并用Mathematica软件画出城区海拔等高线(白色线圈160,渐变20,如图2所示)及地势图(图3),规定Y轴正方向为正北,如图所示:At the same time, using the inverse distance weighted interpolation method, and use Mathematica software to draw the city elevation contours (white coil 160, gradient 20, as shown in Figure 2) and relief map (Figure 3), provides

      5、positive direction of Y axis was due north, as shown in figure.:结合图1、图2和图3可以看出该城区的东北部分多为山区,地势较高,海拔在60米至160米之间,中部海拔较低,在20至60米范围内,这里多为生活区及交通区,人类对环境的影响较大,南部海拔最低,大部分为20米以下,地势低洼,这里地区为化工区,工厂聚集,各种重金属在此累积,浓度明显偏高。并且此城区是东北高,西南低的地势,易形成空气对流和雨水冲刷,也对重金属的污染传播产生影响,这也是为什么我们在下面给出的空间分布图可以很明显的看出除Cu外各个重金属元素浓度大都由西南向东北方向逐渐稀释的原因之一。According to figure 1, figure 2 and figure 3,we can see the northeast part of the city is a mountainous area, higher ground, at an elevation of 60 meters to 160 meters, the middle elevation i

      6、s low, at 20 to 60 meters range, here for the living area and the traffic area, the human impact on the environment is larger, the south elevation is the lowest, mostly below 20 meters, low-lying areas, here for chemical industrial zone, factory assembled, various heavy metals accumulated significantly higher, concentration obviously on the high side. And this city is the Northeast high, southwest is low, easy to form the air convection and rain erosion, impact of pollution of heavy metals, whic

      7、h is why we are given in the following spatial distribution map can clearly see that except for one reason Cu different heavy metals concentration is from southwest to northeast direction gradually diluted.B.计算重金属元素的统计特征值及分析B. calculation the value of statistical characteristics and analysis of heavy metal element 我们使用MiniTab15软件对8种重金属元素的统计特征值进行计算得出下表1:We use the MiniTab15 software to calculate the statistical characteristics of 8 heavy metals and obtain the table 1:从表1可以看出,各种重金属的平均含量均比其相应的土壤背景值

      8、含量高,Hg的最大值达299.7ng/g ,比是其相应土壤背景值含量的8.6倍,而且Hg的标准差最大,说明其浓度波动很明显,区域分布不均匀,可能是集中累积在某个污染源位置。而As和Ni平均值稍高于其平均背景值含量,且标准差最小,说明重金属分布较为均匀。该城区已经普遍受到重金属污染。Can be seen from table 1, the average contents of various heavy metals are higher than the corresponding content of the soil background values , a maximum value of Hg up to 299.7 ng/g is 8.6 times that of its corresponding content of the soil background values and a maximum standard deviations of Hg, explain the concentration fluctuation obviously, uneven r

      9、egional distribution, is likely to be concentrated accumulated in a pollution source location. While the As and Ni average slightly higher than the average content of background value, and the minimum standard deviation, distribution of heavy metals is relatively uniform. The city has generally pollution by heavy metal.C.计算二元曲面的空间插值函数Calculate the surface space of binary interpolation function根据已有数据可知,重金属的浓度具有空间相关性,对空间一点,存在一个三元反距离加权插值函数为,因为海拔值对重金属浓度的影响不大,所以在这里先研究二元反距离加权插值函数,三元插值函数将在模型二中给出。According to the existing data, spatial correlation with the concentrations of heavy metals, the point in space (x, y, H), there is a three yuan inverse distance weighted interpolation function Z=f (x, y, H), because the altitude value has little effect on the concentration of heavy metals, so here to study binary inverse distance weighted interpolation function Z=f


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